| 17 | Secret Kisses

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Shuichi POV

  Everything is going well.

  Tsumugi agreed to coming to the meet up this week. Everyone was surprised at first, but after a while we all forgave her. And now people are joking around and eating.

  The show still doesn't start for a bit.

"WHAHHHH SHUICHI!! MIU CALLED ME A FENNEC FOX! SHES SO MEAN!!" Kokichi cried, clinging onto my arm.

Kaede, who I was just talking to, gave me a smirk at Kokichi's actions. Causing me to roll my eyes. Yeah, we still haven't told anyone about our relationship.

"Kokichi, what do you want me to do about it?" I asked, pretty annoyed.

"You need to be nice to me and say that I don't look like one," he pouted, the tears already gone.

"Well...I can't exactly lie to you..."

He gasped, "How dare you Shuichi!"

"Wait-I'm sorry that was just a joke!" I apologized.

"Hmph!" He huffed, turning away from me.

"Shuichi how mean of you~," Kaede smirked.

"P-please be quiet," I mumbled to her.

  "I will hold this grudge forever," he pouted. "...actually....unless~," he smirked.

  "Unless what?" I asked.

  "You agree to the challenge I brought up earlier~,"

  Oh no.

  Before we went to the meet up, Kokichi came up with a challenge: who can kiss the other the most without anyone noticing. At first I didn't want to agree, I'm not the biggest fan of PDA, even if it's gonna be in front of friends.

  "What challenge?" Kaede asked.

  "*sigh* fine. If it makes you forgive me," I sighed.

  "Wait hold on-what is this challenge?" Kaede asked again.

  "Trust me, it's nothing," I mumbled.

  "Yay! Okay I forgive you!" He giggled, reaching out for me to shake his hand.

  I blushed, shaking his hand.

  "Hey Kaede, what's going on over here?" Rantaro greeted.

  "These two are agreeing to a mysterious challenge," she explained.

  "Is that so," he smirked. "Sorry if I'm interrupting but Kirumi asked for your help in the kitchen."

  "Oh okay, is it okay if I go Shuichi?"

  "O-of course," I stuttered.

  Kaede smiled and walked with Rantaro to the kitchen.

  Kokichi smirked, looking around. He then quickly jumped up and gave me a peck on the lips.

  "That's one point for me~," he sang.

I felt the blush burning my face as I gave him an annoyed look.

  "I'm sooo gonna win this," he whistled.

  "You'll see..." I mumbled.

  "Actually hey! What's gonna be the prize for who wins?"

  "Uhm, maybe it could be, who ever wins gets to choose where our next date will be?" I suggest.

  "Okay that sounds good! Oh and just so you know, we'll be going to the movies on Friday~," he smirked before walking away.

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