| 13 | 'DICE' Night

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  Shuichi POV

I know I like just updated. But I wanted to give you guys a little Valentines present so happy Valentines Day!

  "Man I wasn't a big fan of that motive," Kokichi whined.

  "Oh yes I forgot you got your motive video too," Kirumi added. We all just finished watching an episode of our killing game. It was the 'daily life' episode that just ended with Ryoms's body getting eaten by piranhas.

  "Yeah...to bad that DICE isn't real..." He mumbled. I noticed that he looked somewhat sad. I'll ask if he wants to talk about it when we get home.

  "Soooo Shuichi~," Kaede sung, elbowing me to get my attention.


  "Tell me~ how's your relationship with the K.O~?"

  "Why are you using code names now?" I chuckled.

  "Because it's fun," She pouted.

  "Anyway why are you asking about that now, I already told you that we made up. Everything's fine now."

  "Oh come on, I know you like him, like-like him~,"

  "What are you? In the 1st grade?" I laughed at how childish she was acting. 

  "Come onnn tell me!" She whined, tugging at my jacket sleeve. That's when I smelled the strong smell of Axe body spray.


  "Lay off of my sidekick there Kaede," He laughed. "Because if anyone's gonna get Shuichi to talk about his feelings towards the K.O its gonna be his hero. AKA me."

  "Is that a challenge?" She smirked.

  "U-uh guys this is starting to make me uncomfortable..." I mumbled.

  "Aha! I'm just kidding bro," He laughed.

  "Me too. Just teasing," She giggled.

  "Good," I sighed.

  "Well I'm not~ anyway what's this K.O thing?" Kokichi giggled-wait Kokichi!?

  "Kokichi!" I yelled, falling off the couch from surprise. I quickly scrambled to my feet, trying not to embarrass myself even more.

  "You good Shuichi?" He laughed. I also saw Kaede and Kaito snickering behind him. Jerks.

  "Y-yeah you just surprised me..." I mumbled secretly glaring at the two behind him.

  "Hehe sorry, anyway what's the K.O thing? I really wanna know!"

  "Nothing you need to worry your little head about," Kaito chuckled, flicking the back of Kokichi's head.

  "Heyyy!" He whined trying to flick Kaito back.

  "T-trust me Kokichi, its nothing," I assured.

  "Okay...anyway I wanted to know if you wanted to go home a little early today, I wanna see my little Milamoo," He cheered. Oh yeah, Kokichi finally brought home our old cat, Milamoo. She isn't the biggest fan of me but loves Kokichi, it's kinda cute how much they play around together.

"Oh, yeah I guess we could leave a bit early, if you guys are okay with that," I told the last part mainly to Kaede and Kaito.

"What? Oh yeah of course, its not our choice weather you stay or not," Kaito said, Kaede nodded her head as he spoke.

"Alright we I guess we'll be going, you got everything thing?" I asked Kokichi.


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