Chapter 8:The Prom

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Ok guys! Sorry about the song... but yes... this song is more to do with happens in the next story after this one lol but I was vibing to this song as I wrote this and it makes the story even more emotional if played and read at the same time lol. Hope I did ok. I may have to go through it later to check for mistakes, but hope it came out ok. Enjoy!❤

She sits at her table, playing with her purse, inside the ballroom size hall adorned in her beautiful prom gown, watching as everyone dances. The lighting was perfect, glittering calmingly like a night sky as the music played... They all look so happy... and she reminiscently smiles when her eyes come across Eleanor and Fabiola bumping to Adventure of a Lifetime by Coldplay. She is going to miss them... seeing their faces everyday at school... sharing classes with them... sharing stories... sharing their every adventures. She takes a moment, and looks away, hands pressing down on her billowing skirt, that is fitted nicely to her waist. A light pink glittering dress the girls had helped pick out. Ben suddenly appears from behind, slides into the seat next to her, holding two cups, his side tucking into hers, his gaze wondering over her. He leans in, and suprises her with a quick soft casual kiss, making her slightly blush. This is the last prom they will ever have... and she's feeling slightly more emotional. Even so, she still does turn and glance at him with a smirk. And in her eyes, he can tell, a slight annoyance still lingers there. But, God, she does look so beautiful, he thinks to himself, letting his thoughts slip. He lets out a soft chuckle.
"Still mad at me, David?" He teases with a genlte smile, passing her a cup. Her head shakes at him, rolling her eyes as she receives it. She scoffs, with a dry smile.
"What do you think, Ben? Ofcourse, I am." She drawls, her eyes then squint at him.
"I was five minutes late, Devi." He cries, glancing at her suprised. "You can't possibly be still mad that I was only five minutes late. We got here, didnt we?"
She lets out a groan.
"It's our prom Ben! I had expected you to arrive early. " She scoffs, smacking his arm softly. She looks away again, admiring the room, and collecting memories to store of how the room felt so right. A mischievous smile curls on Ben's face as his eyes watch her.
He takes a long sip from his cup as he talks, almost as though playfully hiding his face in fear of how she may retaliate with what he says next.
"I recall you telling me that prom was no big deal." He teases, an effort to rile her up... He wants to playfully banter with her... he wants to see her bright brilliant smile... her bright brillant laugh... or just that cute look she gives him when she's in for a battle with him...
She gapes at him with an entertained smile... the look of her wanting to smack him again crosses her face. Ben's amused smile grows.
"What?!" She exclaims, eyes growing on him. "You know I would never... I never said that. Why... why would you even assume I would say something as dumb as that?"
He shrugs simply, grabbing for some snacks on the table and munching away. "I don't know, David, but I'm like..."He mockingly smiles, "eighty percent sure you did." He chews loudly, irritating her further, a teasing grin spreading over his face. He had actually heard her say it... just not in the same context as they were making it out to be... she had only said it to comfort Fabiola when she had chosen to come to prom alone, after having broke up with Eve. His trying to hold back a laugh as she growls softly, taking a handful more of snacks infront of him. Her eyes scrawls on him.
"You greedy pig." She murmurs, before suddenly turning her whole body to face him. She wasn't going to let go of the fact he had just said what he had, and just ignore his table manners. Her brows furrowed on him, as though to lecture him, Ben assumes. His eyes widen in response. And his quick to reply before she does. "Ok. Maybe like... seventy percent in the context of what is happening right now?" She raises her brows at him, tilting her head, indicating she were still not yet pleased with his answer. He shrugs his shoulders high, keeping them there, his grin not dissappearing. His finding her annoyance quite entertaining (He can't help but love how she seems to glow differently when they playfully banter)... he loves how she looks when she gets so defensive, wanting nothing more than to prove him wrong. "Ok, David, you never said it in that context. Happy?"
She bobs her head up and down smuggly in approval, satisfied she could get him there. He amusedly snickers, looking away, then growls playfully as he looks back. He knows how much she loves to win a battle with him. Her smile radiant and glows.
"I'm happy you admitted you were wrong..." She huffs proudly... " even if part of what you said were actually true. Just not how you made it out to seem." She cant help but let out a giggle.
He gazes at... eyes gleaming with adoration...
"I love how perplexing you are, my dear." He says, sliding a hand into his pocket, raising his brows at her. She hums, eyes flickering over him, biting down on her lip.
"And I love how your such a dork, Gross." She chuckles.
His grin grows, eyes tracing back to her, studying her face. He slides his arm over her shoulders, pulling her closer, leaning in to kiss her forehead.
"Can I tell you again how beautiful you look." He says eyes gazing deeply into hers, a gaze overflowing with love for her. She cant help but feel a glowing blush grow. His eyes flicker over her as he thinks, then suddenly he clears his throat, thumping his chest with a fist, as though preparing is vocals. She shoots him a horrified confused look, wondering what the hell he were doing. He playfully watches her.
"I found a love... for me... darling just dive right in... follow my lead-" He tries singing Ed Sheeran out of tune before being... rudely ...interrupted.
"No! No stop!" She laughs, cheeks filling red with embarrassment, and tries biting down her laugh. He glances at her, a playfully confused look crossing him.
Devi starts laughing again in hysterics.
"I found a girl... beautiful and sweet-" He tries again, but she's quick to place two fingers to his lips, whilst giggling.
"Devi... I'm trying to serenade you...please, why did you stop me..." he scoffs, pretending to seem offended. He opens his mouth to try again, but she catches his mouth, covering it with a deep long kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck to keep him close. She wont let go. She has him. And she... she loves him. He lets out a chuckle as he kisses her back, wrapping his arms around her tightly and then dragging her onto his lap, letting his lips sink deeper into hers. When she gazes down at him from his lap, she sees his vivid bright blue eyes gazing back at her... melting her... making her heart pound in her chest heavy. As he closes his eyes, she slides her eyes shut too... and she doesn't think she'll be able to stop... kissing him... thinking of how their time together... Will be felt when they will be moving to different campuses. He can feel how she kisses him differently, trying to linger to him, trying not to part, trying to cling to the warmth of him. Her lips so sensual, so soft, and so inviting... his suddenly hungry for her. His eyes flicker up to meet hers as she slowly pulls away, her lips still so close they brush his.
"Remember Devi. Our plan, right? We will be ok." He whispers to her, the warmth of his breath ghosting against her skin, leaning his forehead to hers. But his consumed in her, and before she can answer his drawn back to kiss her, cupping her cheek and keeping her close. He thinks he can't stop because he has her here, he has her close, his got her everyday for as long as he needs... until they find they will need to depart for differenr colleges. He only wishes time could freeze, and the time would never come to dare part them. And then the music changes to A Thousand Years by Christina Perra, and he pulls away. He takes her wrist and plays with her corsage, then slides his other hand with hers, giving it a squeeze.
"Do you want to dance?" He questions with a charming smile, bringing her hand up, and pressing a few soft kisses to it. As her smile grows, his smile breaks into a grin. He stands up instantly, and takes a step back, taking a hand out to offer to her, his other behind his back. She smirks at him, taking his hand.
"As long as you don't try singing again."
He chuckles, pulling her up and onto him. He hums as he thinks, holding her to him.
"I dont know, Devi, I can't promise anything. But I do promise though... " he says guiding her to the dance floor, before he stops and slides his hand around her waist pulling her into him, other hand sliding her fingers into his, tucking them into his chest, between them. "I want to always be yours."
She leans and kisses him softly, trying to distract from a tear wanting to shed from her eye. She lays her head onto his chest as they slow dance. The motion like the ocean, the smoothness like the sea... like the rivers...
"I promise I want to be yours forever too." She breathes into his chest. And she clings to him as they continue dancing... he wraps his arms around her tightly... they have dived in deep...
A few months, and they start college.

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