Chapter 5: Part 1

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"Oh yellow..." Fab gesticulates to Devi's yellow Volkswagen that is parked directly next to her fabulous little yellow Yaris. "Just like mine. And here you were mocking me over my choice of colour? What do you have to say?" Fab teases. Devi smirks, folding her arms infront of her.
"Mine is cuter. Way cuter." She teases back, knowing she's pushing on the verge of irritating Fab. Not a good way to start the day, irritating Fab that is, but!... Devi's feeling it today! She woke up with the sunshine on her side. And what if she felt like being a little smug this morning? She believes she may literally have the best boyfriend in the world. She huffs a content sigh, as she admires her car. "Ben is unbelievably perfect." She beams to herself, her smile glowing. El' s lips curl into an amused smile.
"Well you guys have never really gotten along... but ok." She almost laughs, turning to face Devi. Devi's eyes flicker to El, suddenly looking slightly taken back.
"But... we do also make up too, right?" She says, in a slightly defensive tone. "Thats just how we work." She tries pulling off a proud smile. El picks up on how Devi changes, giving her an encouraging smile.
"Sorry Devi. Yes, and there's nothing wrong with that."
Devi just awkwardly laughs it off.
"Pfft, it's all cool, El." She huffs, to make it seem like no big deal. But she can't deny, it sort of did sting a little. Did this mean their relationship had a flaw? A flaw that could cause problems later between them, possibly more with distance? It lingers in her thoughts.
They begin to walk to class as they hear the bell, slowly strolling back toward the main building.
"So if you do make it into Harvard... you will be going with him?" El questions as they begin to dawdle.
Devi puffs, as though it were an obvious question.
"Pfft... I mean, yeah... maybe... that's even if I get in, which may likely not even happen."
"But what if you do?" Fab questions, suddenly playfully swinging to her. "Let's say you get into Princeston and Harvard... what would you choose then?" She tilts her head and raises her brows at her, expecting an answer. Devi scoffs, as though it should be obvious... but... but... is it? Her mind begins to wonder.
"I guess... sometimes... sometimes I wonder why he doesn't choose to come with me?"
"Wait. You guys haven't talked about that yet?" Fab questions, suprised. Devi shakes her head with a worried look.
"No. No we havent."
"Why not?"
"Because... because I guess I know what he'd say... And I don't want to hear him say it."
"What do you think he will say?" El questions.
"He will say no. I know he will say no." Devi rolls her eyes as she says this, disappointment in her tone.
El and Fab exchange a confused look.
"What? You think he would say no?" Fab questions, suprised. Devi shrugs.
"Yeah. Because it's basically what his told me before... I mean not directly... but... listen, he has family history going to Harvard. Harvard Law school is ranked as number one across the country... if not the world. His dad knows every professor, every lecturer, every one that matters in Harvard... and also... Princeston doesn't have a law school... so basically... that would literally mean I would need to go with him if we were to stay together... if there is even that choice." And then she furrows her brows as she looks away. "But I don't want him to make me have to change my plans for him either. It doesnt seem fair. Tell me, am I being selfish?" Devi turns dramatically toward them.
El and Fab both stop in their tracks. El glances from Devi to Fab and back, then takes hold of Devi's arms. She has a look in her eyes that says she wants to shake her for even thinking that way. Her gaze firm and serious.
"Devi. Choosing what you want for you is not being selfish... your the only one that knows what's best for you. There is nothing that anyone could say that should change your mind about what you should do. Let yourself grow. Make your own decisions. He cant choose your path... thats something you got to do for you."
"But I want to be with him too. And I dont want to hurt him. It'll hurt if I dont go. With him. I'm sick of hurting him."
El sighs and smiles at her friend as though she had thought her friend were being dramatic and silly.
"Both campuses are not far from each other, Devi. You guys should be fine. He may hurt a little, but it wont mean you guys will break up or anything." El continues, then smiles at her encouragingly. Devi returns a smile, feeling a slight bit better, but none the less, still better rather than worse.
"It's probably only like... 4 hours drive, right?" Fab questions, looking as though she were calculating the maths in her head.
"Five. I googled it." Devi responds, softly gazing at her friends. She sighs deeply. "We... we can do it."
Fab pats her friends back, huffing a bright smile that only says she has absolutely no doubt they would.
"I know you guys will."

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