Chapter Twenty-Three

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Once they had left Dad looked at me sympathetically, I shook my head and smiled at him softly, he nodded said goodbye to everyone then with a crack he was gone.

"Well that went well" commented Stiles who promptly received a slap round the head from Peter.

"I'm just going to grab something from upstairs. Why don't you guys figure out what you want to do today." I said. While I still surprised at how today had went I am still a little put out.

I go upstairs and nip into Derek and I's bedroom and sit on the bed letting out a sigh as I do. I feel so stupid for being upset about this, I new it wasn't going to go well and here I am sitting on my bed crying. I hear a knock at the door and hurriedly wipe my tears. "Come in!"

"It's just me dearie" Rumple said as he walked into the room.

"Hi Grandpa, everything okay?"

"Oh everything is fine with me, I just wanted to make sure you are okay. Can I sit?" He asked his face full of concern. I nodded and he sat next to me.

"I'm fine really, you don't need to worry about me." I say looking down at my hands.

"You know it's okay to have people worry about you. I know you are used to taking care of everybody else, from what I saw of your life you do it all the time, but listen you have so many people who care about you and want to make sure you are happy. It's okay to feel disappointed, even if you expected it to go badly." He said placing a hand on my shoulder, slowly I let myself breakdown and leaned into his shoulder. "It's going to be okay kid, really I promise."

"Thank you" I sniffled.

"Why don't we go downstairs I think the others will have figured out what to do today by now." he said rubbing my shoulder.

I get up to go wash my face and follow him downstairs, to see everyone playing board games. "Alright who's team an I join?" I asked not realising the small tsunami of arguments that would ripple through the group at that question. Eventually Jackson won and I moved over there to sit with him.

After a long day of games, both board games and various video games everyone was pretty tired. It ended up being ten o'clock Henry had already gone to bed and so had half of the kids.

I was cuddled into Derek's side on the couch with Regina sitting next to me braiding and unbraiding y hair "I love all the colours they really suit you"

"Awh thank you " I say smiling at her "So how long do you think you'll be staying?" I asked sitting up a little to face everyone.

"Unfortunately I think we'll only be able to stay a couple more days, the town is still mess and needs sorted out." Regina said smiling sadly at me.

"Oh well that's okay you can always come back whenever you'd like, plus we can visit." I said sending her a reassuring grin back. "Just let me know when you want to leave and I'll get Dad to open a gateway for you, anyway I am shattered so I recon it's time I go to bed, feel free to stay here until you are ready to head back down, and help yourself to anything in the kitchen".

A/N Hey guys!! I'm so sorry for being away for so long, I know it's been literally over a year, I hope this chapter is generally okay for you all, I'm trying to get back into writing so let me know what you guys want in the upcoming chapters. Love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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