Chapter 3: Part 1: The Halloween Party

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She falls asleep on Ben, eyes slipping shut as she slides from his shoulder down to his chest. They were both sitting cross legged on the floor, his back against the wall, her shoulder pressed into his side... and they may have just had a minor disagreement about their 'deal' literally just minutes before she began to feel her eyelids heavy, resting her head on his shoulder. They were outside on the front porch of Marcus's house, and inside was a Halloween party still raging on. And she may have had one drink... Ben thinks... But he mostly knows she had already arrived there tired. The whole week had been a blur, infact, with Devi having worked tirelessly day after day after school... And it suprised Ben, that even though she were still tired, she were still very insistent that they must still turn up to Marcus's party. It was all everyone were talking about at school. Devi couldnt miss it. Even Fab and El had tagged along with them... not that they would usually ever turn up to most of these types of parties. But it was the last year of school and they couldn't resist joining in for a bit of fun.
Ben didn't quite want to be there... he mostly believed Halloween were more of a tradition for younger kids. I mean, he would have much more prefered he and Devi stayed at his place, on his couch, snuggled up, eating their favourite pizza, whilst watching a scary movie or two as he had originally suggested to her. But Devi were determined that they must go... and so, if Devi were going, there would be no way he wasn't going to be there with her. So with her first pay (and in which he couldn't believe she had done this), she had already gone out and purchased him a Roman centurion soldier outfit (turning up as Marc Antony, she insisted, and, she, as Cleopatra) to make absolutely certain he would have no excuse not to go, and so he would basically be stuck going either way... not that he would have considered not going if she were to be going. And she were sure he would be very impressed with how she looked in her Cleopatra outfit. Something she he had purchased a long while ago, planning ahead for if an event like this should happen. And, ofcourse, he were impressed... he couldnt keep his eyes off her, gazing at her all night... gleaming and glittering in her outfit, looking so elegant... and she looked so beautiful, so stunning... stiring up feelings that made his heart race and feelings that made him want to instantly hold her close. But instead, upon seeing her for the first time in her gorgeous custome whilst they had still been at Fabs' before they had left for the party, he just frooze... proper words not wanting to form and instead blurts out nervously, mumbling a joke about how she should have turned up in her pumpkin suit instead. A joke that she clearly didn't find funny at all, but it still didnt stop her from giggling as he blushed and took her hand.
She hums in her sleep and shifts on his chest, which makes him look down at her. He finds it so cute when her nose crinkles as she snorts in her sleep. He can feel his heart pick up pace and beat harder in his chest as his eyes wonder over her. God, she does look so beautiful as she sleeps, he thinks to himself. Her face glowing even in the dark... as though she were some kind of angel... and his so in love with her. He knows it'll hurt if she doesn't go with him... to the same college. The thought alone makes his heart bleed, and feel as though something burns in his stomach. And she's so quiet, so peaceful... He wishes he could hold her like this and watch her so peacefully, so much more often. It is a contrast to the way she had been when they had been arguing. His glad she's sleeping because she needed the rest... and she looks so beautiful as he gazes at her, all he wants to do is to let his eyes trace her face, wonder over every curve. He doesn't want to wake her, so he doesn't move his broken arm from under her, as uncomfortable as it felt. He leans down and presses a kiss to her forehead, just as two drunken teens slam the front door open and stumble outside onto the porch, laughing. A footballer, dressed as Dracula, and his girlfriend, dressed as Harley Quinn, begin to kiss a few steps away from were Ben sits with a sleeping Devi. He winces as he realises they may wake her. And he were right, with all the commotion happening on the porch, Devi begins to wake up, stirring as she wakes, her hand gripping onto Ben's side tighter as though he were her pillow. As her eyes flutter open the first thing she sees as she turns her head is what looks like Dracula sucking at the neck of a tall girl with pink and white hair, and it is terrifying, startling the heck out of her, thinking she may have woken up in some stuffed up terrible nightmare... having fallen into such deep sleep she had forgotten where she actually really were. She grips to Ben even tighter, and snaps her eyes up to Ben whose wrinkling his brows at her in confusion at how she scrambles closer to him, and tears at his shirt from how startled she seemed.
"Relax Devi. We're at Marcus's party remember?" He says softly, then huffs out a suprised chuckle. Her eyes widen, she feels slightly embarrassed.
"Oh... oh right." Her voice still a little rasp with sleep. His smile widens, and he pulls her up to him, eyes flickering over hers as her face comes close. He freezes as he notices the way she is gazing into his eyes... all he sees is how safe she feels with him, and the way she wants to hold him even closer, trying to get over what she had just woken up to. Her gaze on him is so gentle, he feels as though he could completely melt away into her. The same way Devi feels for him, gazing back into him, his eyes so blue, like a pool she wants to dip herself into. She has a hold on him, and he finds himself tugging her closer into him, pulling her up onto his lap. He runs his hand along the side of her face slowly, letting his fingers slide through her thick hair, then holding her face there so he can gaze at her more. Quietly, her eyes trace down to his lips, and she leans in and kisses him, soft and slow, feeling her heart melt away in her chest. He loves how she feels, how warm she feels, how sweet she smells as he breaths her in. He wraps his arm around her, and starts to deepen the kiss, feeling his heart race in his chest. His breath is so warm, she wants to breath him in more, taste his lips, consume him more. And then they suddenly hear a thump and they slowly stop, as they begin to remember they weren't the only ones on the porch, hearing the laughing and chattering of Dracula and Harley Quinn as they stumble about and continue to make out on the porch. Ben slides his face into her shoulder, letting his centurion helmet fall over his eyes, and continue to press soft kisses into her neck, before looking back up again.
"Think it might be time to get going home?" He murmurs, eyes watching her.
"Is Fab and El still here?"
Ben lightly shrugs, then nods his head.
"Yeah, I think so? They would have been inside the entire time. They have probably been getting everybody else wasted playing beer pong with Fab's incredible ability to accurately aim."
Devi laughs. And he buries his face back into the curve of her neck.
"That is true. We shouldn't ruin their fun, we'll just go home together."
Ben slowly drifts his gaze back up to her, brows wrinkled in confusion, a smile curling on his face, then snorts a laugh.
"Together? You mean you want me to sleepover? Like last time?"
Devi crinkles her nose at him, looking equally confused, then blushing.
"Well, I just sort of meant... we could share an uber together... but I guess I also like the sound of you sleeping over just as much." She replies, a little shyly, then awkwardly giggles. Ben looks at her suprised.
"Umm. Ok. Sure. Ok." He replies, feeling himself heat up, begins to get up and stumbles to his feet, already tapping his back pockets to locate his phone. Then he twists round to look at her as his pulling out his phone.
"What about your mum?" He questions, as he scrolls to find his uber app. She just bites back a grin as she watches him frantically fumbling around with his phone, filling in the details into the app. His to lost in thought to even notice.
"I don't know but you seem eager to risk it anyway."
"Hmmm? What?" He replies, glimpsing her way shortly, confused, as though he hadn't heard her.
"Nothing Ben."
"Sorry." He turns to her. "I'm listening. Im just keen to leave this party."
She laughs.
"I can tell."
"Do you really think we can get through past your mum again?"
"Well... my mum's had alot on her mind lately... with Kamala and Prashant's families and all. She's been so distracted she keeps even oddly misplacing her things lately. The other day she couldnt even remember what day it was. We should be fine."
A smile curls on his lips, until it begins to slip off again, and she finds him only staring blankly at her.
"What?" She questions curiously. He stares alittle longer before he shakes his head.
She's not convinced.
"What Ben?"
"Nothing really. Let's just... let's just get you up and we can wait for our uber... away from Dracula and his girlfriend." He says putting his hand out to help her to her feet. They begin to walk over to the curb, and it starts to rain lightly, so he removes his helmet and places it on her head, a faint smile dancing on his face, admiring how she looks under the street light. The way she looks at him, he can tell she hasnt given up on waiting for an actual answer to her question. So he sighs then.
"I was just thinking about how... last time she called me... She kind of told me how much she loved me being there to help look out for you," he says the last bit with a bit of a smirk directed at Devi, which Devi rolls her eyes to. "And so I guess, if your mum were to find us... she would basically hate me... And that could affect the chances of you coming to college with me."
Devi snorts a laugh.
"Oh, was that all? Ben, I'd be more concerned about how we'd make it out alive if she found us... we wouldn't even make it to college." She replies, as they see a car approach the curb, they assume its their uber. Then she scans her eyes over him, smirking as she hops into the car. "Arent you worried about how you will be getting home still dressed as a roman soldier tomorrow?"
He chuckles.
"Yeah, a little I guess. Unless i borrow one of your dresses... I mean, that might not look half as bad." He teases, which makes her laugh. "That also reminds me... how am I supposed to climb out your window with a broken arm, exactly?" He adds with an amused smile. She leans in closer to him, playfully, batting her eyes flirtously at him.
"Guess our sleepover is over, then?"
He just scoffs, as though he were offended by the notion.
"Devi, I really dont know what your talking about... I'm willing to risk everything here. Even if i risk breaking a second arm. But I'm not backing down."
She laughs, bright and full of mirth, he wants to kiss her. He cant help but reach for her hand, let his fingers slide, and intertwine with hers. The way he smiles at her, it makes her heart skip a beat, and she knows she's in love with him.

Hi guys! I hope I did ok with this one... I may have to go over it again just because I've had so much on these past few days... but I may work on it to make it better. Anyways, let me know! Xxxx all ❤

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