| 9 | Dinner

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Shuichi POV


Kiibo sat across from Kokichi and I, boasting about being a human. He seemed so excited, it was funny. I'm also glad that he was here right in front of us now, I thought he never existed. I thought he was like something coded into the whole virtual reality thing.

"Kiboy you have a dick now right?" Kokichi asked out of the blue, receiving a glare from the boy.

"I don't know, do you have a dick?" Kiibo asked with an annoyed expression.

"Pft no he has a pussy! He can't even fight, all he did was pull my hair!" Miu laughed.

"I can do more than just pull hair, right Shuichi I slapped your dad!" He cheered, causing most of the attention to go to me.

"Yeah like a bitch slap I'd gonna help your case!" Miu laughed.

"Okay before you guys start fighting again, yes Kokichi has a dick," I sighed.

"Oh and how would you know that~?" She smirked.

"Hold on are we just gonna skip the part where Kokichi said he fricking slapped Shuichi's dad!?" Kaito stepped in.

"I-I'd rather not bring that up..."

"Hey Sherlock! You didn't answer my question! Why would you know that Kokichi has a dick!?"

"W-well because-," I started before Kokichi cut me off.


"Hold on how come you have talked with Kokichi and hung out with him more then me!?" Kaito asked, obviously jealous. People started asking questions really quickly, making me cover my ears. It was pure chaos.

"Because we live together!" Kokichi yelled. Everyone stopped asking questions and looked at him shocked. "Pregame Shuichi and I dated/lived together, and the picture we were talking about was a picture of when we were having sex he found in his phone gallery!" He ranted. Once he noticed what he said, he coved his mouth. "Oops."

There was a heavy silence making me cover my red face with my hands.

"Aha-BWHAHAHAHA!" Miu laughed loudly.

Miu could not stop laughing, even falling to the floor with tears in her eyes. It was a very embarrassing moment, just waiting for Miu to calm her laughter.

After a very long time, Miu finally stopped laughing. She remained laying on the floor, coughing harshly now.

"W-well," Kiibo mumbled.

"Oh Uhm dinner is ready," Rantaro chuckled.

"Oh that's great, come on Shuichi let's help give out the food!" Kaede smiled, cheerfully. I nodded and slowly followed her into the kitchen. "You alright?" She asked.

"Y-yeah, sorry about the commotion..."

"Oh it's fine! Now come on and help me plate this food!"

I helped her plate the dishes for everyone, once we stepped out of the kitchen with everyone's food I saw that everyone had set up a seating area around the couch, and the TV was turned on.

We gave everyone their plates and then I sat down in between Kaito and Kokichi. I started to eat.

"So everyone I wanted to know what you guys would like to watch," Rantaro said. "I do have a recommendation but I don't know if it's too soon..."

"What's your recommendation man?" Kaito asked. I slightly moved farther away from him and closer to Kokichi. Kaito just smelled so strong. It's not a bad smell, not a bad smell at all! It's just he uses so much of it, it kinda gives me a headache...also Kokichi always smells good. He always smells like sweets (and arson).

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