Chapter Fourteen

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Yet again writing appeared 'later that day'

•Still Nova's POV•

"I'm so excited!" I squealed pacing up and down Infront of the fireplace

"Jesus Christ Nova calm down" Kol whined he was reading a book and did not enjoy being interrupted.

"fuck off Kol I'm allowed to be excited," I said as I flipped him off. Derek was sitting quietly on the couch trying not to show how terrified he was.

"Just go get yourself a drink or something your pacing is annoying me" I rolled my eyes and went to get a drink mocking him playfully all the way there. By the time I came back, I found Klaus trying to kill Peter. again. seriously it's like the third time it's happened. Once I had gotten them off each other and told them to 'calm the fuck down' there was a large crack and my parents appeared in the living room.

"Hello sweetie, gosh I've missed you. Oh you've gotten so tall, so where are they cmon I want to meet the grandkids" Mum exclaimed

"wow she likes them a lot more than she likes us" Emma chuckled

"I wonder why," Neal said rolling his eyes

"They are over on the couch mum try not to scare them they've never met a goddess before"

"Oh shush I'm not going to scare them," She said bustling over to give them all hugs. "You are all so beautiful, welcome to the family" I smiled seeing the tears in some of there eyes not everyone has loving birth parents or grandparents for that matter so this meant a lot to them.

"Hello, Sweetheart am I going to be able to meet your mate then?" Dad said as he hugged me

"Only if you promise not to try to murder him"

"I promise" I eyed him suspiciously but never the less led him over to where Derek was sitting 

"Dad this is Derek, Derek this is dad," I said taking Derek's hand in an attempt to calm his nerves

"Hello Derek it is lovely to meet you, I trust you are well," My dad said shaking Derek's hand, I sniggered at his formality and nudged Derek so he'd reply.

"Oh I'm good thank you, how are you?" Derek replied easing up a bit as Hades gave him a warm smile.

"good now can I meet the grandchildren as well or am I going to have to wait until Persephone has stopped trying to give them presents without you noticing" Oh for god sake

"Ma for christ sake I said if you are going to give them presents just put them under the tree so they can open them on Christmas" The kids sniggered at the interaction with my family.

"Oh all right, all right I'll go put them under the tree. Oh hello, peter lovely to see you again" She said as she walked over to Peter and hugged him. "so which one is Derek?" she asked Peter

"This one ma," I said pointing to Derek. "And yes dad go say hi to the kids"

"wow this is amazing the family dynamic is so friendly which is ironic considering that standing in that room are some of the most dangerous people to ever exist" Said Henry, Hades smiled at him and ruffled his hair

"Hello Derek it's nice to finally meet you Nova talks about you all the time," she said as she gave him a friendly hug she then turned to me "I bought gifts for everyone by the way those Salvatores too"

"Aw mum you didn't have to" I smiled and gave her another hug

"Nonsense I live in the underworld so my money seems to stack up in this world which means I can by what I want for whom I want when I want"

"Ok, ok, I'm making dinner tonight so why don't you all watch a movie or  play some board games and anyone who wants to help cook can," I said as I whispered to Derek "You gonna be ok on your own?"

"Yeah I'll be fine" He whispered back and gave me a kiss on the cheek 

"Ok then" I walked towards the kitchen and Lydia, Alison And Kira followed to come help

"Ok so we are making roast beef and vegetables and there will be cookies for afterwards I'll do the meat so who wants to do what?"

"Kira and I will do the veggies and Ali can help you with the meat and then we can all work on the cookies," Lydia said as she tied her hair up and washed her hands

"That sounds perfect, lets get to work then"

A/N Hi loves i just want to say thank you for all of your support on this book i know it is not the best but i enjoy writing it, if you have any suggestions feel free to comment them, love you all Xx

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