Chapter 1 - The Mission

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The Team moved to Felicity and her computers as one and seemed to know that a mission was imminent. Everyone else was surprised at what Felicity had been able to find and were curious to see what the Team was going to do with the information.

Oliver looked up and made eye contact with each member of his Team, asking each one if they were ready to get back into the fight after their few days off. They all responded with a simple look that yes, they were ready to get back to work. Oliver gave a small shake of his head.

"Would you guys like to see Team Arrow in action?" Oliver asked turning to the non Team members, knowing what the answer was going to be. As everyone responded with a yes he turned to grab his bow from the case before turning to his Team.

"Okay Team Arrow, suit up!"


Oliver and Sara moved quickly to change into their leather suits while Roy grabbed his mask, bow and quiverDiggle moved to his weapons case and gathered the ammo that he would need before going over to grab the earpieces that he and Roy would use for all their communication while they were in the field from Felicity.

In a matter of only a couple minutes Oliver and Sara were suited up and were preparing their weapons and earpieces too. As Oliver gathered his arrows and loaded his quiver he talked to Felicity about where they were headed.

"What are we looking at Felicity?" Oliver asked.

"It's an old abandoned bank, about six blocks from here. Looks like they have about twenty men all heavily armed. There is a skylight as well as two back doors. The front of the building has several large glass windows so you might not want to go in that way." Felicity said with a smile on her face and a laugh in her voice. She knew they never used the front door but couldn't keep from saying it anyway, besides it would show everyone else how the Team really works. They never take the easy way. "I'm working on getting us access to all the cameras in the area."

"Diggle, you and Roy take the back entrances. Sara, you and I will enter through the skylight." Oliver said as he strapped on his quiver. He walked over to Felicity and he placed his hand on her shoulder. "Felicity, you guide us in."

"Of course, what else would I do?" Felicity responded as she looked to Oliver with a smile on her face. "Please be careful. Come back to me." She said quietly as she laid her hand on top of the hand that he had already placed on her shoulder and she locked eyes with his.

"I'll always come back to you Felicity." Oliver replied quietly before planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Let's go stop some arms dealers." He said to the rest of the Team as he headed for the stairs.

"Oliver!" Moira called as Oliver reached the bottom of the stairs. Oliver turned to her with a look of curiosity. "Be careful. Please."

"We'll be back soon Mom." Oliver replied, not willing to commit to what she was asking. His job was dangerous and being careful wasn't always an option.

Walter, Moira, Laurel, Lance, and Thea looked after the Team as they left. They were all a bit worried for Oliver who was still healing from the injuries from Malcolm's torture of him and they didn't want him to be further injured, however they also knew that he had a job to do.

"You guys can pull up a chair and watch the Team if you want. I have visuals on the cameras in the area and audio through the earpieces that each one of them is using." Felicity said to the group as she was working away on her computers.

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