Chapter 3:Part 2

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Ben tosses to the side, clutching to the warm soft blanket, trying to cover himself up, cover his face. And it were so soft, it were so heavenly, he felt it like a dream. He doesnt want to wake yet... even if something didn't feel quite right... something desparately trying to nudging him to get up. He groans softly, eyelids heavy, mind so fazed out. Damn, his not ready... he doesn't want to, not yet... ten more minutes please, his mind tries to beg. No matter who is knocking at the door... who is knocking at the door... who is... there is a torture to the way it rings in his head, like a nightmare, silently trying to wake him up... And he feels slightly more alert... when it starts to click ... 'Oh fuck!' becomes his next thought. His eyes immediately shoot wide open, wide wide awake, and he turns to see Devi sleeping there peacefully, serenily right beside him... exhausted, in deep sleep, completely passed out! His heart begins to race.
"Devi! If you do not answer..." her mother warns from behind her door, a viscious growl in her voice. Ben picks himself up immediately, his mind racing a mile per hour, his heart thumping incredibly hard in his chest... he doesn't even know if there is time to try to wake her, hesitates at the thought to climb or jump out her window... doesnt know if there is time to make a run for her closet! So he feaks out alittle, and instead rolls himself off her bed, landing with a thump on the hard ground, dragging half the blanket down with him. He reaches for a basket of clothes, blankets and towels folded neatly on top of her study table (that she were supposed to put away the previous day), and tosses it over himself, whilst trying to bury, cover himself and hide every inch of him under what he could. The door slowly creaks open, and the next thing he hears is the horrified gasp of Devi's mother. Ben gulps... He gulps hard, feeling himself sweat... had she noticed him? His dead. He is surely dead, he whimpers in his mind.
"Devi! Wake up!" She yells, clinging to the door knob hard. Devi murmurs lazily in her sleep. "Look at this mess!" She continues to fume. "I did not raise you to be so messy! You were supposed to put your laundry away yesterday, not leave it lying around on your bedroom floor!" She growls some more.
Devi slowly lifts her head up, her head pounding, eyes still half shut, her hair a mess, half slightly over her face. She gazes at her mum, as she slides her hand over her face, brushing her hair away from her eye, her vision still a blur.
"W-what?" She murmurs, confused, her voice so croaky she barely gets the words out. Her mother groans, stalking over to her. Ben's heart begins to pick up pace, racing a mile per hour as he feels the stomps of her steps closer. Clearly, he would die today. Clearly, he should have just jumped and made a run for it... as fast as he could... she wouldnt notice it were him, right? What the hell is he even...? Ofcourse she would notice... His not Flash! Although all the adrenaline surging within him would have made him think so! He tries to slow down his breathing and zone out.
"Listen, Devi! If you can not handle your work, your school life, and keeping up your chores, you need to either give up your social life, or wait till your in college to start working. I can't be doing everything for you!"
"Muuumm..." she whines, scratching at her head, then drops back in her bed dramatically as she stretches... that is when it starts to slowly hit her... and she suddenly feels something cold wash over her when remembers... Ben! Oh shit! This is bad! This is real *@&#!*# bad! Her mind wants to spew out every swear word she knows! Her eyes shoot wide open and she's wide wide, and terrified awake! She spins round to her mum, breathing slightly heavier now, feeling herself hyperventilating at the thought of her mother discovering him in his boxer shorts in her room. The fear running through her right now... well, it were terrifying high!
"S-sure mum, I'm so s-sorry,' she says quickly as she tries jolting out of bed... but it becomes more of a stumble, almost tripping over her own bed sheets, her legs still feeling the damned weakness of having just woken up. She scrambles to her feet, not taking a single moment to begin to guide her mother out of her room. "I will start like right now." She mumbles, whilst nervously smiling at her mum and steers a very confused Mrs. Vishkumar toward the door.
"Ahhhh. O-ok? You better get yourself together Devi! And ahhh... if it's not done when I do get back from work, there will be severe severe consequences." She says raising her brows to make her point clear. Her eyes then glare at her firmly... and yet suspiciously flickering around. Devi continues to smile her best, and she wonders on what scale of terrified does her smile come out looking right now. Devi stares at her mother awkwardly as they hang out infront of her door... quietly, as Devi attempts to block her mother's vision of her room with her body. It doesn't stop her mother from darting her eyes around her, trying to peer in, wondering why the hell she were acting so damn odd. "Hmm. Devi?" Her mother hums, watching her with an intensely confused glare. "Are you ok?" She questions, her gaze suspicious, a firm look that could look right through any bodies soul. It were terrifying. It were really terrifying. Devi could feel her palms sweat, her heart race, her ability to breath increasingly difficult.
"Yeah, absolutely fine." She squeals. Why? Why is her voice doing this to her?! She does not recall sucking helium, does she?! NO! Then her voice should not be doing this to her! She then tries clearing her throat... maybe that would help... Breaths calmly in, and tries again... "I... I just remembered that I have an assignment... ahhh... I haven't started? A-and it's due this week. So I have sooo much to do in very little time... and I managed to sleep in!" She laughs, nervously, at the last bit, as though her mother would see it as a joke? She's feeling her heart pounding hard, thumping wildly in her chest. All this is going to make her pass out, she thinks. The look her mother gives her... Devi's uncertain what her mother is thinking... if she believes her own daughter is going crazy or if she just doesnt believe Devi one tinsy wincy bit at all. But its lucky for Devi that her mother... right now... she certainly doesn't have time to waste on this... to investigate this further... at this moment anyway... as odd as Devi were acting. She were already beyond late for work. And she were much too stressed with other more important commitments? So she just clears her throat, squares her shoulders confidently and frowns at Devi.
"Ok... we need to talk about this... this behaviour of yours? But later today... I am way to late and I have no time for these type of little games. Make sure you have put all your clothes away. Neatly." She replies, giving her one more firm look, before she exits and disappears down the hall and then down the stairs. Devi closes her door softly behind her, carefully... and then feels she wants to collapse against the wall from the sheer intensity of stress and adrenaline that had been fusing through her. Ben begins to shift under all the clothes. Her eyes widen again.
"Not yet Ben! We aren't clear yet. Wait." Devi manages to hiss, panting a little, still feeling on edge. She waits for the front door of the house to slam shut, and then leans over, out the window to see her mother's car drive off and disappear around the bend. She sighs in such relief, the tension seeping away from her body. And she turns to Ben, crouching down next to him, removing a towel off, from over his face.
"Your free to come out."
He props himself up slowly.
"Oh my... god. That was... that was terrifying." He says, as he gets to his feet.
"You" she says as she gets to her feet too. "You are going to help me put all this away. Do you know how long it took for me to fold all these? I have maths to catch up on." She smirks at him.
His eyes wonder over her. She still wears these cute pink pyjamas he had bought her awhile ago, and it makes him smile. A cheeky smile begins to form on his face as he continues watching her. He takes her by the wrist as she bends to pick up one of the towels off the floor, and pulls her to him, flush against his chest. He doesnt say anything, just gazes at her before leaning in and covers his mouth with hers. His kiss is deep, and intense and it's making her head spin and heart race already. Pulling her over to her bed, he kisses her onto it, she drops back, and he crawls over her, his lips never leaving hers. She gazes at him, as his lips slowly stop, dragging over hers.
"Do we have time for this first?" He questions, voice deep, and eyes flickering over hers. She's melting from his touch, and knows she already wants him so badly. She slides her hands over his chest, watching him intently.
"Depends. Are you willing to help me with all my work? You know I have alot to do." She teases with a cheeky smile. But his eyes slowly furrow on her, knowing to well what she were doing. He sighs.
"Devi? Really? Your chores... ofcourse. Your school work... that would be going against our deal. I would be helping you... win then."
She giggles.
He clearly doesn't think it's funny.
"Then i guess that would mean I win."
She frowns.
"No. How?"
"Because you have given up. And you need me to help you stay on top of things." He smirks.
"Whatever." She replies. And her mood is completely gone. He cant think he can win everything, she wont let him.
He leans and tries to kiss her, but she's way too quick and angry, and so she rolls away from under him. He curses in his mind.
"Devi. Please. Why?" He whines. She spins round to face him.
"We had fun last night... I wouldn't want to loose any time today. I have to much work to do." She says as she bends down and starts to furiously throw her clothes back into the basket. He groans, and takes her wrist to stop her, and tries to pull her over to him where he sits at the edge of her bed. She tries resisting, but he wants her to look at him, and eventually she gives up.
"I... I thought you'd want to give up on this... this deal by now. Your exhausted, your behind."
She glares at him some more... His clearly not making things better .
"Give up? Did you honestly think I would ever give up, Ben?" She bitterly scoffs a laugh.
He tries replying but his stuck on words... because honestly he had really hoped she would. She loosens his grip from her wrist and continues to throw her clothes back into the basket.
"Besides... our deal never stated I would be going with you to where ever you wanted to. Harvard." She says, rather snarky.
He scoffs.
"Y-yeah, ok... but..." He begins to say... then feels his heart begin to sink deep into his chest. It's as though cold water had been suddenly poured over him... startling him violently wake and bringing him to reality. His beginning to suddenly realise... she's not going to try for him... try keeping them together... she's not going to choose him... to go with him. She'll eventually forget him. Does she even want to try... its painful... it's making his heart bleed... it's as though his heart had curled away and cracked alittle in his chest... is he being too selfish? He sharply inhales, trying to pull himself out of his thoughts. "Your not going to choose to come with me are you..." he manages to question...and his words sound so much more burnt, so much more drained then she has ever heard him before. She feels her heart sinking too. She turns to him slowly.
"Ben. How can you expect me to do what you want me to do?"
"It's not just what I want to do Devi... I don't want us to end."
"I'm not trying to end us! But you cant expect me to go with you... because your being selfish..."
"Im not trying to be- Fuck." He cant complete his sentence... because maybe he knows it's true... so instead, he gets up suddenly and stalks to the door. His heart is racing so fast, it is beating beyond control. She stares after him looking appalled.
"Where are you going?"
"Shit, I don't know, but I cant stay here that's for sure."
And he wants to leave the room but his finding it hard to... pacing himself back and forth between leaving and not.
"Are you- you breaking up with me?" Devi gasps, pain in her voice. Ben's eyes widen, stunned, and he almost looks terrified by those words.
"M-me? B-break... What? No Devi. That's the last thing I'm trying to do!"
"Then let me make my own choices."
He grimances, picks up his clothes off the ground, turns on his heel and leaves.

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