| 20 | Im Ready | End |

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  Shuichi POV
  Kokichi and I have been in a relationship for around three years now. Today was a bright spring Sunday morning.

I played with the sleeping Kokichi's hair. He was curled up on my chest, snoring softly. He was always so cute in the morning.

  He had just gotten a recent hair cut. It was the shortest I've seen it. I mean it was still curly and some parts stuck out and defied gravity like before. But it is noticeably shorter, I like it.

  I can also say I've had something happen to my hair. Kaito has been begging me to stop shaving the small whiskers that grew on my face. I now have a small stubble growing under my chin and on the sides of my face. It doesn't look too good right now but Kaito just said to give it some time.

  But Kokichi says he likes it, so it makes me more motivated to grow more.

  "Mmn," Kokichi stirred, waking up slowly.

  "Good morning," I smiled, looking into his droopy eyes.

  "Hellooo handsome," he smirked.

  "Would you want to get up and I can make breakfast?" I asked, ignoring his comment on me being handsome.

He yawned, patting my head, "Okay..."

He rolled off of my chest, allowing me to get up. "I'm gonna make waffles, what do you want on them?"

"Extra, extra syrup, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, gummy bears, and top it off with sprinkles."

"How about just whipped cream and chocolate syrup...?"

He pouted, whining. "Fine."

  I kissed his cheek one more time before getting up.

  Thankfully I have Sundays off of work. Today is the prefect day, especially as a follow up from what happened last night.

  I slipped on a pair of sweats and a random shirt before walking out of the room. I like to make meals for Kokichi, he always seems so happy eating it and he always compliment my cooking which is nice.

  Kokichi and I used our fame from Danganronpa to get our jobs. Well I wouldn't count Kokichi's job because his job is his fame from Danganronpa. But anyway, since Kokichi is a social media influencer I am a journalist for a local newspaper. I'm assuming that the job was so willing to take me in so easily is because having the name of a former ultimate detective on their newspaper would lead to great success in their future.

  I finished making our breakfast. We both ate on the couch, watching TV.

  "So you're still going out Kaede and Kaito?" He asked, chewing his waffle.

  "Uh no actually. I canceled, I wanted to spend my free day with you," I smiled, holding his hand.

  "Oh-ho you are that willing to continue last night," he smirked at me. "You must be sooo hor-,"

  "N-no, I wanted to go out today, maybe even get dinner at a restaurant. Just a nice me and you day," I reassured.

  He took another bite of his waffle, "Sure! I'd really love that. Hey actually, can we go to the restaurant that just opened up in downtown?"

  "Yeah of course, it might be hard to get a reservation but it's nothing I can't do for you," I chuckled. (Say it with me: S I M P)

  "Awesome," he giggled.

  I called in the restaurant. Surprisingly they weren't too busy and I was able to get a reservation for 5:30. There is a reason why I chose a bit earlier then our normal dinner time, I wanted to take Kokichi to a small quiet park that I found recently near Downtown.

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