Chapter Fifteen

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After everything was made, we set the table then Lydia, Alisson and Kira went to go get everyone for dinner. after two minutes of nobody coming into the dining room I followed them, only to find them standing in the doorway pale as anything, I walked further into the room and saw what they were staring at, not only were people arguing but at some point the Salvatores had shown up and were fighting my brothers my dad had someone against the wall by their neck, Peter was on the floor coughing and my Mum and Derek were standing protectively in front of the pups.

"What. The. FUCK!" everyone immediately froze,

"Oh shit" Rumple said looking at the scene

"Couldn't have said it better myself" added Regina

"Dad put him down right now!" Dad put the unknown boy down "Elijah get off of Stefan" Elijah promptly got off of Stefan "Damon stop standing on my brother's neck" Damon reluctantly got off of Kol "Klaus stop using the chaos as an excuse to attack Peter it's not his fault that Rebekah kissed him last year" Klaus backed away from Peter with an annoyed look, "right any body care to explain what the fuck is going on?" Everyone stayed silent.

"Right if no one is going to tell me then we will all have dinner together because by the looks of it" I look towards Damon and Stefan "These two haven't had a proper meal yet today. We are all going to be civil and if I see anyone being threatening then Vervian might somehow find its way into your drink and food." Slowly everyone walked towards the dining room and sat down. I took my place at the head of the table.

Eventually the awkwardness disappeared and everyone began to get a long although Derek still looked nervous, the conversation was pleasant and comforting but slowly it drifted to stories about our lives before we were turned the Salvatores and Mikealsons began to bond over our shitty parentage the conversation steadily got darker and I could see the kids getting uncomfy so I decided that maybe it would be best to remove the pups. "Alright kids lets go through to the kitchen and get pudding ready yeah?" I got a variations of 'yeah' 'ok mom' 'sure' and we all went into the kitchen, I turned back to the group of slightly drunk vampires and werewolves "The good bourbon is in the cabinet along with various other drinks, don't get to hammered though we are watching a film after this"

"Awe she's so responsible" Zelena gushed

"She puts her family before everyone" Hades said proudly he had taught her well.

"Fucking hell that got dark fast" Jackson exclaimed

"Oi! watch your language mister" I said looking at him with my mum face

"Oh cmon mom I've heard you say way worse, jesus yesterday you called the guy that pulled out with out indicating a "Fucking annoying shit bag" and then there was the time you called Mr Harris a "closed minded twat", so really saying the f word isn't that bad"

"I- I'm not even going to fucking argue with that, right lets take the cookies and the bread and butter pudding into the living room and we'll pick out a film" As we started moving everything into the living room Isaac spoke up

"Hey ma?"

"Yeah honey?"

"How come you know the salvatores"

"Oh well I knew their ex girlfriend, she was a right annoying bitch by the way"

A/N Hi loves! let me know what you want to happen next I just need to finish this Christmas bit and then they'll meet with the gang from storybook how do you want them to meet? how do you want the Christmas bit to end? who do you want Peter to end up with? How do you want Nova and Derek to meet killian?

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