Chapter Twelve

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"Alright, there is something else you should know before we keep going," Hades spoke. Although he considered himself and his wife the parents of Nova he was still anxious for their reaction to the next piece of information. "Some of you..." He looked pointedly at Snow, "might judge Nova and Derek for what I am about to tell you. You keep those opinions to yourselves I don't care what you think, and unless you want my wife to come back in here all guns blazing you'll keep your mouths shut."

"What is it?" Gold asked he didn't really care what it was about he had come to love his granddaughter and he knew he always would it wouldn't matter what happened.

"Nova has a third mate. A mate that her and Derek share. In their world it is called a triad they all love each other equally and if I do say so myself make an amazing match" Hades explained

"Holy shit that's amazing!" Exclaimed Zelena seeing confused faces she continued "What? Don't you see how amazing this is? Triads are beautiful things and they are really really rare you should be happy for Nova" Gold wholeheartedly agreed with her and just stood there nodding his head.

A couple of people in the room didn't really like it or understand it, (Take a guess at who that was) but they kept their mouths shut.

"Who is it?" Regina asked she needed to know who she had to threaten anyone who was going to be close to Nova needed to know that they will be killed if they hurt her.

"Rumple don't get mad alright?"

He nodded he had a feeling he knew where this was going.

"Her third mate is Killian Jones. Also known as Captain Hook."

"Does she know?" Gold asked he had realised he was going to have to put this feud aside for the sake of his family.

"Yeah she knows they haven't met yet though"

"They will go great. All three of them" Rumple said.

"Yeah they will, right on to the next memory so this is when the Mikaelsons meet their new family additions"

Nova's POV•

I woke up early so I could make sure everything thing was packed. When I opened my eyes and turned around I could see my alarm clock 4.45 am it read, perfect. I tried to get out of bed only to be pulled right back.

"No, stay," Derek said from behind me.

"Baby, I have to get up and make sure everything is packed I'll wake you up soon ok?"

"Hmph fine, I love you" he whispered

"I love you too darling" I whispered back before kissing him on the head and getting up.

"They are so cute together" Regina whispered to her sister

"I know it's adorable" Zelena replied

I got up and grabbed my travel clothes and went to get changed in the bathroom so I didn't wake anyone by turning on the lights.

I got up and grabbed my travel clothes and went to get changed in the bathroom so I didn't wake anyone by turning on the lights

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What she's wearing ^^

I go into the kitchen to make myself some coffee only to find a very tired Boyd sitting at the kitchen bench.
"What are you doing up so early Hun?" I ask and continue making myself some coffee

"What if they don't like me."

"What if who doesn't like you?" I ask anyone in their right mind likes Boyd he's a real sweetheart.

"What if Uncle Elijah, Nik, Kol and Aunt Rebekah don't like me? What if they think I'm Weird? What if they think I'm a freak? What if-"

I interrupt him and say "Your Uncle Nik has spent most of his life being called a freak for his heritage he isn't going to think you are one, none of them are going to think you're anything except amazing. Bekah already loves you and the rest of the pack and will definitely spoil you rotten they love you already sweetie you have nothing to worry about ok?"

"Ok thanks, mom"

"That's ok now go get dressed and come help me do some last-minute packing," I say.

"She's an amazing mom" Neal exclaimed he understood that he wouldn't ever be a father figure in her life but he hoped he'd be apart of it anyway and he was so so proud of Nova.

By the time everyone was up and ready to leave it was 7 am we wanted to get a head start on the forty-hour drive and get going early we were not driving in style more comfort we were driving in all the cars and everyone was taking turns driving. Well everyone that had a licence.

Silver lighting appeared in mid-air saying "When they arrived at mystic falls"

We pulled up Infront of the Mikaelson mansion the kids and Derek staring at it in awe and Peter and I joking around and unloading the bags.

Then I heard a squeal and turned around just in time to see my little sister running our the house full speed towards me. I braced myself and caught her as she pounced on me.

"I missed you so so much Novi.." she then turned to the pack more specifically the pups "is this them?"

"No, it's a bunch of random teenagers I kidnapped" I deadpanned

"Haha." She said oozing sarcasm she then embraced Lydia and complimented her and repeated the cycle with each of the pups. When she had hugged them all she turned to Derek and hugged him.

"Welcome to the family," she said to everyone and started walking into the house. Everyone began to follow and me not seeing the need to carry the bags flicked my wrist at them and they were moved inside.

"I'm home brothers and I brought family," I said loudly enough to be heard throughout the house I walked into the living room and my three brothers all looked up from whatever the hell they were doing. I got a hug from all of them Derek got a handshake and a threat from Nik and the pups all got hugs and Peter got a menacing look thrown his way. I guess they were all still mad about the last time he came to visit.

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