7 - helpless

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Megumi was riding Gojo's cock.

He bounced up and down and circled his hips in slow rhythmic motions. He was pretty good at it, considering he had 7 years of practice.

Gojo's cock rubbed against Megumi's prostate. Megumi moaned out loud. He hated it so much. He hated having sex with Gojo. It made his insides boil. 

But he couldn't deny it felt good. Well at least his body couldn't.

"Nghhh....Gojo...." Megumi moaned. His face was flushed red.

"That's it, good boy Megumi." Gojo said as he held Megumi's hips, guiding him. Megumi was sitting on Gojo's lap, on the couch, straddling him. "You always feel so good."

Gojo thrusted upwards forcefully. "Ahh...!" Megumi yelled, as he came all over his and Gojo's abdomen. He got up, taking Gojo's cock slowly out of his ass, and then he fell back, hitting the couch cushion. 

"Tired already Megumi?" Gojo asked. "But I haven't came yet." 

Megumi took a heavy breath. His ass felt abused after hours and hours of sex. He felt like he might pass out of over stimulation. 

"Gojo, let me take a break please." Megumi pleaded. "Or you can fuck me while I'm passed out. But let me sleep."

"Where's the fun in that, Megumi?" Gojo said as he lifted Megumi up so he was sitting properly on the couch. "Hearing you is scream is one of the best parts of fucking."

Megumi wanted to cry once again. But he was too tired to even cry. He was too tired to do anything. So he just slumped down and leaned against Gojo, and they cuddled together on the couch. 

Gojo kissed his cheek. "I love you so much, Megumi." 

"Mm," was Megumi's response. "I love you too, more than anything."

"You've been so good over the past week." Gojo said. "You did everything I asked you, smiling, acting cute, not complaining about anything." 

Megumi stayed silent.

Gojo continued. "You must've thought that by being obedient and making me happy you could prolong your dear Yuuji-kun's life." 

Megumi flinched. 

"Well too bad for you Megumi," Gojo tucked a hair behind Megumi's ear. "I'm still going to kill him. It's your punishment after all." Megumi closed his eyes, trying to focus on other things to block out Gojo words, but failing at it miserably. 

Gojo laughs. "I knew you would disobey me. I knew the moment I gave you even a taste of freedom you would abuse it. Going down to the shopping district and talking to strangers. You aren't trustworthy, are you Megumi?"

Gojo grabbed Megumi's chin so Megumi would look up at him. "But I hope you had fun on your adventure. Realizing you couldn't read any of the street signs. Not knowing how to get anywhere or how to contact anyone. Even if you wanted to run away you wouldn't know how. You can't even read properly since I never taught you."

Megumi's lip quivered. Gojo smirked. "You're whole world is me, Megumi. You can only live dependent on me. That's all you know how to do. My cute little parasite. You're helpless."

"You're right," Megumi agreed. "I'm stupid. And helpless. I can't do anything." He repeated. 

"Yeah, you are." Gojo kissed Megumi again. "But I love that you're so stupid. I love you so much."

Gojo pondered and decided to be a bit lenient. Playing with Megumi was fun after all. "As a reward for your obedience over the past week I'll tell you a little story. About myself." Gojo adjusted himself and Megumi so that they were both lying down on the couch, chest to chest, and then he covered themselves with a blanket. 

"I'm actually a lot like you Megumi" Gojo began saying. "I hate being alone, and I hate being abandoned. It happened once, and I never want it to happen ever again." 

Megumi scoffed silently. He wasn't surprised that someone abandoned Gojo before. Because Gojo was a psycho. 

"I used to have a best friend, in fact I still have a picture of us together in my room." He looked down at Megumi. "You still aren't allowed in there, but maybe one day I'll let you see it. He's dead anyways."

Gojo went on, "He was everything to me at the time. But he left. He decided his ideals were more important then me." Gojo looked up at the ceiling. "So when he left I killed him." He remarked. "And that's the end of that."

He couldn't be serious right? Megumi thought. Surely even Gojo had his limits, he wouldn't kill anyone. But he quickly realized that of course Gojo would. Gojo was capable of doing anything. And everything. 

Then Gojo bonked Megumi's nose with his finger. "And now I have you. And all I'll ever need is you. It's just you and me baby, together forever."

"Tell me you love me, Megumi." Gojo ordered.

Megumi recited his all too familiar lines once again. "I love you Gojo, I love you more than anything else. I love you more than anyone else. You're my whole world."

"Good," Gojo said, satisfied. "That Itadori kid is too much of a distraction for you. And If I kill him, it'll stay as it always has been. Just you and me. My princess Megumi."

He pressed a sweet kiss against Megumi's lips. And then they both fell asleep on the couch.

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