Chapter 47 - Home Improvements

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Felicity quickly made her way up the stairs and turned towards Oliver's room. As she came closer she could see that the door was slightly ajar and she paused just outside as she heard Oliver and Sara talking.

"Oliver, you really need to get some rest." Sara said with a hint of concern. "Slade really did a number on you and your body isn't going to heal if you don't get the rest you need."

"I know Sara." Oliver agreed quietly, almost too quietly for Felicity to hear. Felicity leaned in a bit closer, peeking through the slightly open door to catch sight of Oliver turning to Sara as he continued. "But I can't just let my family, my friends, my Team suffer when there is something that I can do to help."

"I agree, everyone needs to be able to talk through everything. But Oliver, how much pain are you actually in?" Sara asked, her tone of voice making it clear that Oliver had better be honest with her or he would regret it.

Oliver paused for a moment and looked away from Sara's glare, clearly trying to decide whether or not he wanted to be honest with her but Felicity knew from experience that Sara would see through any lie he came up with anyway so he was better off telling the truth right off the bat.

"A lot." Oliver whispered, apparently understanding that Sara was going to get the truth out of him regardless. "I shouldn't be moving around so much. It's pulling at the stitches and I can't get my muscles to relax regardless of how hard I try."

"How are these?" Sara asked as Felicity watched her move to check the wounds on Oliver's chest.

"They still hurt too, especially this one." Oliver said as he pointed to a wound on his torso. Felicity could only guess, based on her knowledge of his scars and the wounds that Slade recreated on Oliver, that he was pointing to where Slade had slid his blade into Oliver's chest between two of his ribs.

"Yeah, and it's going to keep hurting for a while. At least it's not infected." Sara said as she changed the rest of his bandages. "I'm assuming you still don't want any pain killers?" Sara asked and Felicity almost couldn't stop from laughing as she knew full well that Oliver would deny them. She was not disappointed.

"Just some tea." Oliver said simply, obviously referring to tea made from his Island herbs.

"I'll go get you some." Sara said as she turned to clean up the medical supplies before leaving the room. Felicity backed up out of the doorway so she couldn't be seen from inside and waited for Sara. "Hey Felicity." Sara said quietly to her once she was in the hallway.

"Hi Sara." Felicity replied quietly, the concern evident in her voice and the way that she stood, uncertain.

"Hey, are you okay?" Sara asked. She had seen the look of concern on the blonde's face and the tears welling up in her eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Oliver." Felicity stated simply, wiping away a tear that had started to run down her face.

"He's going to be fine you know." Sara tried to give her friend an encouraging smile. "And I don't mean his definition of fine either. I mean he's really going to be okay."

"I know you're right. I just can't help but worry you know. I mean I saw what happened and..." Felicity couldn't help the sob that escaped just as Sara interrupted her.

"Felicity, I know that having to watch that was not easy. After all I was there too. But Oliver is strong, his body is strong, and he is a fighter. He will get through this because he has something to fight forsomeone to fight for." Sara reached out and pulled Felicity into a tight hug. She knew that her friend had had to see a lot the last few days and that she would have to work through her thoughts and feelings on the matter. However she knew that for right this moment it was more important for her to have something to do. "Look, Oliver's having a hard time relaxing so his body can rest. Do you think you can help him out with that?"

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