| 4 | Our First Day

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  Shuichi POV

  "Shuichi! Shuichi wake uppp!" Kokichi whined.

"I'm up Kokichi!" I groaned.

  "How the hell do you even sleep on this couch? Doesn't it hurt your back?"(yes it does, from a person who was forced to sleep on a couch for 2-3 years I have the right say that it really hurts your back)

  "N-no it's fine..."

  "Honestly I don't think it's fair!"

  "What's not fair?"

  "The fact that you should sleep on the weird couch and I have to sleep in the really comfy and warm bed!" He whined.

  "Why are you whining? Aren't you getting the better end?" I asked.

  "Yes, but ireallycareaboutyouandidontwantyourbacktohurt," he mumbled really quickly.


  "Never mind, if it wasn't important enough for you to hear, it wasn't important enough!" Kokichi declared. "Well let's get ready to go to the store, since you were practically begging for me to come with you!" He sighed dramatically.

  "I never begged you..." I sighed removing my warm covers.

  "Ew Shuichi put on a shirt, no one wants to see your abs!" Kokichi yelled.

  "Ah! S-sorry that's just how I sleep,"

  "Also your boxers are boring, I'll make sure to buy you better underwear when we go shopping."

  "Kokichi we're going grocery shopping, not clothes shopping," I facepalmed.

  "Boop!" Kokichi giggled poking my stomach.

  "H-hey stop!"

  "Then stop stalling!"

  "Fine!" I stood up and walked to the bedroom.

  I went over to my old closet and looked through the clothes. It was mostly an assortment of blacks and grays, thank you past me. I grabbed black jeans, a navy blue shirt, grey jacket, and a pair of black socks. My past self seemed to really like shoes, there were like 15 pairs of them. I tried finding a pair that fit me, the only ones were black converse, and they were still a bit small. Guess my feet grew.

  Maybe Kokichi was right, we might need to go clothes shopping.

  "Hey Shuichi-," Kokichi opened the door.

  "Ah! Kokichi get out!" I turned around, I only had a shirt on...

  "...who the hell puts on a shirt first?!" He laughed.

  "Kokichi. Get. Out."

  "Yeah I'll be going," he smiled, turning away and walking out. "HEY CAN YOU THROW OUT MY PHONE?!" He yelled through the door.

  "Just hold on..." I mumbled mostly to myself. I put on a new pair of underwear and quickly pulled up my black jeans. I grabbed his phone that was on the bedside table and opened the door. "Here."

  "Oh are you salty because I walked in on you~?" He teased. "I promise I didn't see anything~, I just mostly saw that you have a weird way of putting on clothes," he laughed.

  "I don't have a weird way of putting clothes on!" I argued.

  "Really? Then why did you put your shirt on first?"

  "That's how I normally do it!"

  "W E I R D! It's basic common knowledge to start with your underwear!" He giggled.

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