| 5 | The 'Date'

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Shuichi POV
(Tw) Saimatsu

  "Ugh does this even look good?" I asked, frustrated. Today was my date with Kaede and it seemed like there was nothing to wear that looked decent on me.

  "Shuichi, you look fine!" Kokichi whined. "Just leave already!"

  "But I. Need. To. Look. Amazing." I muttered, pulling at my hair.

  "Shuichi." He stood up and punched my gut. Why does he always do that now!? "You always look amazing, now go."



  "Ah! O-okay!" I yelled running out. I then headed towards the taxi waiting for me.

  I finally arrived at the place Kaede and I agree to meet at, Kame Cafe. I saw Kaede sitting at a table through one of the windows. Of course I'm late.

  I quickly walk in, "Hi Kaede," I greeted with a soft smile.

  "Ah Shuichi!" She got up and gave me a big hug. My face grew hot as I hugged back. This is one of the times I wished for my hat. She pulled away from the hug, "I'm so glad we're doing something like this, it's really great to see you again."

  "Yes I agree, I'm glad to have more time to hang out with you," I chuckled lowly, rubbing the back of my neck. And it's nice to know that my English went completely out the window right now, that sentence sounded so dumb and weird.

  "Come on and sit you silly," she giggled, sitting down in the seat she was sitting in before. "I already ordered, and if I recalled correctly, you like coffee with a small amount of peppermint creamer and a blueberry muffin!"

  Jeez how was she able to remember that!? "Uh y-yeah, I'm surprised you remembered something like that," I laughed.

"I just have a pretty good memory! Anyway I wanted to ask you, how are you settling in? How's your new home?" She smiled, leaning her cheek into her palm, keeping her pretty pink and purple eyes locked on my dull yellowish grey eyes.

"Oh Uhm well I think I'm setting in nicely, it's a bit...new...considering who my roommate is..." I trailed off.

"You have a roommate!? Who is it? Can I meet them?" She asked clearly excited about the news. "Maybe we can have a day where our roommates meet eachother!"

I chuckled at her cheerfulness. "What's your roommate like?"

  "Oh Tokushu? She's honestly great! She may be a bit cold to some people and quiet, but once she comes out of her shell a bit, she can be very funny and sweet!"

  "You do have a skill of getting people out of their shell," I smiled. "But from what I heard, I don't think our roommates will get along..." I trailed off. I'm kinda getting Maki vibes from the way Kaede described her.

  "Oh really? What's your-oop," she got cut off by the waiter coming to bring our food and drinks. "Oh thank you!"

  "Yeah thanks."

  "Oh no probl-Shuichi? Kaede?"

  "Rantaro?!" Kaede and I both yelled out in surprise.

  "What's up?" He laughed.

  "Wow oh my goodness, what were the odds of us running into eachother here?" Kaede laughed.

  "I know it's a pretty odd chance," he chuckled.

  "So you work here?" I asked.

  "Mhm," he nodded. "Since I got out of the hospital, I found out how rich I was. Not to brag but it was a crazy amount," he laughed. He then pulled a chair over and sat down on it backwards, is that how he always sits!? I've never seen him sit the 'right way' before....but now that gets me thinking...is the way I'm sitting right now really the right way to sit? Rantaro is the type of guy that would get me to think like that.

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