1 - prologue

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Nothing. I'm Nothing. 

Even if I'm breathing I'm not alive. I don't even exist. Outside of him, I don't exist. Nobody gives a damn about me, I don't give a damn about myself. Even him, when it comes down to it, he truly doesn't give a damn about me. 

In the end, I'm really just an inanimate object. Breathing, but not alive.

I want nothing else but to die. But I can't die. I don't want to die. But I do. But can I really die, since I'm not even really alive in the first place? 

Does this even make sense? It probably doesn't.


Megumi opens his eyes and stares up at the ceiling. It's a popcorn ceiling. Megumi giggles. A popcorn ceiling, what a funny name. Megumi wonders if the person who invented popcorn ceilings just wanted to eat popcorn. Or maybe they just wanted to eat the ceiling. He laughs again. 

"What are you laughing at?" He walks into the room, his silver hair wet and damp after taking a bath. He was wearing nothing but a bathrobe. 

"Popcorn...ceiling..." Megumi murmurs. His stomach growls.

"Hmmm, are you hungry perhaps?" He asks. "No can do, Megumi. You're already too tall, and you've been gaining weight recently."

He goes to the kitchen and picks up a weight scale. "Come here and stand on the scale."

Megumi complies and stands on the scale. It reads 115 pounds. 

"115 pounds huh? And you're already 175 cm (5'7). What a big boy you are. But that's no good Megumi. You're too big, and you're already too fat."

"Look." He grabs Megumi's arm, pinching at the skin there. "I can feel the fat on your arm. Now take off all your clothes so I can see the rest of you."

Megumi strips completely, standing bare naked. 

"That's no good Megumi." He observes Megumi's body. His collarbones, his chest, his rib cage, his groin, his legs. "You need to take care of your appearance. No wonder you haven't been fitting into the dresses recently. Because you've been eating like a pig."

"My little piggy." He smirks and lifts up Megumi's chin. "No eating for you until you lose 5 pounds." He bonks Megumi's nose with his index finger. Megumi's stomach growls again. 

"But don't worry." He pulls Megumi in for a hug. "Even if you're fat I'll still love you, you know that right? I love you more than anything else in the world. You're my entire world. Nobody could love you more than me. No one could love you as much as me."

He slides a hand down Megumi's back, cupping Megumi's ass in his palm. "Isn't it true for you too Megumi? Tell me you love me."

He grabs Megumi's shoulders and pulls him back so they are staring at each other, face to face. "Say it now."

"I love you too, Gojo." Megumi says. 

"Just 'I love you'?" Gojo asks. "That's it?"

"I love you too, more than anything else. More than anyone else. You are my entire world." Megumi delivers monotonously, almost as if he has the words memorized, like he's reciting them from a book.

"Of course I am!" Gojo exclaims gleefully. "The world is a cruel place isn't it? We only have each other. I only have you, and you only have me, and that's why we need to be there for each other." 

"And that's why-" He grabs Megumi's upper arms and squeezes the skin underneath it again. "You need to listen to me and stop eating like a pig." He scolds. "You'll be a good boy for me, won't you Megumi?" 

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