| 11 | Confused

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  Shuichi POV

  Okay but that picture is pretty amazing

  "And then I went 'hey you, get your damn hands off her'!" Kaito boasted.

"Kaito, not that I don't believe your story, but you almost just basically explained a whole scene from Back to the Future," I mumbled.

"W-what no I didn't!" He argued.

"Yes you did, and also none of that happened because if I pulled out a knife right now, you would probably run away in fear," Maki stated.

"T-that's because it's you pulling out the knife!" He continued to argued. We all laughed at him.

It was pretty nice, Kaede, Kaito, Maki, and I all decided the hang out today. We were currently sitting down outside, having lunch. Recently it's been kinda of tense in the apartment, Kokichi and I have been arguing a lot recently. Mostly him getting really mad because I keep lying to him.

I can't tell him the truth though! I would have no idea how he would react if I told him that I now sleep on the couch because I had a dream where I was making out with him!

"Hey Shuichi, how's Kokichi?" Kaede asked as Maki and Kaito kept arguing.

"I-I think he's okay, though we haven't really been getting along lately..." I responded.

"Oh? May I ask if something happened?"

  "I-I don't really want to explain it..."

  "Hey it's okay Sidekick! You can tell us!" Kaito reassured.

  "W-well I had an odd dream that has kinda confused me...so I decided to have some of my own space and no longer sleep in the same room as him. And well whenever he brings up why I moved, I always lie about the reason. Of course he can see through the horrible lies and that gets him really angry," I explained.

"What was the dream about?" Maki asked, taking a sip of her drink.

"N-nothing!" I blushed.

  "No wonder Kokichi is getting piss off at you, your lying sucks!" Kaito laughed.

"Was it a wet dream?" Maki smirked. Kaede and I both spat out our drink from surprise.

"No! No n-nothing like-NO!" I stuttered, face burning red.

"Y-you know that could just be a thing that happens to people sometimes, it doesn't have to mean anything Sidekick..." Kaito tried to reassure.

"I-I didn't have a dream like that with him!" I yelled.

"Uhm guys we should be a bit quieter, people are starting to look at us..." Kaede mumbled, but her words didn't matter.

"Who was the top in the dream?" Maki asked, still with her straight face.

"N-no I didn't have that type of dream!"

"Were you two just like kissing or something?" Kaito asked.

"Yes! Wait-no-I-uhm-n-no!" I stuttered, noticing my mistake too late.

"See, I got him to confess something," Maki smiled lightly, taking another sip of her drink.

  "Aw that's so cute, I ship it," Kaede giggled, obviously messing with me.

  "N-no stop it's ju-,"

  "So you're confused because you were kissing a guy in your dream, and I'm guessing you enjoyed it?" Kaito questioned.

  "No I didn't enjoy it!"

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