| 3 | Our Past

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  Shuichi's POV
  (Tw) Saimatsu, mentions of sex, implied homophobia

I'm so excited! Kaede and I planned a date in a couple of days, I really want to learn more about her, we had such limited time during the killing game.

I had just entered my apartment. It looked well kept, it just was a bit dusty. I walked forward, towards the kitchen, to get a small snack. I searched the fridge, for something that hasn't really gone bad, "hmmm, oh peas!" I reached for the can of peas, but I accidentally moved the fridge a bit, causing a book from on top of the fridge fall on my head. "Ow."

I put the can of peas on the counter, and shut the fridge. I reached down to the book and looked at it. It was a cookbook for different breakfasts, in the book there was notes written in pink highlighter. The writing was not in my handwriting. Would Danganronpa really go as far to change my handwriting, no. Maybe I had a roommate, but if I had a roommate they would be here right? The room would not be so dusty and the food wouldn't be spoiled....was my roommate also in the ki-my thoughts got cut off by the sound of the front door being unlocked.

I began to panic, is someone breaking in!? Why now, when I finally got back!?! I picked up the can of cold peas and threw the can at the intruder.

"Ow! Shit motherfucker!" The person yelled. "Who the hel-Shuichi?" KOKICHI!?

"Oh K-Kokichi! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," I apologized.

"Really Shuichi? Peas? That's your weapon of defense?" He giggled.

"It was the first thing I grabbed, are you okay?" I asked, I could have really hurt his nose.

"Oh please, I can't be beat by a can of peas!" He laughed, raising his hands to the back of his head. There is his mask. "Anyway thank you Shuichi, for keeping my apartment warm, you can go now!"

"Y-your apartment? But this was the address and room I was assigned...were we possibly roommat-," he cut me off.

"WAIT YOU WERE THE ROOMMATE!? Oh no!" He whined. "Here I'll leave, sorry Shuichi if I bugged you..." he turned toward the door and began to walk out.

"H-hold on," I grabbed onto his wrist, pulling him back.

"Oooo what's this, are you gonna kiss me~?" He giggled.

"N-no, Kokichi, it's not fair that you should just move out of your own home. So just stay, it's fine," I smiled. He seemed surprised and angry. Why was he s-your alone Kokichi, and you always will be-oh. "Kokichi...I want to say something to you..."

"Oh? What is it? *gasp* are you going to confess your undying love to me?" He smiled.

"N-no...I wanted to say that your 'death' really affected me, even though it might have not seemed like it....? God, what I'm trying to say is, I noticed my mistake, in saying that to you." I looked away, slowly letting go of his wrist, this was not how I expected this interaction to turn out. But I need to say sorry to him. "Nobody deserves to be alone...sure what you did was messed up, but I could tell, after rethinking that scene, that my words really hurt you. And I guess they hurt me too, in someway-ugh!" I was cut off by Kokichi punching me in the gut.

"I'll stay, if you really met those words," he smiled, acting like he didn't just punch me. The tone in his voice was different though, the same tone he had in the hospital, maybe that's his real voice, without his mask. "Now what have you found out about your past self?"

"O-oh well Uhm, nothing really, I was gonna go and search on my phone," I said. He nodded.

  "Okay, I wonder if you had my phone number, since we were roommates," he mumbled.

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