3 - story time

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"And they all lived happily ever after. The end." Gojo closed the book. He pressed his lips against Megumi's temple.  

"Time to tuck you into bed." He brought the pink blanket up to Megumi's shoulders and walked over to the door to turn off the light switch. Then Gojo got in bed beside Megumi.

"That was a cute story wasn't it? The prince was able to rescue the princess and get married in the end. Sounds sort of like our story, doesn't it Megumi?"

"Mm." Megumi responded. No way in hell is that similar to my life at all, he thought to himself. 

"Hmm, do you not agree?" Gojo asked. "Well it's true that you're a princess. I guess you must be thinking that you're story is still incomplete right? That you're still sleeping, waiting for your prince to come save you and rescue you for your happily ever after?" Megumi stayed silent.

"Well if you think that, then you're wrong~" Gojo sang. "I'm your prince aren't I? I bought you and saved you from that horrible life you had back then, living with that deadbeat of yours in that rundown apartment. And now you belong to me. And we can be together forever, and live happily ever after."

Gojo turned Megumi's head towards him and kissed him deeply. Tongue against tongue. Warm and intense. Once he pulled away, Megumi was panting heavily. 

"Unless you're still thinking about running away one day." Gojo pressed his forehead against Megumi's. 

"You'll never be able to run away from me, don't you know that Megumi? And if by some miracle you do get away, I'll just kill Tsumiki." Megumi's eyes widened in horror. How-

"That's right, I know where she is. And I know what she's doing. Wouldn't you like to know? She's not in school."

Gojo leaned in close and whispered in Megumi's ear. "She's a prostitute. She's whoring herself out now." Megumi bit his lip to prevent it from quivering, trying to hold back tears.

"I guess being a slut runs in your family. You're a slut and so is your sister." Gojo laughed. Megumi was quietly whimpering, sobbing into his pillow. "You must've thought that your dad used the money he got from selling you to give your sister a better life. How naïve you are, Megumi."

Gojo wrapped his arms around Megumi. "Oh? Do you believe me that easily? I could be lying couldn't I? But you'll never know~" He hummed. 

"Just be a good boy and I won't touch your sister? Okay?" Gojo asked. 

Megumi nodded. He responded quietly. "Okay." It was barely audible above a whisper. 

Gojo snuggled against him. "I love you so much. You're so adorable, my princess." And then they fell asleep. 


Knives in the kitchen. Forks in the drawer. A clothing iron. Bleach in the laundry room. Rubbing alcohol in the bathroom. Tie a ribbon around his throat and suffocate himself.

Hell he could even walk outside the door right now, walk into the street, and get hit by a car. 

But even if he thought about doing it, he would never be able to truly do it. Because otherwise Tsumiki would get killed. The one person he cared about. The one person who carried on his memories of a happier time. 

And then not only would Megumi die, everything about him would fade from existence. And then the one thing he wanted to forget would stay in the world, carried on through Gojo. 

Megumi inhaled a sharp breath. He fell to his knees and broke down on the floor, crying his eyes out. He was trapped. There was no escape. There was no hope. He couldn't even die. The only thing left to do is continue living the life Gojo wanted him to live. 

There's nothing left for me, except to be Gojo's little princess. 

Gojo's Princess ♔ | Gofushi | ItafushiWhere stories live. Discover now