Chapter one

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A/N picture has nothing to do with the story but my friend sent it to me and I love it.

Snow had just broken the sleeping curse that had captured David in its grips, everyone was happy and all was well, that is until Mr. gold also known as Rumplestiltskin came waltzing through the door (I mean as well as you can waltz when you have a cane)
"As lovely as this dear diary moment is I think I have something you should see," he announced looking around the room in the back of his shop obviously miffed about the number of people back there.

"What could have possibly gone wrong now?" questioned a very tired and exasperated Mary Margaret.

"Well instead of sitting there and asking silly questions why don't you come and find out?" Rumple announced clearly not appreciating the tone She was talking with him.

Reluctantly everyone that had been watching the heartwarming reunion of David and Snow followed the shop owner to the main part of the store. There on the counter was a book. Not just any book, this was obviously slightly similar to the storybook that Henry had gotten all of his information from, and written on the front in silver were these words "fabulam, salutari nostro:" and under them in smaller print "salvatores, post tantum sanguinem per autem datum est mater historia aperti sunt"

 Not just any book, this was obviously slightly similar to the storybook that Henry had gotten all of his information from, and written on the front in silver were these words "fabulam, salutari nostro:" and under them in smaller print "salvatores...

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(just gonna have to imagine the words sorry)
"What is it?" Emma asked wondering what the hell she was going to be dragged into this time.

"honestly I have no clue it just appeared on the countertop"

"I swear to god gold if this is one of your silly little tricks-" David began before being cut off.

"that's hilarious, listen here 'deary' if I wanted you or any of your little family hurt or dead they would be and there is nothing you would be able to do to stop me." not willing to listen to another one of these silly arguments Emma asked another question.

"What does it mean?" this time Regina replied

"the lager print translates to, the story of our saviour. and the smaller print says, only after the blood of the saviour's mother is given will the story open." hearing this the group (which had diminished as the dwarves had all lost interest and went to granny's) immediately thought the story was talking about Emma the saviour of storybook who had broken the Evil queen's curse. So in hindsight of that, all heads turned to Snow "Well?" Regina questioned very quickly becoming irritated by the awkward silence. Sighing Snow moved to the front of the group and with the dagger that was handed to her by Rumple and sliced the palm of her hand letting droplets of blood fall onto the closed book. The book glowed for a second then went back to its unyielding self.

"well, what the hell does that mean?" Regina questioned not really directing the question to anyone in particular.

"Mom maybe you should try?" Henry said looking up at Emma.

"yeah alright, I mean what's the worst that could happen."

"The book could self destruct, you could be put into a sleeping curse the book could trigger an explosive spell etc. ect," Regina replied making the Sheriff roll her eyes.

"yeah alright I wasn't asking for a list" she mumbled under breath repeating the same actions as her mother and stepping back this time the book glowed flew open and promptly sucked every one that was once standing in the shop into its pages.

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