Chapter One: The Broken Arm, The Broken Car

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Ben would never have thought it would be so hard to mount a bike with a broken arm, let alone maintaining himself from falling off. Keeping his balance was yet tricky. He grumbles as it tries to tip to the side as he attempts mounting it again. And his cast is new, not even a week old. And it is terribly uncomfortable at times. Heavy, and itchy, and it would get in the way of things he would normally be able do easily. Ben sighs in defeat, as he sweeps his gaze to the garage, thinking of his car. He holds on to his bike still with the one good hand on the one good arm. He thinks of his amazing, awesome Tesla parked and sitting patiently in his parents garage awaiting to be driven... but yes, his ahh... not exactly able to drive it at this time... and there were a story behind that too... why he couldnt exactly drive it at this moment. He hums sadly to himself as he remembers how it all happened. I mean, if you ask, yes, Devi were part of that story. Actually... she had alot to do with the reason he weren't able to drive it exactly. Because if Ben hadnt given in and passed her his keys reluctantly that day, and allowed her to drive his brand new car to Eleanors party... it well... it wouldn't have became the very same reason to which he werent able to drive it today. He lets out a heavy sigh at the thought. So maybe you can guess... But we also cant presume it were all her fault... Because even Ben knew it werent her fault... entirely. Ben did have something to do with it too. Because maybe he shouldnt have arrived to pick up Devi from outside her house when she had specifically asked him not too. He had a broken arm, and she were certainly not ready to get into a car he would be driving... with that broken arm. And... she had thought she had arranged for them both to be going by Uber, as Devi had originally planned. Ben disagreed and... still believed he were more than capable of being the one to drive them. So he would turn up anyway. In his Tesla. Trying to impress his girlfriend. He also wanted to prove her wrong (Something Devi knew all to well were typical of Ben)... obviously not going as he had planned. And so... it had only became a reason to bicker and quarrel outside her very home... in which Devi would inevitably win... and Ben would thus hand over his precious keys.

If only he had not broken his arm after climbing out of Devi's bedroom window that day...

With Ben and Devi bickering and squabbling as she drove his car... Ben slightly becoming paranoid with her driving ability, driving around his brand new car... Devi suddenly became unfocused and distracted with the changing of gears and the exchange of words, the beeping and honking of another car, and with Ben's outright disapproval of Devi's playlist pumping on in his car... somehow... she had managed to veer off course and collide into another car... causing some slight damage to the hood, and shattering one of the front head lights off. Ben rolls his eyes hard at the thought of how the front bumper of his Tesla had also been slightly left hanging off too. Its as though he had literally felt his heart stop. His breath caught in his lungs, and maybe... he had looked as pale as a ghost... or as Devi had told him he had. Devi is his girlfriend, and Ben... he loves her... and ofcourse he forgave her on the spot... but it was hard... it was torturously painful to know the state his car were in. His very expensive car.

He'll just need to endure the fact his girlfriend has managed to total his brand new car. A present his dad had given him for his eighteenth birthday. And he certainly wouldnt have the money to get it fix... not yet anyway. He didnt want to have to ask his dad. He were a bit hesitant to have to ask him something as bold as that. He'll just figure a way to pay for it... even if it were to make arrangements to hope to work for his dad even. Not that he would have previously made any considerations to work... Ben's focus was solely into getting into Harvard. He was determined that that was where he wanted to go. Just as his dad did, and his dad's dad did, and so on.

But either way, here he were, attempting again to mount his bike. Because, as much as yesterday still blatantly annoyed him, he... He still missed Devi. He missed her and still needed to see her. Devi always remained his best friend. He craved to spend time with her. His favourite thing always remained spending his time with her. He would study with her, he would stay back and eat dinner with her and her family most nights, and... he would find them to be inseparable on most days. And he may have been left with a car he weren't prepared to drive, but it weren't going to be something that would stop him from seeing her. And now, him thinking his bike becoming his only option... until, that is, his car were actually ready to be fixed...Not only had he not mounted his bike for over a year, just maintaining his balance on it with an arm that didn't help was damn hard. He drops his bike suddenly, and gives up trying to mount it, pulls out his phone from his jean pocket instead, swiping straight for Devi's number. And she picks up instantly.

"Ben. Kamala's giving me a lift to you in a few minutes. We are just packing the trunk of her car with her travel bags. She'll be a little late to meet Preshant at the airport but she still caved in to giving me a lift to yours." And he can tell she had sounded slightly smug on the other side. He could then hear her mother yelling at Devi, on the other end, to put down the phone and help Kamala with her heavy bags. Devi groans loudly in response.
"Mum! I said I would be one minute!" She snaps back. She then turns back to Ben. "Kamala is taking her whole wardrobe to India for two weeks. I think she's just nervous about meeting Prashant's parents and she's been hella moody these past few days."
Ben snickers, hearing Kamala on the other side stress yelling something in Hindi, he wasn't sure to who.
"Ok Devi. I'll wait for you out the front."
She clears her throat, and whispers.
"How's your arm?"
And he hums intentionally loud, trying to convey his annoyance, as he paces out the front of his house infront of his driveway.
"Broken Devi. It is broken."
She sighs.
"Well it was a dumb idea to climb out my window and then proceed to fall out of the tree."
He scoffs a chuckle.
"Hmm. Whose idea was it, David?"
"Yours I'm pretty sure, Gross."
He groans, rolling his eyes hard.
"Yeah, let's just go with it always being my fault."
"Ben, can we not? Listen, I have to go anyway, my mum is staring at me with hells inferno blazing in her eyes. I will be there in less then half an hour, ok? See you soon."
"Ok." He says before they hang up. Ben rolls his bike back into the garage, then slumps himself down onto a chair, puts his feet up on a box in the garage and rests as he waits on for Devi to arrive, boredly inspecting the damages of his car from afar. And his almost certain they will argue about that too.

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