Chapter 1 Part 2

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Ben swings himself over the couch and drops himself down next to Devi, who had been playing with her hair, combing it through her fingers, whilst flicking through the Netflix shows on Ben's tv. Her eyes widen as he crashes down next to her, and she slowly drifts her gaze to him. Were he trying to break his arm again? And she wants to scoff at that thought. She were stunned he had even attempted to do something so... idiotic... with a cast on and risk landing on it and breaking his arm further. But Ben, was in a playful mood, and continues on, pretending not to take notice of how her frown grows, and grabs for the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. An amused smile tugs on his lips. Maybe he had just given her a fright, he assumes, and shrugs as he thinks to himself.
"Ben." She finally utters, feeling as though she had been holding onto her breath. "Please don't do that." Her tone coming out more as a whine. She wants to seriously smack his arm for doing that, but she resist the urge to do so, and instead tries to shake off all her annoyance as her gaze drifts back to the screen. "I mean, unless you want to be in that cast forever. Your being a douche."
He scoffs a laugh, whilst wrapping his good arm around her shoulders, pulling her into him. She glances back at him as he munches on his popcorn, not a care in the world. She grunts. "Take me seriously, ok? I don't want to have a useless boyfriend... you know... with only one good arm." She can't help but feel she wants to snort a laugh, teasing him... and it manages to escape her. And now his gaze turns to her, pausing to look at her, his eyes flickering over her as he thinks. His curiousity morphing to a smirk.
"Devi." He says, laugh in his tone. "You wound me. You couldn't possibly think I'm useless if I can prove you wrong." He arches a brow at her. "Can I prove you wrong, beautiful?" He replies in a sort of low husky playful tone. Her brows raise at the sound of him saying this, an amused smile spreads over her face, and she turns to respond. But before she can, he had already leaned in and catched her lips, covering his mouth with hers, suprising her at first. She chuckles into his kiss, but slowly begins to feel herself loosing herself into him, melting into him, disappearing into him at the feel of his lips meeting and crashing into hers. She only wants to give in to the feel of his lips on hers, because... Devi can't deny... He does feel amazing to kiss. The warmth of his lips sinking into hers, the touch of his hand on her face. She begins to trace her hand over his skin, feeling the coarseness of the stubble on his cheek, gliding her hands over, wanting to hold him there. The warmth of his breath ghosts against her skin, and he begins to pick up pace of kissing her, as she feels the frame of his body leaning into hers. Sliding further down into the couch, his body pressing up against hers, sinking lower, then, suddenly, making her erupt in laughter when he starts kissing into her neck. She instantly jerks under him.
"Ok, ok." She laughs, gripping his arm. "I was just teasing, Ben. I thought we were supposed to watch a movie, remember?"
He stops as he looks up at her, eyes paused, gently tracing her face, trying to read her as her eyes sweetly smile back at him. Her hair sprawls over the couch, eyes twinkle with mirth, as he admires her. A smile plucks at the corner of his mouth.
"Do you really want me to stop?"
She then smirks back at him, watching his adorably doting and yet curious expression, and then begins to pick herself up.
"Yes. Because I don't want to traumatise Patty if she walks in through that door."
His smile only grows wider.
"But... what if we move... to my room." His smile begins to fade as he glances at his casted arm with annoyance. "You know, if my arm werent broken..." He then turns to her with a playful smile. "I'd scoop you up. Maybe head for those stairs? Show you how useless I can be..." he teases.
She laughs. She wants to pull him down for a kiss, the temptation is strong. But instead, she opts for adamantly grabbing for the remote. There was no dancing around this when she knew that time was involved.
"But we are watching a movie, remember?" She says, trying to switch her focus. "That is why we made the popcorn. Besides, after this my mum needs me." She says, a smile still dancing on her face as she still entertains the idea of kissing him. Ben glances at her confused. And ofcourse she picks up on his look, smile starting to fade as her eyes dart over to him. Her brows slightly furrow, and she swallows as she prepares to tell him. Because it slowly starts to creep up on her that, now, she's almost certain his not going to like it. But Devi's not one to change her plans or mind for anyone easily... even Ben... no matter his reaction. He'll just have to take it. "I... I'm applying for a job." She begins slowly, as she watches him. "My mum knows someone who works at a resturant, and so... that is where she is taking me today. At around four."
His confusion morphs to a cringe.
"But... but you should be using your time to study... doesnt your mum know this is our last year of high school and getting the best marks are absolutely vital for us getting into college." She only attempts to faintly return a smile, but before she can reply, he sits himself up looking annoyed as he reaches for the popcorn, and begins to shove some down. He is irritated, she can tell. "Devi, our plan is to get into Harvard. How are you supposed to do that if your working? We need to work really hard for that."
She frowns at him.
"You, Ben, want me to make it into Harvard. What about what I want? Have you considered where I want to go too? Princeston is also a great option. Just saying."
He slowly turns to her, some anxiety pooling in his stomach as he wonders on this, feeling it go slightly uneased.
"We can still see each other. The campuses are not far from each other. That is if we both get into our preferred campuses."
He groans and slowly slouches away, trying to think up of a way to divert the conversation. Because his not having this conversation now. He doesn't want to discuss this... He wonders what would happen if Devi and he weren't to be going to the same campus. He doesnt want to be so far from her, while she studies somewhere else. If he were to be working... if he were to be studying his law degree... what time would he get to see her? So he clears his throat, as he taps the side of the couch, trying to find something else to talk about. But his attempts are not far from their previous conversation, giving in to his curiosity.
"Why do you need a job anyway? Do you need money for anything?" He utters, still feeling himself annoyed.
She side way glances at him. She can already tell he won't like her answer to this either, but she won't take no for an answer. No matter how his ego takes it. She inhales sharply as she turns to him, bracing herself.
"I'm going to pay for the damages I caused to your car." She says quickly, knowing already he won't except it. He cringes and scoffs instantly as he watches her with a slight frown.
"No you won't, Devi. I'm doing that."
She moans. Because she knows it will be hard to convince him.
"Ben. I drove your car into another car. You paid for the damages to that poor other dudes car. Let me at least just pay for the damages to yours, alright? My mum also agreed I should take some responsibility. And now she thinks Im a pathetic driver." She mumbles the last bit mainly to herself.
It doesnt stop him from getting up, and he begins to walk away.
"No. I won't let you."
And he says it as though it's the ultimate decision... there is no more to this conversation. It's his ego, she knows. And his got a big one, Devi can't deny. But Ben's always come from a rich family... his always been able to afford whatever he wants, whenever he wants. And for him not to pay for something, especially for his girlfriend , he thinks would basically make him out to appear to be weak. And Devi knows he will be strong headed... more than usual... about all this.
"You've already used up all your savings. To pay for the other car. How will you manage to pay for yours, now, Ben? Have you thought about that? Will you go to your dad?" She questions, the last part alittle mockingly so, he notes. She wants him to say yes. Whether she'll actually listen to him or not. He stops in his tracks then and freezes. His not quite ready to know what he wants to say, but he turns round, scratching the back of his head as he thinks.
"I'll ahhh... I'll think of a way. Maybe this is a good time to start working with my dad. His already offered for me to work with him before..."
She turns to him suddenly, eyeing him. She already knows he doesn't want to work for his dad, as he had previously mentioned to her before. So it's no real suprised to Ben she is gazing at him confused.
"Work for your dad? I thought thats something you said you wouldnt consider."
He sighs heavily.
"I don't know Devi. Maybe I were wrong. Maybe it would give me a chance to be closer to him, you know?" He says as he turns back round, and heads for the kitchen trying to avoid the conversation he clearly doesn't want to have with her right now. He needs time to still think this through. Devi sighs, turning her attention back to the screen, and starts to flick through Netflix. She knows his trying to avoid talking to her. She knows his just as stubborn as she, and he'll only want his own way still. So she'll remain her ground just as strong, and she only hopes to find a show to distract her of this... situation. And it's only a few minutes later that Ben returns with a drink, and lowers himself down next to her. He snickers at her choice of show she lands on.
"Umm. Bridgerton?" He questions, gazing at her puzzled. She only turns to him annoyed, her thoughts still revolving around their previous conversation. Or lack of. She's adamant to sticking her ground. As much as Ben is to sticking his too. Thus, why Ben knows to avoid it, because maybe they have lived through this before and neither will choose to willingly give in.
"Yes." She says simply. He curiously watches her, her displeasure clearly on her face still. She's upset, he can tell. But that doesn't mean Ben will just give in like that. So he slumps back down into the couch, and he won't question her. He'll just sit here with her. She presses play and leans back too, crossing her arms, her shoulders brushing his. He glimpses at her from the side of his eyes, trying to read when her face begins to soften, but she still looks pretty much annoyed, so he frustratedly just settles for watching the show. After having sat in silence for awhile, he finally breaks the ice when he snickers at a scene, and sweeps his gaze to Devi.
"Is umm... is the duke about to tell her how to... umm... get herself off?"
She shoots him a mockingly confused look.
"Oh. Your actually watching... I thought you were asleep." She replies sarcastically, smirking at him. He shakes his head biting his lip down as his eyes go back to the screen.
"Never thought it would be an 1800s romantic comedy."
"Its not."
"Well.. it's pretty funny to me."
"That's because your immature."
"I'm pretty sure your the immature one, David." He taunts, throwing popcorn at her. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head at him, ignoring him.
He then chuckles at the next scene. Her eyes widen as she glances back at him, looking shocked.
"Ben. You cant even get through that scene without giggling like a little girl."
He sweeps his gaze back to her, an amused smile still on his face.
"I'm sorry, but that was pretty funny. And slightly uncomfortable to watch."
She scoffs at him.
"No it wasn't."
"Why are we watching this anyway? This is something Eleanor would watch. Not you."
She resists the urge to playfully smack him again, and just sighs heavily instead, letting out her frustration.
"If you really must know, I did watched one episode with Eleanor and Fab the other day. And it's not bad. I actually quite like it." She says sweetly, directed at the screen.
"Ok..." He shrugs, as he gets up. "I just hope you don't come back speaking like your from 1800s England by the time you finish the series." He teases as he gets up. She drifts her gaze to him, confused.
"Where are you going?"
"Well if you really must know, David, I'm going to grab my phone. Give my dad a call. Ask him if I can start this weekend." A teasing smile begins to curl on his lips as he watches her. "Then you dont have to get that job." He winks at her, then tries to spin on his heel to head out for his phone. But her words do stop him in his tracks.
"I'm going today whether you like it or not Ben. Im getting that job. Im going to be a waitress by tomorrow." She smirks, then turns back to the show. He slides his hand into his jeans pocket as he stands there watching her. His brows wrinkle as he reads her, and he knows she's telling him the truth... she'll remain stubborn... I mean, he knew this already... but his got his good confidence on his side that he believes he could win this. His Ben, his got this.
She won't turn to give him any attention, so he swings round and leaves the room to grab his phone and do as he said. Call his dad.

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