Chapter three

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Directly after a few variations of what and why didn't you tell everyone Snow shouted over everyone

"SHUT. UP. Alright, I know Emma should have told us and if not us but Henry sooner but I'm sure she had a good reason not to." Emma looked appreciatively at her mother.

"Thanks, mom." Snow's heart swelled at the name Emma had called her. Before anyone could argue with Snow a loud crack was heard and suddenly in the middle of the room stood a tall pale man with brown hair and bright blue eyes. 

"Ahhhh, good to see my daughter's birth family are here. I see you were stupid enough to open the book." The unknown man said with an eye roll.

"Ummm are you talking about my sister?" Questioned Henry hoping to hear more about the sibling he never met, and suddenly the man was in front of him.

"oh you must be Henry"

"um yes, and uh who are you?" Henry replied.

"Oh yes how rude of me I'm Hades Father of Nova Cassidy in all but blood."

Feeling confused Regina spoke up "I'm sorry Hades as in the Greek god, as in Persephone's husband that Hades"

"Yes that Hades" he replied before looking back to Henry and crouching down "You know Henry, you were always one of your sister's favourites"

"really?" Henry questioned feeling happy that his sister liked him. "Who were her other favourites?" Hades took a minute to think back to all the pictures thirteen-year-old Nova drew and all the long rants about her favourite characters she would go on to him and his wife.

"Well your sister always favoured the villains-" Everyone was slightly shocked by this information "But her favourite villains were always, Rumpelstiltskin, The Wicked witch of the west, The evil Queen and Maleficent." those that had been named were happily surprised that they had been a child's favourite character in a storybook, I mean when you're always protrade as the bad guy it's not very often that you're not completely despised let alone loved by someone. "In fact, she is a bit more aligned with the dark herself although people don't like to admit it." This last piece of information completely astounded the people in the room who would have thought that the daughter of the saviour, and granddaughter of snow white and prince charming would be aligned to the dark.

"Well um why are we here?" Questioned Snow choosing to ignore that last bit of information thinking she would bring it up with Nova when they met.

"Well, the book had a spell placed on it so it would only appear when people had enough time to properly listen to the information it contained, in here if you choose to you can get to know Nova time is frozen in the outside world and you won't age whilst in here." Henry clearly very excited to get to know more about his sister's life was the first to speak

"When can we start?" Hades liking the kid's enthusiasm gave him a rare smile that was usually reserved for his daughter.

"Well, I'll skip the first thousand or so years and go for the last three." Choking on air Neal spoke up

"I'm sorry did you just say thousand, that's not possible me and Emma are only in our twenty's" Hades sighing replied

"your daughter grew up in a timeline different from your own but that's because she had a run-in with a witch that was pissed off with your father, anyway the first twenty-three years of her life were spent in an abusive household in the early 1000's she grew up with seven younger siblings two of which died at a young age. You will be put into whatever scenario or memory which is being shown I won't show it all considering we would be here for ages so I will show you all main events or if you wish any specific memory you have requested, any questions?" That's when Zelena spoke up

"Yes, why the hell am I here?"

"Ah yes see out of all the characters in the books Nova read in the underworld you were always the one she wanted to be friends with the most also since you are Regina's sister, and Regina is Snow's stepmother, you are her great-great-aunt sooo" he trailed off not really in the mood to answer more questions. Zelena having always thought her sister to be picked first was already starting to like this "Nova" no matter how stupid she thought her name was at the beginning.

A/N hey is anyone actually reading this if you feel free to comment, also I tend to make mistakes and only notice them after the chapter is published if you notice one please tell me and I will fix it straight away.

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