12 - finally

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"This is it." Yuuji said as he scanned the building, up and down. It was an abandoned, brick building in a rather remote location. It was at the edge of town, close to the forest clearing. And there were no other buildings around.

Yuuji gulped. He knew what he was getting himself into. One wrong move, and he would end up like his grandpa. But he wasn't going to back out. Megumi was in trouble. And he was going to rescue him. No matter what.

He entered through the front, and walked into the building slowly. He looked around, trying to be aware of his surroundings. I wonder if there are any traps here, Yuuji thought. 

Yuuji could hear his footsteps echo as he walked. He even heard the sound of his own breathing, as well as the 'drip drop' of rain drops as the remnants of yesterday's rain. It was disturbingly quiet.

The inside of the building was not much nicer than the outside. There were few doors, but mostly empty door frames. Any windows were either cracked or broken. It seemed like the building used to be nice, but any beauty in this place was long gone. It was just an empty shell of what it once was. 

Yuuji slowly kept moving forward. He was armed with a baseball bat, which he held up at his side in batter position in case things escalated quickly, and a knife which he carried in his front pants pocket. He thought about bringing a gun, but he didn't have one so these items would have to make do. 

He kept walking, carefully. The building was like a maze. He turned a few corners, not knowing where to go, but just hoping he would arrive at his destination. There was a particularly long hallway he walked through. He expected to be jumped at or shot at any minute now, but nothing appeared, much to his terror. He kept walking, expecting the worst.

And then when Yuuji turned the next corner, he saw him.

It was Megumi.

Megumi was sitting in a chair, tied up. He was wrapped with white rope. His waist and legs were tied to the chair, and his hands were bound behind him. He was wearing a gag. On top of it all, Megumi was dressed in a pink dress, with a tiara on top of his disheveled hair. Like Sleeping Beauty, Yuuji thought. He also noticed that Megumi was looking down, his eyes were closed, and he was completely silent.

Yuuji was about to run straight to Megumi to free him, but then he realized something. 

Where's Gojo? He thought.

And then he felt a presence appear behind him, aiming at him carefully. The sound of gunfire went off.

Instinctually, Yuuji dashed to the side, narrowly managing to avoid it. The knife in his pocked dropped out. He didn't avoid it completely however, as he felt pain in his right foot. The pain grew and grew and grew, as well as the blood that seeped through his shoe and pooled on the floor. He had been shot.

"Oh? Looks like I missed." Gojo said, calm and relaxed. "It's good to see you, Yuuji-kun" He greeted him casually, almost like they were old friends who had seen each other on the street.

"You!" Yuuji yelled out. He turned around, his bat was in hand, and he tried taking a swing. But before he could, Gojo kicked him in the stomach. He kicked him so hard that Yuuji flew back and hit the wall, his back making a slight crack sound on impact.

"So you came to rescue your dear Megumi-chan~ There was no doubt in my mind that you'd be here. After all, Megumi seduced you. Of course you wouldn't refuse him."

Gojo skipped over to where Yuuji was. Yuuji got up, weakly, but his vision was a bit dizzy. He could see black spots in the corners of his eyes. But he willed himself to focus.

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