13 - epilogue

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⤜--- Extra Chapter ---⤛

Yuuji looked at his map, having trouble navigating where he was going.

"They said it would be here." He said. He turned the map upside. Suddenly the layout made sense.

"I've been looking at it upside down the whole time!?" He scolded himself. A few passersby's gave him some strange looks. Yuuji kept his head down and walked quickly.

Normally this area was crowded and all lit up at night, but in broad daylight it was just like any other part of the city. Unknowing people wouldn't suspect a thing. Except for a few explicit signs and ads.

"Ah, it's here!" He was in front of a building. It was a brick building that was low and wider rather than tall, and it was painted in pure black. There were a few signs outside but they weren't lit up. They would only turn on at night. 

Yuuji opened the door and entered the building. He was immediately greeted by a buff guy at the entrance, who towered above him. He was bald and had black sunglasses on, and was wearing a black suit. He looked like the type of guy who would beat you up bloody if you went against him. 

Yuuji gulped, nervous because he had never been to a place like this, and didn't really know how to get around or what to say. But he calmed himself. "I'm here to see someone. Her name is Hana." He told the guy.

"Most of the girls are busy right now. They are preparing for this evening for a special event. Come back later." He said sternly. Yuuji guessed he was supposed to look intimidating. Well it worked, kind of. But compared to some of the things he's been through, this wasn't much at all.

"But I have an appointment, scheduled for now." Yuuji told him. He held up a piece of paper to the guy's face. "I know it's usually in the evening but she made an exception for me." He stated.

The guy looked at him for a few seconds, eyeing him up and down, and then nodded approvingly. "Alright. I'll take you to her. But first, since you're new, I'll give you a rundown of the rules around here."

As they walked down the hallway, past a few rooms, the guy explained the way everything worked, and what you are and aren't allowed to do. He went on to say that if Yuuji had any further questions, he should ask Hana. But he suggested not wasting her time like that.

"Understood." Yuuji said. "Thank you."

The guy opened the door, and Yuuji entered the room. The room was dim, illuminated by the light of two lamps on each corner of the room. 

She was sitting on the bed, her back turned towards him. She was running a comb through her long, black hair. And she was wearing a blue silk night dress with two straps.

"Tsumiki...san?" Yuuji asked. "Is that you?" 

She turned towards him, surprised to see someone call her by her real name. But then she smiled. "I go by Hana here." She said.

"Tsumiki-san!" Yuuji walked towards her and sat on the bed beside her. "It's good to meet you." He took her hand and shook it enthusiastically. And then he realized he forgot to introduce himself. "Oh, uh, I'm Itadori Yuuji by the way. I think you've heard about me. Someone arranged for us to meet.." He started, explaining who he met and what he had to do to find her all the way here, in a brothel at the red light district. 

"Sounds like a hassle," She giggled. "But I'm glad you could come."

"Yeah," Yuuji agreed. "Um, about your brother..." He trailed off, not knowing what to say. 

"I know," she said. "I don't know everything, but I was told that he's gone now. You'll have to tell me about all the details." She looked down sadly, regretful that she wasn't able to see him one last time.

"I loved him." Yuuji blurted out. "Well, actually it's more accurate to say that I love him, present tense. I still love him. I love Megumi," he said to her.

He explained to her what had happened, to the best of his knowledge. Yuuji himself didn't know all of the details, in fact most of what went down between Gojo and Megumi would be lost from the rest of the world, only known by them two. But he told her about how it all ended, and how Megumi felt.

He looked at her, with clear eyes, still filled with that determination he had from that time. "And I promised him that I would protect you. Because even though he can't now, I'll be there for you in his place." He promised her. "You can even think of me as another younger brother!" He offered. 

She grinned, amused by his offer. "That would be wonderful. I know that nothing can replace him, but I'm happy that we can try being a family. Like how Megumi would have wanted for me and him."

He took out a silver piece of jewelry from his pocket. A star earring. That Yuuji had been carrying this entire time. That he had been waiting to give back to Megumi. And instead of giving it to Megumi, he placed it right into the palm of Tsumiki's hand. 

"This belonged to him." Yuuji informed her. "I was supposed to give it to Megumi. But I couldn't." He said regretfully. "So I want you to have it."

She looked down at the piece of jewelry and smiled, grateful for the gift. She held it up and let it sparkle in the dim light. 

Then Tsumiki looked at him with a pained expression. "It looks like Megumi suffered a lot. It pains me to know that I wasn't able to be there for him at all." She closed her eyes tightly.

"Me too," Yuuji agreed. "I can't believe I couldn't do more for him. I can't believe that all I did in the end was-"

"But I'm glad he met you." Tsumiki cut him off. "I'm glad that he had someone like you. The fact that you were there, and the fact that you made him happy - I'm sure that was enough for him. 

Yuuji's eyes started getting moist. He was overcome with emotion. Tears started coming out of his eyes, and Tsumiki passed him a tissue so that he could wipe his face. I'm glad...that I could make him happy, Yuuji thought.

"You did well, Yuuji." Tsumiki told him. She patted him on the back to comfort him. 

And you too, Megumi. You did well, she thought.

⤜--- The End ---⤛

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