| 2 | They're Awake

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(Tw) Oumeno/it's like a friendship relationship tho, smoking
Also this chapter might seem rushed at points, sorry about that.

Here we are. I group of 10 people staring at a door. The killing game had finally ended, it was a terrible trial to watch. But at least everyone had survived...even Tsumugi, but I think she was taken to a separate hospital, because no one knows how we'll act towards her. But anyway, I was sitting in a wheelchair, and Miu was the one that was pushing me. Yep, that was an interesting ride. I want this to end quickly, it most likely that none of the survivors would want to see my face.

"Well, here goes nothing guys," Kaito mumbled, moving a hand up to knock on the door.

Knock, knock, knock

They were soft knocks, something I wouldn't expect Kaito to be able to do. There was a low shuffle coming from the door, then it slowly opened. It revealed a short man. "Hello you guys must be waiting to see the 'survivors'. Well, they had just woken up, so please be calm and quietly..." he said.

Kaito went in first, then Kaede, and then Tenko. I knew those three had a mission to see and talk to one of the survivors. The rest of us slowly piled in, I looked down as Miu pushed me into the room.

"K-Kaito!?" I heard Maki shout. I watched as she quickly shot up and embraced Kaito with tears in her eyes.

"Tenko! Angie!" I heard Himiko shout. I looked over at Shuichi, he was already wiping the running tears from his eyes.

  "Your all alive," he whimpered. He seems happy, I guess he hasn't see me yet. "Kaed-," he was cut off by Kaede tightly hugging him. I tore my eyes away from that scene, it's not the thing I want to see right now. I saw that Tenko was showering Himiko with affection and constantly saying sorry.

...That's when our eyes met...

"K-kokichi...?" Himiko asked.

"Uh, yeah?" I asked, why is she singling me out?

She started to grow tears in her eyes again, "..Kokichi..." oh no! Is she going to cry again!? Oh no, I can't have that happen!

I stood up and ran over to Himiko, I never liked it when she cried. But at some points in the game, I had to keep my mask on, and not comfort her. That always hurt. "H-Himiko it's okay! See I'm fine nishishi!" I smiled, even though it was pretty forced. She wrapped her arms around me and cried. I saw that Tenko was staring, with a surprised look on her face.

"You-you were my-my last-and-and yo-you died," she spoke between sniffs and hiccups. I also started to feel small tears build up, but I still couldn't do it in front of everyone, crying makes you look so weak...

I slowly pulled away and gave her a goofy smile. She lightly giggled. I pay her on the head and stood back up...wait my legs. My knees bucked, and I fell back. Oh shit.


Oh I fell on a bed! Thank Glob! I reopened my eyes. "Kokichi are you okay?" Oh no, Atua please no, why, why...why did I have to fall on Shuichi's lap.

I quickly sat up, "uh y-yeah, sorry Shuichi, you see my legs are really weak right now, and I completely forgot about it, and that's why I fell. I'm sorry," I laughed, well it wasn't really a laugh. Can't I just get crushed by a hydraulic press again!? "Miu get me my wheelchair please?"

"No fuck you! I used my thunder thighs to help push you here and it turns out you were able to walk around! Mr. 'I'm so paralyzed, Miu my amazing inventor, will you please use your amazing body to push me to my ex-boyfriend's room so I can be a retard~'!" She yelled. Looks like that small man's words went one ear and out the other to her.

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