author's note

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Thank you for reading! This is a story I started back in January (2021) and even though I was planning on finishing it back then (I had the plot figured out and everything), I ended up going on a hiatus and forgetting about it. But some readers had requested for me to continue, so I did. 

Looking back on it I'm glad I didn't write it with the original plot, because it was a lot more convoluted than the current story. I'm glad that I was able to make revisions and make the story that it is now. 

For everyone who requested that I continue the story, and for those that stuck around, thank you. And for new readers that checked the story out recently, thank you as well.

Side note for the extra chapter: Tsumiki goes by 'Hana' because escorts don't give out their real names to their clients for their own privacy.

Once again, thank you for reading!

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