Chapter Sixteen

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We moved into the living room and I opted to go and get the adults myself seeing as if I sent one of the kids to do it there is a very large chance they would come back traumatized. All the werewolves seemed fine considering they cannot get drunk but everyone else was quiet obviously pissed (in the UK that means drunk not angry, well it also means angry but in this context it means drunk off their arses).

"Oi! be quiet! ok so the kids have worked hard making desert and they want a family night, so you guys are going to act a little more sober than you are ok?"

slightly slurred variations of 'all right love' 'sure' and 'ok' were heard around the room, Derek came up and wrapped his arms around my waist

"I love you" he whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek

"I love you too gorgeous"

"Dammit watching these two makes me feel single as all fuck" laughed Regina

All of us were sitting in the living room and I stole the remote off of Rebekah

"Nope I've got a surprise" with a flick of my wrist the wall was covered with a projector screen and a projector appeared "Ok what movie?"

"I don't care as long as it's a horror" Jackson exclaimed

"Ha fuck no absolutely fucking not. Last time we watched a horror you all ended up in our room cause and I quote "you heard a noise"" I said cause as much as I love a puppy pile, I could tell Derek was anxious about something and I didn't know.

"Cmon ma please?" Scott whined,

"N- Hey gimme that back dude" I said climbing over Derek and trying to get the remote back off of Elijah

"Um no the kid wants a horror? he'll get a horror, how about the conjuring?" He said his words slightly slurred

"Ok fine but only because it's an amazing movie"

The movie started and Derek moved closer as did Stiles who really doesn't like horror movies, his reasoning is that he's the human living in one.

"Omg I love that movie!" Henry shouted

"When in gods name did you watch the conjuring?" Asked Regina

"Graham let me watch it..."

"Jesus Christ" Regina exclaimed

"Well it's her favourite movie too so I guess that's something you have in common" Hades added in

The movie started and everyone settled down, half way through the movie Derek started getting restless again, the reason? I have no fuckin idea. The movie went on and everyone was jumping and we got a few screams out of Ma and Kol which was hilarious, when it ended everyone was satisfied and the kids were practically falling asleep where they sat.

"Alright kids up to bed, it's midnight and I'm not having a bunch of sleep deprived teens in the morning especially the morning of Christmas eve when tensions are already high ok?" They all agreed and moved to bed. Derek went up with them and made sure everyone actually went to bed, I hugged my dad and mum and went up to my bedroom.

I heard the TV being turned on downstairs and drink being poured, "Oi don't be up to late I don't want old ass vampires with extreme hangovers in the morning, Peter, keep an eye on them."

"Yeah alright Novi"

"I love those two" whispered Neal to Regina

"I don't" spoke up Snow "I think he's a bad influence"

"oh shut up Snow" said Zelena

Once I got to my room I started getting ready for bed, I heard Derek coming in his breathing still rapid "Derek love, what's wrong?" I asked turning around and I suddenly lost the ability to speak there he was kneeling on his left knee with a ring box in his right hand, in the box was a beautiful silver ring with a gorgeous black stone in it.

"uh- I Jesus I had a whole speech and now I can't talk, you make me so happy I've never loved anyone as much as I love you, I want to be with you forever I want to stay by your side and fight all of our battles together, I want to raise the pups together and have our own family too. So Nova Mikealson will you marry me?"

"Awh! this is adorable, he's so sweet, did he ask you for permission?" Regina asked Hades

"He asked both me and Seph poor boy was terrified but he was soon reassured when both Seph and I said yes" Hades answered

"Aw that is so sweet!"

"Of course I will, Of course, god you are so sweet" I ran over and hugged him I then pulled back and let him put the ring on my finger. He pulled me closer and put his head in the crook of my neck, I felt my shoulder start to get wet with tears of joy, I held him tighter and whispered just how much I loved him over and over again. Derek began to kiss my neck and started moving us over to the bed.

"Give me a minute love let me put privacy charms up first" I said a few words in Latin and flicked my wrist after I was finished he pulled me back and started kissing me again.

the scene got dark rather quickly this time

"Yes I'd rather not see the next bit if it's all the same to you" Said Hades

A/N Hello lovelies, sorry for the wait, They'll be meeting each other next chapter how do you want that to happen? should one of the women/men be mates with Peter? don't be a ghost vote and comment! love you all xx

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