| 16 | Encounter

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Kokichi POV

"We are so sorry miss!" Shuichi apologized, bowing.

  "Why are you even playing at a kid's playground! You look 20!"

"Y-yes ma'am I know..."

"And you!" She turned to me. "Don't ever put your hands on my son again!"

"Hey your kid didn't get off the swing when I politely asked him to," I defended.

"K-Kokichi...please don't..." Shuichi mumbled.

"Really? Hey get your little brother straight. Scold him!" She told Shuichi.


"Hey I'm not his little brother! I'm his boyfriend!" I cried. "WHAHHHAHA SHUICHI THE WOMEN IS SO MEAN!!!"

  "K-kokichi please don't cry," he groaned.

  "You two are a pair of mary's.." the women mumbled before walking away.

  "Ha! The women sure was annoying," I laughed.

  "...I don't think we should be here anymore..." he mumbled, referring to the parents and grandparents giving us glares.

  "Then where should we go?"

  "I-I don't know it's up to you, just make sure it's a place where we can legally enter and where people won't start to hate us..."

  "I can understand the first part, but the second part is where I don't have any control over," I giggled.

  "C-come on, I know where we can go..."

  "Ooo where are we going?"

  "...it's a surprise..."

"Shuichi is so mysterious~"

. . .

"Okay we're here..."

I looked over and saw that we were at the grocery store?

  "Shuichi? Why are we at the grocery store?"

"I thought it may be fun," he smiled.

"Yes let's go have fun trying to find the milk with the best expiration date," I rolled my eyes.

"I-I'm sorry do you not like it? I-I'll let you get anything you want..."

My eyes lit up at his last comment. "FUN HERE I COME!" I exclaimed running into the store.

Once I entered, I run towards the candy isle, ignoring all the people I ran into. If Shuichi was letting me to get whatever I wanted, I'm gonna make sure I get all the candy I can!

Once I turned onto the isle I stopped right in my tracks.

"Ugh-K-Kokichi, you have to wait up n-next time...people are already giving u-us glares..." Shuichi sighed, out of breath. He seemed to notice why I stopped because I saw him tense up from the corner of my eye. "...T-Tsumugi...?"

I slowly moved behind Shuichi, lightly tugging at his shirt.

It seemed like she hadn't noticed us yet.

Her hair was cut shorter, and she had large bags under her eyes. Her eyes reminded me of despair. But like a sorrow despair. Like she was broken.

She turned around after picking up the small bag of lollipops, locking eyes with Shuichi.

It felt like forever, just staring at each other.

"...S-Shuichi....?....Kokichi...?" She whispered.

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