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  Kokichi POV

  I giggled lightly at the photos Gonta sent me. One was a cute little gif of a beetle dancing. And another one was a photo of him and his wife catching bugs, his wife was buried in bugs while Gonta was smiling proudly.

  It was pretty early. I couldn't really sleep since I was so excited. Shuichi and I are going on our first date! I honestly think I died and this is my heaven.

  Somehow he got 50,000,000 times cuter since he became my boyfriend. And it's only been like 4 days.

  I looked up from my phone and saw Milamoo staring at me with her bright yellow eyes. It looked like she just woke up and was wondering what I was laughing at. She's so cute.

  "Hi Mila-girl~," I smiled. "How's my little baby this morning? Is she good? Did she have good dreams? I sure hope so~," I pet her. She loves getting her ears scratched it's so cute.

  I felt a very cold breeze blow through the room. I looked over and saw that our window was open! I'm pretty sure I closed it last night...

Urgh now I have to get up and shut the window. It's sooo cold!

I slowly got up, making sure not to ruin Milamoo's warmth, and walked over to the window. I looked out and saw Shuichi sitting down on the fire escape.

He had his laptop on his lap and looked like he was reading something. Possibly his past self's books?

But damn did he look pretty. The morning sun that was shinning down on him showed off some of his best features. His thin jawline. Shinning soft hair. Long eyelashes. Thin gorgeous eyes. And the small smile woven onto his face.

"Morning bed head," he smiled at me.

"Bed head?" I looked over and saw my reflection off a window. My hair was an absolute nightmare! It looked like I combed it with a firecracker. "You're mean," I pouted after trying to flatten my hair.

"Sorry," he laughed.

"Whatcha reading?"

"Ah nothing much, just some old story my past self wrote. It seemed like it would be relaxing to read while sitting out here. Turns out I was right," he explained. "But uh-d-did I wake you up? I'm so sorry if I did!"

"Nah you didn't, I wasn't able to sleep much last night."

"Is it because you were sleeping in the couch? I-I'll let you sleep on the bed! I-I'll go back to just sleeping on the couch every night,"

"Woah you good?"

"*sigh* I didn't get much sleep last night either.."

  "How come?"

  "..." he looked down blushing. "I-I was a bit nervous about o-our date..."

"Nishishi, so was I," I giggled.

"O-oh! Heheh..." he chuckled, before looking down at his computer again, an obvious blush covering his face.

"Hey Shuichi?"


"Can I kiss you right now?"

"N-now!? Why?"

"Becaue you look so cute!"

  "Uhm t-thank you...and yes y-you can kiss me..,"

I smirked and walked closer to him, sitting down to lean towards his face. Soon placing my lips onto his, pulling away after a few seconds. Yep, still that calming coffee taste. It's the only time I like the taste is coffee, when it's on his lips.

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