Chapter Six

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•Still Nova's POV•
The growl ripped through the room and I released Peter and turned to find my very pissed mate, staring at Peter with blood red eyes looking murderous.

"Why is he growling? They've known each other all of two minutes." Snow questioned she didn't know how to feel honestly yes she had a warewolf friend but in her mind they were still classified as dark creatures.

"Are you that clueless? They are obviously mates and he's feeling protective, which by the way is completely normal." Zelena stated already feeling protective of Nova who she was determined to be friends with at this point.

"Oh ok so it's his way of asserting his dominance then, I get that." Snow replied at this rumple and anyone else remotely educated in warewolf culture looked at her with a 'this bitch' face

"Snow you do realise that it is just as, if not more common for the female to be the more dominant partner in the relationship." Gold exclaimed also feeling protective of his new found granddaughter and her mate

"what!? but that's not right, the male should be more dominant that's the natural order." Snow shouted as she finished her sentence there was a loud crack

"listen here you stupid old cow if you don't stop talking about my daughter and her mate like that I will shove the toxic masculinity coming out of you so far up your ass it will come out your mouth." Said the woman who had appeared she had dark pink hair with a flower crown wrapped around her head she had paper white skin and a long pale pink dress after she had finished her rant there was another crack and Hades reappeared

"Persephone love calm down"
At this Persephone turned around

"Did you not hear her, she just insulted an entire culture an entire supernatural race." She whisper screamed at her husband

"yes love I heard her but it's not our job to punish her is it, it's Nova's" to this Snow started laughing

"do you honestly think for one minute that my granddaughter, the daughter of the saviour could stomach punishing me for doing nothing wrong." The couple looked at each other before answering at the same time

"yes." David looked shocked before replying

"what the hell do you mean yes? She's our granddaughter she wouldn't think of hurting family." Hades rolls his eyes

"did I not say earlier that she was more aligned with the dark or did you not hear me? Not only that but she doesn't consider you family the only people on her bio mother's side she thinks of as family is Henry, Regina and Zelena"

"Bullshit! I'm sorry but I refuse to believe that my granddaughter would hurt anyone let alone us." The the other people in the room were watching this interaction with growing amusement

"well why don't you show us?" Regina said with a smirk

"yes that is exactly what I'm going to do"

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