Chapter Twenty One

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"Hold on Snow I'm coming too, come on Henry," Emma said moving towards her parents and looking back at her son

"I'd rather stay here" Henry replied moving to Regina's side and taking her hand

"Henry you can't it's not safe here, you need to come with us," Snow said with a patronising smile on her face 

"It's perfectly safe here Snow he's with his mother and his father. He's safe." Rumple said from his armchair across from the group,

"I'm staying, that's what I want," Henry said tightening his grip on Regina's hand.

Now Regina wouldn't say that she was enjoying what was going on, but it felt really nice to have people referring to her as Henry's mother again.

"You know what? Fine we'll see you all tomorrow" David snapped taking Snow's hand and leading her out of the apartment with Emma following behind and Peter trudging behind

"Good luck Pete!" I shouted looking over my shoulder sniggering as he flipped me off and walked away

Once they were gone I put on a family-friendly movie, made sure Theo had calmed down and went into the kitchen to make some popcorn,

After I was safely out of earshot I leant on the counter and put my head in my hands and sighed, that had not gone the way I wanted it to, I was preparing for them to disapprove of me but not to the point that there would be a massive argument like that.

I put the popcorn in the microwave, pressed start and just as I was about to resume my pity party. Somebody cleared their throat. I looked over to find Rumple standing looking at me with a soft smile on his face.

"You okay kid?"

"Kid? I'm older than you are 'Grandpa'" I laughed "And yes I'm fine don't worry about me"

The microwave beeped and I took a bowl out of the cupboard pouring the popcorn into it.

"It's okay to have people worry about you Nova, especially family," He said moving closer and putting his hand on my shoulder I turned and smiled at him using my best 'I'm fine just tired face'.

"I know but really I'm fine it's just been a long day" I turned back to the cupboard and took out some fizzy sweets placing them in a separate bowl "Now come on let's go enjoy the movie," I said offering my arm for him to lean on as we walked back to the living room.

The movie was over and it had gotten pretty late so it was time to show the extended family where they were staying, Derek bought out the whole warehouse when he moved in so all I had to do was refurbish the apartment two floors below us so that it was suitable for the family to stay in. I would have used the floor directly underneath us but I had that renovated into more bedrooms for the kids.

Most of the kids had gone to bed now and Derek was on the phone with Peter asking him to pick up a few bits and bobs for the house. I was sitting on the couch looking at the ceiling replaying today over and over in my head. I don't regret what I said, they needed to hear it, I just wish that it hadn't happened in front of the kids.

"Hey Mom, I'm really sorry about the argument I caused today," Liam said, apparently he had walked up to the couch when I was lost in thought. I moved my head so I could look him in the eye.

"You didn't cause any argument, David was out of line, you were just kids being kids okay?" I said getting up and pulling him into a hug "Now go get some rest, you need it you've had a big day"

Liam nodded and left to go to his room calling a 'goodnight, I love you' behind him I replied the same and went up to my own room crawling into bed and shouting a frustrated groan into the pillow.

"You alright love?" Derek asked from behind me before taking off his shirt and trousers and putting on some pyjama bottoms and getting into bed,

"I'm fine just tired and wishing that today had gone better," I said into the pillow.

Derek opened his arms and moved closer 

"Cmere it'll help, always works with me" I sighed and moved closer cuddling into his chest and with that I fell asleep.

"Well, you did say you were tired" Derek laughed quietly so as to not wake me up again.

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