Chapter 2: Part 3

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"I could literally kill El for this." Devi mutters under her breath as she stands outside the grocers (she now works in) dressed in an gaint orange, heavily padded pumpkin mascot suit, as she holds onto a tray handing out samples of fruit cups, on an already steaming hot day. It was her first day at work. Starting at Jacobs Grocers. And El hadn't exactly explained to her everything... meaning she hadn't explained that her boss had agreed on employing Devi under the condition she would temporarily replace the worker who had previously done this terribly uncomfortable, humilating, and awakward job... for only just a week, El promised. Until, that is, that guy had returned back to work again. El had also explained, her boss were trying to be generious... as he hadn't actually needed more workers but was willing to take on Devi if she could fulfill the role of being the mascot for a week. And then she would thus join the registers once that week were over. But it is southern California... and the weather has been extremely hot... and this suit were heavy and it were making her sweat, uncomfortable, and irritable... and she were starting to worry that she could start to smell too. Not something Devi wanted at all! She reminds herself... only one week of wearing this stupid pumpkin suit to advertise the up coming of Halloween... And this nightmare shall be all over. But god damn it, does this suit feel hella itchy inside here too! What the hell! She curses to herself. She needs to scratch... and the urge is so strong, but its just to damn humiliating! And, she believes, if she encounters anyone she knows, especially from her school, she... She believes she may literally die on the spot from pure embarrassment.
"Choose fruit for Halloween. Healthy treats?" She hears a familiar voice, and turns to see Fab reading the sign standing next to Devi. "I will. Thanks Devi. Not a bad health initiative promotion." She says seriously as she takes a cup. Devi cringes. "Maintaining healthy dietary practices has proven-"
"Oh god, Fab..." Devi whines. "It's just a god damn sign. You like the sign so much, you can take my job." She says irritatedly. She really cant help it... its literally a hundred degrees celcius inside her suit and she really just wants to snap. Fab's confusion morphs to an amused smile as Devi swelters under her suit.
"But I couldn't possible take your job, Devi. You were the one that signed up, remember." She tilts her head and smirks. Then she hears a familiar chuckle, and this has got to be the worst day of her life! And even though her suit is impeding her ability to see through her peripheral vision, she knows that laughter all too well. She wonders if she were really overheating because of the suit or from pure embarrassment now? It's obviously Ben, ofcourse, and she doesn't want to turn to him so she can avoid seeing the look on his face.
"Ready to give in already, David?" He snickers, as he confidently strides up and spins on his heel to face her, his hand in his pocket, his broken arm hanging by his side. She groans loudly, rolling her eyes. Fab shrugs her shoulders with a smile, as she takes a second cup and begins to walk away toward the sliding doors to the grocer.
"I'll catch you later, pumpkin." She teases. "I'm going to say hi to my other favourite person, El. Wonder if she's dressed as anything?" She says as she dissapears through the doors. Ben is still staring at Devi, full of intrigue, not even blinking.
"What do you want Ben?"She whines. "Haven't you seen enough?" She whimpers, still annoyed, clearly irritated, but she's had enough. And still feeling very much itchy and hot, so she pulls her free hand into her suit and starts to scratch her side. He wants to snicker, but he holds it in... not that he succeeds in keeping his amused smile from growing.
"Ahhh... do you need some water?" He questions, trying to be polite. She stops, and freezes and stares back at him, suprised. His trying to be nice to her... And she's not sure if it's all the heat getting to her head or if she's being way too emotional... but she feels almost like she could cry from his niceness... she's not even sure if that's a real word! It's to hot, it doesn't matter! She's had a bad start to the day, who could blame her... And its too damn hot... She thinks it should be illegal to wear one of these and feel this damn uncomfortable!
"Yes." She whimpers back eyes flickering over him shyly and sweetly, he almost feels bad for her. Almost. Because he reminds himself that he could win this if she just quits.
"Ok. Do you need anything else while I'm in there?"
"Yes. No... I mean, nothing else in there, but Ive been meaning to ask if I could copy your notes for our maths homework questions? I can't get my head around some of those questions..." she asks, as she pops her arm out of the suit. "And I don't have time to complete them by tomorrow." She glances at him, predicting his answer will already be a 'yes'. Besides, they always share notes, it's nothing new.
He hums as he thinks, taking his time, scratching at his chin. This will be too easy, he thinks to himself.
"Yeah, I'm going to have to say no." He says simply. Her face drops.
"Because Devi. You said you could handle all this and study, so... Id just be helping you win." He smirks.
"But you always let me..." she begins to say, but stops as she realises that there were no actual point in arguing and that he were actually right. "Fine. But you can not ask for my notes later, either."
"I don't need your notes." He says simply, smirking as he rocks on his feet.
"But what if you fall behind, Ben, hmm?" She taunts. "What if you then need my notes? Im not the only one working. If exchanging notes is a rule than I guess it's only fair you can't have mine either."
He shrugs simply, seeming the slightest bit unbothered, and begins to walk backwards toward the doors.
"Sure, whatever you say, David." His lips upturning into a teasing smile as he walks through the doors. Oh way too easy, he thinks to himself.
Devi can only look on as he disappears into the air conditioned shop... And she can only think about wanting to go home. But she cant... besides, she'll only be in this suit for a week.

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