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"I guess it's here." Megumi looked at the square building. It seemed like that was the location of the café. He walked towards it, his jacket swishing in the wind with every step. He spotted Itadori through the window, who had already taken a seat at a table. Itadori's face lit up when he spotted Megumi, and he waved at him. Then he got up to greet Megumi outside.

"Megumi!" He said cheerfully, walking towards him. "I'm glad you're here." He grinned. And then Itadori noticed Megumi's attire. He was wearing a large, black jacket, made out of thin but breathable material, so that it would hide his entire physique. But he was also wearing white flat shoes with bows on them. 

"Aren't you hot?" Itadori wondered. "Since you're wearing a jacket like that on a sunny day like this." He pointed out.

"No, I'm fine." Megumi responded. "Um, I'm actually wearing-" Megumi open his jacket, revealing a blue dress, tied with a white lace in the middle. The sleeves were short and puffy. It was somewhat similar to the Alice in Wonderland dress, except without the apron. Megumi was also wearing two silver star earrings, and a moon necklace with a light purple gemstone in the center. Along with a flower clip in his hair.

"W-wow," Itadori said, awestruck. "You look, um, really cute. It's sort of surprising, but really cute," He complimented shyly.

"Thanks," Megumi responded. "I ended up wearing it under a jacket because it would be too embarrassing to wear in public and would draw too much attention. But I guess it was worth it, since you like it."

Gojo liked it too, Megumi thought. It was one of Gojo's favorite dresses, so he made Megumi wear it very often.   

"Maybe later, when we aren't out in public, I can show you the full view?" Megumi suggested. 

Itadori blushed because of what Megumi's words implied, and simply responded with, "Yeah if you're okay with that. That would be great."

They both entered the café, going back to the table that Itadori had already been sitting at. Itadori had already ordered something since Megumi had been a little late, but Megumi opted not to get anything, even though he was starving. He experienced it enough times to know that when you eat a big meal after a period of starvation you feel even worse, at least that's how it was for him. On top of that, Gojo would be mad. Who knows what he would do to Megumi if he gained back even a little of all the weight he had lost. 

No, I know exactly what he would do to me, Megumi thought. He flinched at the idea of being beaten bloody, covered in bruises and cuts. 

If you aren't going to lose weight by losing fat, I'll just make you lose weight by taking out your blood, Gojo's threat replayed in his mind. 

"You really aren't eating anything?" Itadori looked at him, concerned. They were sitting across from each other at a table. 

"No..." Megumi responded, distant and out of it. He could feel his strength draining away the longer he made himself stay upright. He slowly sunk into his chair. 

Itadori looked around for a bit, checking to see if someone was listening in. Then he leaned in closer, and whispered, "Are you in trouble? Is he forcing you not to eat? Are you-"

But before he could finish his interrogation, Megumi had fell forward, the side of his face hitting the table. He blanked out, and his vision darkened. 

"D-don't...don't call anyone.." Megumi croaked out weakly. "And don't bring me to the hospital. No matter what.." He voice got softer. "Please.."

The last thing he heard was Itadori repeating his name.


Megumi slowly opened his eyes. His brain was rattling. He was dizzy. He felt like he could throw up at any second now. His stomach rumbled. The room was spinning. He was lying down on a bed, covered in a blanket up to his collarbone, with an ice pack placed over his forehead. Itadori had taken Megumi's jacket and shoes off for him, since he saw them on top of a chair in the corner of the room.

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