4 - request

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"You want to go outside?" Gojo asks. Megumi nods.

"But baby you've never been outside. Not since the time you first came home."

Megumi used to plead a lot when he was younger. Please don't do this! I want to go home. I'll convince my dad to give the money back. I won't tell anyone what you did to me. Please just let me go! 

And of course each time Gojo would refuse. And ever since then he's been stuck in this mansion. Alone with Gojo. For 7 years. 

"I'm not going to run away." Megumi assured. "And I'm not going to kill myself. I promise."

"Oh don't worry, I already know that. You could never get away from me, Megumi-chan."

Megumi flinched. Would it be pointless asking for this? There's no reason Gojo would agree to it, it gives no benefit to him. It was probably a hopeless case.

But something inside Megumi told him to try anyways.

"It's just that, I'm bored." Megumi said. "I have nothing to do here. I want to go outside and explore. Don't worry, I won't talk to anyone or do anything to make my presence known. I just want to walk around. Maybe that way I can lose the 5 pounds easier." 

Megumi made a show of lifting his arm up, trying to flap it around in an attempt to get the fat on his arm to jiggle, but failing since his arm had barely any fat on it in the first place. 

Gojo sighed. "If you wanted to walk around or exercise I'll just get you a treadmill. There's no reason you have to go outside." 

Megumi wanted to yell in frustration. He really did feel like it was useless. He could ask Gojo hundreds of times but Gojo would just refuse. But instead of yelling he decided to do the only thing he only really knew how. 

Megumi pouted. He looked up at Gojo with huge puppy dog eyes. "Gojo please?" He held Gojo's hands and begged sweetly. He probably looked extra cute, especially since he was wearing his maid uniform. 

"That's not enough to convince me Megumi. You'll have to do better than that."

Megumi racked his brain for ideas. Think, stupid brain, think. But it was hard since Megumi hasn't had a good night sleep in forever and hasn't eaten in a while. No ideas come up.

In frustration Megumi starts to cry. Tears roll down on his cheeks and onto his dress. His sobs start soft, and then get louder and louder as he remembers being stuck at the house, not able to die, and not able to protect his sister. And in that moment, Megumi unleashed all his pent up grief, wailing and crying as loudly as he could.

And after a few seconds Megumi realized: I can use this. 

"Gojo!" Megumi sat on his lap and hugged him while sobbing into his chest. Gojo comforted him by rubbing Megumi's back. 

"Shhh, it's okay" Gojo soothed him. "You'll be okay, I'm here for you Megumi."

"I-It's just" Megumi hiccups. "I'm so lonely and sad, just being here by myself. When you're gone all I can do is wait here and walk around the house. I-I can't do anything. I feel like I'm not even alive. Like I'm just your doll." Megumi rambled. It was half an attempt to try and convince Gojo, and half a way for Megumi to finally vocalize what he's always wanted to say. 

"You don't really love me, do you Gojo? You just want me to be your sex toy. Just something you can fuck. You don't really love me." Megumi cried louder, but his head also got a bit clearer. 

Gojo pressed a sweet kiss to Megumi's lips and held Megumi's face in his hands. "Of course I love you Megumi. I want you to be happy."


"Then I'll let you go outside. But just once. Come to think of it your birthday is tomorrow isn't it?" Gojo remembered. "Then this will be your birthday gift."

Megumi wiped his tears on Gojo's shirt. "Really? You'll let me go outside? You mean it?" His face lit up.

"Yes, but only once, and never again. And only for a few hours. And then you can never ask to go out ever again. Are we clear?" Gojo asked.

"Mm." Megumi smiled. "I love you Gojo."

"I know you do baby." Gojo pulled him in for another hug. "I know you do." 

Megumi could barely contain his excitement. He smiled. His first real smile in a long, long time. 


"Hey Gojo, why do you have to blindfold me?" Megumi wondered as he stepped into the car.

"Just because~" he drawled. "Think of it like a game. Sort of like hide and seek. Except you're not hiding from anything."

The car ride was long. It was so long that Megumi fell asleep and woke up, and Gojo was still driving.

"Are we there yet?" Megumi asked.

"Not yet princess," Gojo replied. "But we'll be there in a few minutes. Why, are you getting impatient?" he asked. 

"I'm not. I'm just curious." Megumi responded.

"Well don't get too excited. And don't have too much fun. It'll break my heart knowing your having fun exploring without me." 

Gojo had some errands to run in the city while Megumi went around exploring, much to Megumi's excitement. He'll finally get to be alone, walking in a city. Without Gojo! Is this a dream come true?

"Here." Gojo said. Megumi felt the car stop. He heard Gojo unbuckle his seatbelt and open the car door. After a few seconds he heard Gojo open Megumi's door too. He took off Megumi's blindfold and unbuckled his seatbelt. 

"You can come out now, Megumi." 

Megumi stepped out of the car door, and walked into the sunlight. Real sunlight! Not just through windows, but directly from the sun onto his skin!  It felt warm. Megumi liked the feeling. 

"This is where I'll drop you off and pick you up. This lamp post. Remember it, okay? And don't wander too far or else you'll get lost. I'll be back soon."

Gojo leaned down and kissed Megumi's forehead. "Be safe, baby. I love you."

"I love you too, Gojo." Megumi replied. Then Gojo got back into the car and drove away. Megumi watched as the car got farther and farther. 

Once it was out of sight, Megumi smiled. And then he started to giggle. "Finally!" He exclaimed. "Finally."

"What do I do now?"

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