11 - knight

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Megumi woke up, smiling, content about the time he shared with Yuuji. He expected to be back at the hotel, snuggled in Yuuji's arms, but instead was wearing a seatbelt, at the backseat of a car. Gojo's car.

"Oh? You're finally awake." Gojo said, who was driving.

Megumi immediately felt terror fill up in him. How did he get here? What happened in between now and then? He had a lot of questions. But he didn't know if he wanted all of them answered.

Finally he asked the first thing that came to his mind. "Did you kill Yuuji? While we were sleeping?" Megumi looked down at his hands. They were shaky with guilt. Megumi did this. And he was aware of it.

Gojo just laughed. "Megumi-chan~ you're so cute!" He complimented. "Yeah, I did," he confirmed. "His body's in the trunk. We're going to go dispose of it together." Gojo reached his hand for the volume button and turned on the music. It was playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. 

"I even bought you a new pink shovel! I know pink is your favorite color." As he drove, he hummed along to the tune of the music. 

"You did good Megumi~" Gojo praised him. "You seduced him and then I killed him. You did a good job as a whore. Or I guess that comes naturally to you huh?" 

Megumi opened his mouth to speak, but the words wouldn't come out. He couldn't respond. He couldn't say anything. He couldn't object.

Because deep down he knew. That he chose this. It wasn't even unintentional. 

Megumi started crying, tears ran down his cheeks. He kept looking down at his hands, and he swore that they were red. Covered in blood. Yuuji's blood. He sobbed softly, trying to control himself, but he couldn't help but let the tears come out. I killed him. I killed him. I killed him. I kill-

"Just kidding!" Gojo exclaimed. He chuckled. "You're so gullible Megumi. Do you really think I killed him then and there? That's boring." He pouted. "I spent my time doing something else."

Megumi's tears stopped. He was lying? Or maybe he wasn't. He couldn't tell with Gojo. He didn't even feel relief that Gojo was lying. Instead he felt more scared. 

He spent his time doing something else?

Megumi didn't know whether to ask or not.

"While you were on your date, Megumi-chan, I ran some errands. More specifically I went to go kill an old man." He mentioned casually.

Megumi didn't even get surprised this time. An old man? But he knew better than to think that Gojo would kill some random old guy for the fun of it. Actually nevermind, Megumi backtracked on that thought. Gojo really would kill some random person for the fun of it. But would he, would he really?

Megumi was second guessing all his thoughts and what he knew about Gojo. He felt like he knew so much about Gojo, but also nothing at all.

"He was just sleeping in his bed. An easy kill. Didn't take long to dispose of the body at all. In fact I even got some groceries! I also got you a new purple toothbrush."

Megumi looked beside him at four reusable shopping bags that were filled to the top beside him. Even though Gojo was a murderer, he was still eco friendly. I wonder if that counted for karma in the grand scheme of things, Megumi thought.

"Are you going to store his body? In that room?" Megumi asked

"No of course not," Gojo waved him off. "He's not important enough for that. He's somewhere else." Gojo laughed. "Maybe I should tell Yuuji-kun where the body is though. Oh wait, that doesn't matter does it? Since he'll be joining him soon."

Joining him? Megumi wondered. And then he realized..

"Wasuke? I think that's his name? It's Yuuji-kun's grandpa." Gojo mentioned. "Yuuji-kun needed to get punished too, because he took you away from me."

Megumi stayed silent. 

"And then I'll punish you, by taking him away from you." He added. 

Megumi just looked down, not being able to object. But then a thought formed in his mind. He wondered why Gojo let him go on the date in the first place, if he wasn't using it as some sort of trap. 

So Megumi couldn't help but ask it. "Gojo, why did you let me go on the date in the first place? What was the reason for it? You don't even want me to be happy, so why-"

"I do." Gojo cut him off. "I do want you to be happy. When you were smiling to yourself in your sleep as I picked you up, that was probably the first time I've ever seen you genuinely smile. You look beautiful when you smile, Megumi-chan." He complimented. 

Gojo continued. "I wanted to see it, at least once. Maybe you could call it curiosity, maybe longing, whichever. But I'm satisfied that I got to see it." 

"Because now that I've seen it, I realized that I like seeing you suffer, far more than seeing you happy." He said. Megumi didn't respond.

"Seeing you smile to yourself like that," Gojo grinned. "It makes me want to break you."

Megumi shivered, he felt cold throughout his body. This was Gojo's way of toying with him, he realized. He would give Megumi hope, and the slightest bit of happiness, and then take it away all in an instant. As if he was playing god. Which he was. He was Megumi's god, who had absolute control over him.

Megumi was truly nothing more than a bystander in his own life.


Yuuji woke up. He was still in the hotel, naked. He looked to his side, expecting to see Megumi sleeping beside him, but no one was there.

"I guess he left already," Yuuji said to himself. Megumi had his number, so Yuuji hoped he would call him again later. Unless Megumi intended on sleeping with him and then ghosting him, which would absolutely suck. 

No, Megumi wouldn't do that, Yuuji thought. We said that we loved each other. He said he wanted to love me. He wouldn't leave me after that.

Yuuji yawned and stretched out his arms. And then he picked his clothes off the ground one by one and put them on slowly, trying to fight the tired in his body. 

He saw something sparkly on the ground, and then he picked it up. It was one of Megumi's star earrings. Yuuji thought it was strange to see it on the ground, since he never took it off of Megumi. But he put it in his pocket and kept it, so he could return it when they met again.

Then he looked at the night stand, and spotted a letter on top of it. A letter that hadn't been there before. 

Yuuji picked it up and read it. 

Hello, it's me~ ♡

I killed your grandfather. Don't believe me? Go home and you will. Megumi is next. Come to this location at 11:00 pm (23:00) if you want to save him. If you notify the police, I'll know. I have connections. I'll kill every last member of your family, down to even your second cousins. Come save your princess. Megumi-chan is waiting for you.

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