Chapter Two

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A/N I will probably just have SS pictures up in the media.

A portal opened up in the ceiling of a room with blue walls and a black carpet with black leather furniture placed around the room. From the portal fell five adults and an excited looking ten years old. "What the hell?" the tallest man said, "Where the hell are we?" Charming questioned again.

"I have no clue," replied the man with the cane clearly not feeling comfortable in the unknown environment. Just as they were about to look around two more portals open out of one a person Emma and Rumpelstiltskin thought they would never see again Neal Cassidy who was quite obviously unprepared for the trip was lying on the ground groaning in pain after a quite awkward looking fall. Out of the other portal came a very pissed off looking witch.

"Baelfire?" questioned Gold making sure he wasn't seeing things, Neal, hearing the name he hadn't used in years looked up seeing the group of people staring at him got up and looked around for an exit.

"Mom who is that?" Henry asked his mother very confused about her reaction to seeing him. Neal hearing a child's voice calling his ex-girlfriend mom turned around and looked quizzically at her.

"Um, kid this is- this is your dad."

"What?!" Neal was starting to get very confused and slightly angry.

"You're his dad." Repeated Enma

"And why the hell didn't you tell me?!"

Emma looking around the room for support but only finding a room full of people also waiting for an explanation "I wasn't ready to be a mom and you sure as hell weren't ready to be a dad! So I gave them up I put them up for adoption!"

"Them?" Everyone except the pissed off witch questioned.

"What do you mean them I was an only child right I don't have a sibling, mom?" Henry questioned feeling confused and scared about what was going on,

"Uh- listen, kid, god I do not know how to tell you this" still incredibly pissed about the unexpected trip through the portal the witch exclaimed

"ok I have no fucking idea what is going on but for the love of god just tell him why the hell you said them instead of him" everyone turned around and looked incredulously at the witch "What I don't want to be here and watching her stumbling over her words is not helping the situation"

Regina not appreciating the attitude the witch was giving off "and just who the hell are you?" Surprisingly it wasn't the witch who answered

"That's Zelena your half-sister. Cora abandoned her when she was a baby." Regina really not in the mood to hear about her fucked up family tree turned back to Emma

"Right, well what were you going to say?" Emma feeling highly uncomfortable with the fact that her entire family were watching.

"Henry you have a sister, she was born two minutes before you and I named her Nova."

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