8 - room

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Megumi was broken. Completely and utterly broken. Or so he thought. But despite everything, there was a little spark in him. It wasn't a willingness to live. But it was a spark of disobedience. 

Megumi had made Gojo happy recently by acting like his good little puppet. So good in fact, that Gojo ended up being a little careless. It was incredibly rare that he was careless, but nevertheless he was. It would probably be one of the only times that he would make such a mistake.

Gojo's room was unlocked. And he was out of the house, perhaps running some errands. So Megumi was tempted to enter it. 

He normally kept it locked under all circumstances and kept his keys with him wherever he went. In fact, Gojo himself didn't enter his room all that much, except to change clothes. Because he always slept with Megumi at night in Megumi's room. 

Maybe he keeps guns and weapons in there, Megumi thought. He imagined that Gojo's room would be filled with stacks of cash or drugs or weapons. Just the most vile things someone could hoard. Maybe even animal guts. Gojo was a psycho after all. 

Megumi slowly tiptoed to Gojo's room, even though he was the only one in the house. He pushed the door open gently, and it creaked as it opened. 

And what he saw in there was more normal than expected. 

It was very normal. Almost too normal. There was really nothing of significance. He had a bed, which Megumi was surprised at because he didn't think Gojo would need one in his room, since he always slept in Megumi's room. He had a cabinet and drawers and a night stand. And there was a lamp shade on top of the night stand. The theme of the room was very muted, mostly grays and blues and some beige. It was just a normal, boring room. 

But there were two things that stood out in the room. One was a photograph on top of Gojo's cabinet. It also looked boring, as it was in a black picture frame, but it looked to be the only object of significance. In it, two people were smiling. It was Gojo, who was flashing a peace sign, and an unidentified black haired man who had his arm around Gojo's shoulder. Huh, he almost looks normal, Megumi thought.

The second thing that stood out, Megumi only noticed when he inspected the room a bit further. He realized there was a faint odor. It was subtle, but it was there. It was a very specific scent that Megumi couldn't identify, but it was unpleasant. And it was coming from the closet.

He was about to reach for the closet door handle, but then he could a bad feeling in his gut. Get of the room while you still can! His conscious screamed at him. 

But Megumi had a rebellious streak. So he decided to ignore it. 

And that ended up being the wrong decision.

"What are you doing, Megumi-chan?" A voice asked from behind him.

Megumi slowly turned around in horror. Gojo smiled and waved at him. He was wearing his black circular sunglasses so Megumi couldn't read his eyes. Gojo was here, even though he told me he was out running errands. 

And then Megumi realized he was lied to. And then he felt stupid that he fell for it. Idiot, Megumi thought. Of course Gojo would lie to him. Even if he couldn't find Gojo in the house, the house was big. There were probably rooms that Megumi hadn't even discovered. 

"So you decided to disobey me huh?" Gojo said in gleeful tone. But Megumi knew there was darkness behind his words.

Megumi just gulped and didn't say anything. There was no excuse that could get him out of this. He just had to bare himself for punishment. 

"Relax, relax," Gojo calmed him down. "I'm not going to punish you. But I am going to show you something. Do you notice anything, Megumi?" He asked.

"No." Megumi replied flatly. He just wanted to get out of this situation as fast as possible. Even though that wasn't possible.

Gojo crossed his arms. "You don't have to lie to me. You know I hate when you lie to me. Just say it. What do you notice?"

Megumi answered tentatively, "Uh, um..the smell. It smells weird in here."

"Are you sure it's in here?" Gojo questioned him. "Where do you think it's really coming from?"

Megumi looked down, not wanting to see Gojo's face anymore. Then he pointed at the closet. 

"Very good! Good observation skills Megumi!" Gojo clapped his hands together, proud that Megumi was able to deduce the location. "Now shall we go inspect it?" He asked. He pushed Megumi from behind and lead him towards the closet. Gojo pushed the clothes aside to reveal another door. A secret door.

"Well go on," he said expectantly. "Open it." He told him.

Megumi felt terror in the pit of his stomach. He wanted so badly to leave the room, but he couldn't. So instead he turned the door knob and slowly opened the door. And the moment he had, he wished he hadn't.

It was a small room that looked like it could only fit three people. It had a singular light bulb hanging from the ceiling, with a cord on the side to turn it on and off. All four walls of the room were black. In the center of the room, there were four transparent bins.

And those bins were filled with mangled body parts. 

Arms and legs were sticking out at the sides. There was a small glass container filled with two balls that looked to be eye balls. There was a pile of clothes, still stained with red, in the corner of the room. And it smelled like hell.

Gojo suddenly grabbed Megumi's shoulders. Megumi jumped up, startled.

"You know, it was pretty annoying to clean up and drain the blood. Good thing the doors were thick so it could cover the scent. Not strong enough I suppose, since you were able to smell it."

Megumi was still frozen, unable to process what he was looking at.

Gojo continued. "I was debating burning him but I couldn't stand to see his body turned to ash. Even his face-"

Gojo held Megumi's chin and turned his face to the upper corner of the room. There he saw a head spiked to the wall. It was the face of the person that Gojo was with in the photograph.

He sighed. "It would pain me to burn his face. He's still so handsome, despite being dead."

Gojo wrapped his arms around Megumi and hugged him close. "I feel bad for him. All alone here. I never get any time to visit since I'm always with you."

He squeezed Megumi a little tighter. And tighter. Almost like he was suffocating him. "What do you say we bring him company? Hmm, what do you think? Even in death, it's never good for people to be alone. People should always be together."

Once again, Megumi didn't answer. Any answer Megumi said would be the wrong answer. That's how it is when you're dealing with a murderer.

Gojo pondered a bit, and then lit up. "I was going to put him here, but maybe this time we should put Yuuji-kun will be in your room. Good idea, no? And don't worry, I'll try to preserve his groin so if you ever feel like you miss him you can have sex with him."

Megumi's mind blanked out. He couldn't say anything, much less think of anything. 

"But it'll be your responsibility to make sure he doesn't smell! That's how it is when you own dolls." Gojo told him. And then he took Megumi's hand in his and they walked out of the room together. 

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