Chapter 6: Part 1

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She flips her new skirt as she enters the room. "What do you think?" She beams a smile at him. Ben gets up to his feet, from off her study chair, a smile growing as he watches her. He slowly walks over, hands dug deep in his pockets, playfully darting his eyes up and down on her, biting his lip down, Devi only assumes his exaggeratedly checking her out... she wants to laugh. But she instead bites down that grin, and thinks of how he loves to play around with her.
"Cute. You look cute." He says in a playfully husky voice as he reaches her, taking a hand out of his pocket and tracing it over her arm. She cringes at him and playfully smacks his arm.
"Only cute? You can do better than that." She snorts, turning around to pick up her bag off the hook. "Your so charming, Gross." She smirks over her shoulder at him. He chuckles leaning forward.
"What do you want me to say? Sexy? Sexy isnt it? I think you look absolutely sexy in that skirt..." He smirks back, as he pulls her into a hug from the back, leaning in to peck her on the cheek. "But I've seen you in outfits much sexier than this."
"I... I'm not supposed to go sexy." She scoffs a laugh. "We're meeting your parents for lunch. Your ridiculous."
He does a small chuckle.
"Maybe. But you know how much I love playing with you though..." he says as he turns her round slowly to face him. This time he gazes at her genuinely, eyes warmly watching her. "You Devi... you look so beautiful. As always." He says as he leans in and softly kisses her. She beams a smile at him, bobbing on her feet with excitement, then takes his hand, and guides him out the door, toward the stairs, down to her living room where her mother and Kamala sit with Prashant. Its been a couple of weeks since Kamala has returned from India, with her new fiance, and they have been continuously discussing wedding arrangements, plans and dates... discussing, Kamala emphasizes, believing that everyone had been pushing things a bit too fast. She would rather take things slower... something she seeks to discuss with Prashant and their families herself. Devi and Ben both say their goodbyes to her family before ducking out, and heading straight for the car. As she drives there, she cant understand why, but Devi cant help but begin to feel somewhat nervous... her hands sweat, and all those butterflies in her stomach type of feels she desparately wish would go away... it's not like it's the first time she has ever meet them... She's met them multiple times before... but everytime feels new. His parents are nice... but they are barely there... they never stay long enough for her to get to know them well. Ben and Devi have been dating for over two years now... and the one thing she knows is how his house feels almost empty... or rather lifeless... it's no wonder Ben preferred to spend more time at her house then his own...
"Are you ok?" Ben asks, sliding his hand over hers as she drives. She turns to glimpse at him quickly, and smiles his way.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Just... just I don't know why I get so nervous meeting them... every time?" She does an awkward small laugh... a way of masking her actual anxiety over meeting them again. Ben faintly smiles.
"Don't worry. Besides, my dad can stay for an hour or two before he needs to leave to board a flight later this afternoon."
"It's not that I don't want to meet them, I actually do. But it sometimes feels as though they have some sort of a time limit. They always have somewhere they need to be or something they need to do..." She says as she pulls up to the front of his house.
Ben winces.
"Yeah that's true." He mumbles, rubbing his eyes, looking suddenly tired. As she goes to grab her bag from the back, she captures a glimpse of a pain on his face. She freezes, suddenly feeling her heart break. And, god, she knows that look all to well. She's seen it before... she's seen it when his dad hadnt turned up to a few events that Ben had wanted him to be. God, that look makes her heart race, because she just wants to comfort him. She takes his hand, lacing her fingers with his, as he brings his gaze up to meet hers. And somehow she already knows what his thinking... or rather dreading.
"Don't worry Ben. It doesn't matter what happens... I'm here, ok? Whatever happens today, lets just have fun." She says, then leans in, giving him a peck on the lips. She looks down at her skirt and gorgeous floral top. "I mean, I didn't get dressed for nothing." She tries joking, only to realise his taken it seriously.
He groans and sighs heavily as he opens the door and slouches out of the car.
"Let's hope not." He grumbles, starting to feel a heaviness in his stomach.
"I meant..." She tries again, as she also steps out. "I meant, whether things go as expected or not-"
"Devi, it's ok. I just pray they do show up, otherwise... I'll be embarrassed if they dont. There is no way they could think its ok to do that to me and my girlfriend-"
"Ben it's ok-"
"No, no its not. They may do that to me, but I'll be so mad if they-"
She suddenly grabs his arms and stops him, turning him to face her.
"Ben. Stop. Ok? There is nothing they could do to ruin our day, ok? Because..." her lips upturn into a smile. "Whether they turn up or not... we are going to have our own fun. I plan to drive us up to the beach... and grab some pizza with you?... we can go for a stroll on the beach and... hell, we can even jump into the freezing cold water..." she laughs. "We can stay and watch-" she continues until he stops her with a kiss. He pulls away and watches her like... she is his everything...
"Damn, I love you..." He blurts out... before he realises what he had just said... His eyes widening and his cheeks fill pink. Devi feels as though her breath were ripped from her lungs... her eyes growing wide on him as she gazes back... suprised... and she smiles, which then cracks into a grin.
"Really?" She questions, eyes searching his. His eyes gaze back at her so warm, so soft, and shy. He clears his throat, feeling it tighten up... then rubs the back of his neck, nervously.
"Y-yeah. I-I do Devi." He replies. She can feel her heart race at his words, she feels her cheeks burn with love for him. She drifts into him and kisses him slowly and softly. He feels so good for her to kiss, she doesn't want to pull away.
"I... I sort of love you too, Gross." She whispers into their kiss. He pulls away, eyes wide watching her, eyes flickering over hers, searching them for any indication it were not true... lips parted in suprise.
The door then opens, and its Ben's mum at the door... and it takes a moment for him to realise there were actually someone at the door... and as he turns, he had half expected it would be Patty. But his suprised to see his mum.
"Mum? Hey." He says quickly, a tinge of pink still coloured on his cheeks.
"Hi. Hello you two, come on in. Dont just stand there like two helpless statues. Patty has made us a delicious pasta primavera and some salad and we dont want it go spoiled. I've been waiting a while. Although, Ben, I am unsure of if your dad will make it. He thinks his flight may need to be boarded earlier." She says the last part with a sigh.
Devi awkwardly smiles at Ben, hoping he wouldn't be too upset, as they at least had one parent. But she can tell, the news doesn't go down well with him. He gulps down what ever frustration he begins to feel, and instantly takes her hand, guiding her inside, groaning as he passes his mother.
"Ben, you do know that I am here? I do hope that makes you happy." His mother says as she paces after him. He just continues on, tugging Devi along with him toward the dinning room. Devi is not liking this.
"Yeah mum, happy." He replies, very much unconvincingly. Devi pulls her hand away from his, frowning at him.
"Ben, calm down. It's ok." She hisses to him.
"Sorry." Ben replies. "Sorry Devi." He whispers, pulling up a chair for her. "It just... it just... I just cant believe him."
"Please... just don't be angry ok? Your mum is here. I want to enjoy her company." She says as she sits down with an encouraging smile. He shrugs, and he knows he has no option but to give in, and pretend everything were ok... even though his furious with his dad. He takes the seat himself next to her.
"I dont know about you Devi, but I absolutely love tiramisu. And Patty has made us a delicious tiramisu pudding I cant wait to try after our lunch." His mother beams a smile at Devi as she passes them and takes a seat at the table.
"Oh, that sounds really good Mrs. Gross." She replies with a gentle smile.
"Yes. You will love it." Her smile widens. "I heard you and Ben are trying to get into Harvard."
Ben's eye widen and he clears his throat jumping in at the opportunity to interrupt her.
"God, mum we don't need to talk about that. I mean, aren't you hungry. Here, Devi", he scrambles for her plate suddenly and begins to scoop some of the pasta onto her plate. Devi turns to him confused, looking on at a jumpy Ben. His mother also furrows her brows at him, confused.
"Ok..." She replies, unsure of how to react. "Umm. I guess we could talk about that later."
Devi's eyes dart back and forth from his mother to Ben, his smile growing ever more awkward... or guilty, Devi suspects. He swallows when she frowns on him. Devi folds her arms infront of her, and turns to gaze back at his mum.
"I mean. Ben never told me he discussed about which college I wanted to go to next year with anyone..." She simply replies, wondering what it were he seemed to want to hide. Ben throws his mum a look that clearly tells her he doesnt want her talking about this... he feels their entering dangerous territory. His mum awkwardly watches him confused, whilst Devi turns to Ben with a suspicious look. He shoots his eyes away and grabs his plate trying the deflect the conversation before his mum can give an answer.
"Mum? Where is Patty? Did she have to leave early for something? I would have loved to say hi." He says, side way glimpsing at Devi, to get a good feel of how angry she may be at this point in time.
"Yes she did, infact Ben." His mum replies, slightly irritated at his behavior, but continues on either way, not going to let it get to her. "She had to pick up her boys from a football match. And I told her to take the rest of the day off."
Ben awkwardly chuckles softly, feeling Devi's stare turn to a glare on him.
"That's so good. She definitely needs a day off after making all this..." his eyes drifting to Devi, who locks in with his, looking beyond irritated at this point. He knows what his trying to do is futile, but his going to try deflecting as much he can, and ignore her. They'll just talk about it when his mum is not around. "So you said Patty is taking the day off, so who is going to help dad organise all his things for his trip? I mean, if his in such a rush to take his trip to New York, as he always is." He mumbles the last part.
"Oh, your father isnt stopping at New York, dear. His going straight to Boston to that little meeting he said he would... with a few of his friends in Harvard and... you know, do as he said he would... find out how he could get in a good word for Devi and seek a good recommendation for her. Like you had asked..." and the words from there drift away... becoming a blur for Devi... her heart begins to sink... her body becomes stiff... she's feeling her stomach wants to be sick... she felt light headed... "are you ok, Devi?" His question is spinning in her head, and his gazing at her concerned. All she's thinking is she wants to push him over. She wants to run the hell out of there... and she can't even respond... she's literally incapable of speech. She huffs, trying to breath.
"I... I..." She stutters, feeling her hands shake in her lap. She suddenly then turns to Ben, a grimance on her face. "Why did you do that? Why would you..." She begins, feeling a growl want to rip from her throat... and she really doesnt know what to say. He watches her... and he gazes back slightly fearful.
She's not going to speak to him, so she quickly then turns to his mum and smiles at her politely before she stands up.
"Sorry Mrs Gross. I'm not actually feeling to well. Please excuse me... I just... I just cant stay. I'm so sorry." She says before she swings round, grabs her bag and heads for the door. Ben instantly gets to his feet and attempts to follow her. He tries stopping her by taking her wrist but she shakes his hand away. And she only stops to face him when they are outside, spinning around to glare at him.
"I don't want to talk to you." She hisses.
"Sorry... I was just trying to... I was just... I don't know... to be separated by college is going to be hard. All I want is for us to go tog-"
"I'm going to Princeston. I'm going to Princeston. I have never been more convinced until now that Princeston is where I want to be! You will never see me go to Harvard with you." She bitterly snaps. He furrows his brows at the pain stabbing into his chest at those words. The partial frustration of his dad not turning up also building up in him... He can't handle this... he doesnt know what his done wrong to deserve all this... He groans dragging a hand down his face, pure frustration killing him. He wants to swear. His tired. His tired of fighting all this.
"I get it Devi. I really do. You want to leave. Just like everyone else. I get it. And I'll get use to it. I mean, I am use to people leaving. Its my life. They all, as hell, leave. Fuck." He says, then growls in frustration as he turns round.
"That's not fair!"
"But you want Princeston! So go to Princeston. You want Princeston, you can go. Im not going to stop you. And I'll... I'll just have to learn to let go. I've done it before. I know how it all goes." He says, biting down hard on his lip in anger as he turns, and walks away. His resisting every urge to turn back to her... because he really really wants to go back to her... but his too angery and he knows it would make things worse... and his almost certain he may need to keep his words... You can't be selfish Ben, he reminds himself ... he may need to let her... go. So he turns his back, and... he lets the the door close behind him. Leaving Devi there, tears of frustration... frustration... welling inside her.

Guys I know I said it would be a week for my next but I couldn't help it lol my next one though... most likely will  probably take a week... I hope I didn't rush this one too much. Xxx all ❤

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