| 18 | Cuddles

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Shuichi POV
  (Tw) suggestive content? (Idk if that makes sense)

  Sorry about the late update.

"And that is why I have the thickest ass," Kokichi boasted.

"Okay," I sighed. I don't understand why I let him rant like this. I just want to watch my crime shows but now he just starts talking about stuff like this.

"What kind of reply is that?"

"What? I said I understand."

"Nono what do you understand," he smirked.

"*sigh* I understand that you have the thickest ass..."

"Great! Wanna feel~?"


"Come on, I know you want to~"

"Well I don't want to."

"Please? Just a little squeeze?"


"What about me touching your ass?"


"Come on you'll like it!" He giggled, throwing himself on me.

"K-kokichi stop!" I exclaimed as his hands slithered behind my back.

"Squish squish," he giggled squeezing my ass.




"Oooowwwie! That hurt Shuichi!" He cried holding the cheek I slapped.

"I said not to do it," I glared.

"Aren't you gonna say sorry?"


"You're so mean!" He cried louder, now tears were falling out of his eyes.

"Don't be such a baby," I rolled my eyes.

"I-I'm sorry Shuichi," he sniffed.

"You're sorry?"


"Okay I forgive you," I sighed.

"Then are you sorry?"


His pout grew as more tears weld up in his eyes. "Please?" He choked out.

"Kokichi, your tears aren't aren't gonna persuade me."

"I love youuu," he whined.

"I know you do, but I'm not gonna say sorry. You deserved it."

"Are you really mad at me?"

"Yes! I told you not to, and you didn't listen!"

He whined, crawling on top of me.

"Stop it," I groaned.

"Say sorryyyy," he continued to whine, hugging me.

"Kokichi you're annoying me," I warned.

"Shu-Chan," he looked up at me with pleading eyes. "Please say sorry."

"Kokichi-no," I groaned standing my ground.

He whined lowly, kissing my neck.

"K-kokichi! Stop!" I exclaimed, surprised that he started to kiss me there.

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