5 - adventure

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Remember what you promised me, Gojo had said. No talking to people. If someone asks you to go somewhere, don't. 

You care about your dear sister, don't you?

Megumi shivered. If he escaped, Gojo would just kill Tsumiki. If he disobeyed, Gojo would kill Tsumiki. His lip quivered. He knew what he had right now wasn't true freedom, it was just temporary. Hourly freedom. 

And in the end he would have to go back to Gojo. 

But while I'm here, I might as well savor it, Megumi thought. He began to take a few steps forward, slowly, looking around at the scenery. He was surrounded by trees, a few benches on either side of the walkway. He could also see buildings nearby. He decided to head towards that. 

As Megumi kept walking, he couldn't ignore the sensation he felt up his ass. Megumi was wearing a butt plug. 

Before they left the house, Gojo had fucked him multiple times until Megumi was sore all over and complained he might not be able to move. Gojo came in him, shoved a butt plug up his ass, and told him that during his 'adventure' outside, he had to walk around like that. Once they went home, Gojo would check if his cum was still in Megumi's ass. 

"No matter where you go today, this will serve as a reminder," Gojo said, as he shoved the plug in Megumi. "You belong to me." 

As Megumi walked forward, he felt dirtier and dirtier. Like he was just Gojo's used condom. But he couldn't take the plug out. Not that Gojo ever used condoms. He did once, but instead of throwing it out he made Megumi swallow the cum in it. Megumi felt sick recalling that memory. 

You know what happens when you don't listen to me, Gojo's words echoed in Megumi's mind.

Damn it. 

At least Megumi was allowed to wear regular clothes. Gojo had said it would draw too much attention if a teenage boy walked around wearing a maid outfit or a princess dress. So this was the first time in 7 years that Megumi was allowed to wear pants. It was just pants, but it made Megumi feel happy. Made him feel free to walk wherever he wanted. 

As Megumi kept walking he started to get light headed. His stomach ached. And he started to feel dizzy. Would I even be able to reach the buildings at this rate? Gojo still didn't let him eat, even for Megumi's adventure. This is for your weight loss after all, Gojo had said. 

But Megumi managed to power through.

Once he arrived at the place with all the buildings, Megumi felt an indescribable joy, being surrounded by so many people. Hearing different voices chatter all at once. Bright signs, stores all around him. It felt like heaven. He wanted to stay here forever. 

He kept walking , trying to move forward despite the pain and dizziness. He looked around at all the different signs he couldn't read, simply admiring the pictures on them. Despite not understanding some words, he also enjoyed hearing the chatter and the slight bits of gossip he would pick up from listening closely to conversations of nearby people. They seemed to have interesting lives.

They had interesting, cool lives. Unlike my life, he thought bitterly.

As Megumi walked he suddenly felt more and more helpless. He didn't know how to get anywhere, how to properly read directions. How to properly read signs. He saw buses pass by and saw people boarding them using cards. Megumi didn't have any of that. He couldn't go anywhere even if he wanted to. 

How did I even think about escaping, Megumi thought. Gojo must've known that. That I can't do anything on my own. The my whole world consisted of him and only him. That I was nothing without him helping me. 

Gojo's Princess ♔ | Gofushi | ItafushiWhere stories live. Discover now