Chapter 7

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His agitated.
Swinging his arm by his side, other hand hoisting his backpack higher up on his back as he watches her at her locker, as he contemplates on walking over. It has been slightly irritating for him though... she keeps trying her hardest to avoid him... making excuses to keep away... whilst he were here hoping to fix things. And its been an entire week since they'd had their argument, having tried and wanted to approach her to mend things multiple times ... but she isnt making it easy... and it's torturous on him that she almost seems to not want to... why could she be running?... Ofcourse, he shouldn't be so suprised at the fact she hasnt wanted to talk to him, or... possibly be anywhere near him... but his eyes swim with longing for her as he gazes at her... ready to make things right. And his only got to try... if she will only not run. He had been a complete and utter jerk, he reminds himself, so he shouldnt expect it to be easy... Ben feels miserable he hadn't listened to her... he had crossed over a line he shouldnt have... asking his dad for that recommendation... it was a big mistake. But he needs to try... he... He needs her... misses her... and he loves her... wants to hold her like he use to... wants the feel of her soft touch of fingers trailing him... the warmth of her hands in his... wants her to be near him when she snuggled into him. He craves to be close to her and... kiss her again... and if only he could make things right. He'll need to pump himself up (He needs to do this now), bobbing once up and down on his feet... because his mind is alert to the fact she'll find some way to avoid him again, but Ben can only try. His not going to loose her in the crowded hallway as it floods with students as the bells signals for their break... but as her eyes trace to him and catch him standing there, she slightly panics and hurriedly pulls over the closest person that happened to be roaming by that she had known... Marcus, as he aimlessly wonders the corridor, is stunned. Ben pauses in the middle of the hallway, an irritated look spreads over his face. He knows what she's trying to do... He knows she's making another decoy. But, in all honesty, he wonders... why Marcus? They have absolutely nothing in common. Their conversation will hit zero at any point, and her efforts would have all been pointless. He scoffs, as he watches on... waiting for when their talk begins to turn awkward. What could she possibly have to say to Marcus that he would find remotely interesting? She begins to fidgit with her hands, glimpsing over at Ben twice, then tries to slides a hand through her hair, to cover what view she had of him. He can tell, she's breathing heavily, trying to keep her cool... trying to possibly forget he were even there. Ben exhales a deep frustrated sigh. This is torturing him. Why does she keep doing this to him? Why wont she just give him a chance?... because how else is he to fix things between them? Couldnt she hear him- oh shit... his thoughts cutting off as he watches Marcus, as he tries closing in, arm against her locker, grinning from ear to ear. Ben tightens his grip on the one strap of his bag, so tightly his knuckles pulsate white, and he feels his cheeks burn up with anger. What the hell is Marcus trying to pull, are his next thoughts. He grunts loudly. He couldnt seriously be trying to flirt with Devi?! He narrows his eyes on Marcus, and glares at him, rubbing the back of his neck in pure irritation. Obviously, Marcus is a total imbecile, a total douche... his got the wrong idea... the wrong impression... He knows Ben and Devi were together... so, what the hell is his damn problem... This has got to stop. He groans as he watches as Marcus nears her more and tries to skim his fingers over her hand, whilst Devi flinches away with an awkward laugh. It doesn't take a second before Ben finds himself striding over, wedging himself between them. Marcus returns a glare.
"Marcus, man. Don't you have somewhere to be?" He scoffs, then rolls his eyes mockingly with a fierce smirk. "I mean, you know, not here trying to talk up other peoples girlfriends. It's a bit pathetic, you trying to pick up someone else's, when you can't find your own."
Marcus scoffs a laugh. He raises a brow with a smirk.
"Your girl literally pulled me by the hand and asked me what I was doing after school... so?" He mockingly laughs. Ben hears Devi's groan, as she picks up her bag and is ready to leave. She hesitates at leaving, but spins back on her heel to face them just as Ben appears to approach Marcus closer, and gets in before Ben does.
"Marcus, I'll think about that party this weekend... if I do, I'm only turning up with El and Fab."
Marcus peers past Ben, and winks at her.
"Sure thing, Cleo. I'll see you at my party."
She knew he had been referring to her last custome she had wore to his Halloween party... her having gone as Cleopatra. She clearly looks irritated, hoping he wasnt thinking she intended to go for him, but she also wants to slip away before Ben turns and has anything he would want to say to her. Marcus walks off, greeting some other jocks as they walk past, Ben's attention turning back to Devi before she could leave. She's too late when he takes her by the wrist and stops her. He stands there, eyes flickering over her, before he lets go. She doesnt want to meet his gaze, eyes wondering away from him, chewing at her lip as a distraction, as she looks away. Ben stands there awkwardly, feeling the air between them thick, as he watches her with brows furrowed. He takes a step closer, clearing his throat, feeling it tighten up.
"Ben, you don't have to say anything. I'm happy for you to go to Harvard, so you should be happy for me to go to Princeston. End of story." She breaths heavily, her eyes begin to dart around nervously. He gazes at her, her eyes sad, her eyes hurt. He wants to hold her. And he hates that he were the one who had made her feel like this. He wants to run his hand over her face and tell her everything will be alright. He wants to press her into him.
"Can... can we start over? I only want... what would make you happy." He says gently, desparately hoping her face would soften. Her eyes wonder up to meet his, watching him, wishing what he says this time would be meant and kept. She wants to lean in, because his eyes always draws her like a magnet, the reason she has been trying desparately to avoid him. The reason why she doesn't believe she would be strong enough to not give in. His bright brilliant eyes she has fallen in love with... his like an ocean, with a crisp breeze that draws her in... they could make her give in... because she misses him... But she has to be wary of how he could hurt her again.
"We... umm..." she looks away, so she can stay focused on what she really wants to say. "We... could take mini steps. I want to see where this will go... whether you mean it really, or not, Ben. You know you... have hurt me alot. And thats not going to be easy to fix."
"Yeah I know Devi..." He says softly, eyes watching her sadly. "Im sorry I hurt you. If you want Princeston... I don't care how far we have to travel... I know we will be ok." He faintly gently smiles at her as he takes her hand. She looks down at their hands intertwined. She has missed them in hers. He feels so warm, he feels like her other half missing... finally connecting to her again. He feels like home. She has missed him, she feels a tear want to escape her eye. So as she looks up, his suprised to see her eyes glazing with unshed tears. Instinctively, his arms wrap around her to hold her and press her into him. She tucks her head into his chest, as he rests his head on hers.
"Why cant we just not fight, Ben? Why do we do this every time." She sniffs into his side. Ben just scoffs a soft gentle laugh.
"Does it matter, Devi?" He almost whispers, gently into her, pressing a kiss close to her forehead. "Because we care about each other... and we want what's best for each other. Because either way... I can't help but always drift back to you..."
She looks up at him, blinking away some tears, with a mocking faint smirk.
"Are you trying to say... we are stuck with each other, Gross?" She softly laughs. He purses his lips as he thinks about it, before he chuckles.
"Yeah, well, maybe we are? You've bound me, David." He teases. She snickers. "But haven't we always fought, David... and oddly... maybe it has been what brought us together..." He says it as someone would when implying a conspiracy theory, suprise and shock to his voice. He lightly shrugs, with an amused smile.
"Pfft, Ben." She scoffs. "I only started to like you when you stopped being such a jerk."
He chuckles.
"So... I'm not a jerk?" He questions, playfully skimming a hand over her arm, teasingly flirting with her.
"I didn't mean to imply that your not still a jerk." She smirks at him, shrugs and looks away. "Something you desparately need to work on, Gross." His smile drifted to a genuine gaze, eyes wondering over her.
"I just want you back, Devi."
Her smile melts into a grin, before she leans in and kisses him.
"Maybe I want you too, Gross."

Guys... not sure if I will make this the last chapter, but if I do get some time I will write up a prom chapter. I was supposed to write up a couple more chapters, but has been hard to get in some time to write. Thank you all for reading!! ❤ and especially for the comments my friend! ❤ I love every feedback! You are awesome and amazing! Awesome going through these story journeys with you all too ❤❤❤ xxxx

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