Chapter 50 - Closure

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Moira woke again at about five in the morning. She had been unable to sleep well due to the fact that she knew her son was seriously injured and her imagination was giving her images of what his injuries could look like. She had seen his scars, thought she knew what the new cuts would look like in five years after he had completely healed. However, she was not sure of exactly how his back looked, just how bad it was, or how much pain Oliver was really in. She knew what he had looked like after Malcolm had whipped him just a few times, her heart sank at the thought of how much worse it was after Slade and she didn't even know how many times he had been whipped this time, just what Walter had said about it being pretty gruesome. Oliver had downplayed the pain in order to not worry his friends and family, however, she knew that they had to stop with the secrets between them if they were to rebuild their relationship. At this realization Moira rose and dressed for the day, before then heading out to check on everyone who was staying at the mansion, and to find out for herself just how bad Oliver's injuries really were.

As Moira walked down the hallway she noted that Diggle and Sara were both standing outside Oliver's room. They look like they are standing guard. She thought as she recognized Diggle's stance as one he often took when out with the family. I'm glad they are able to watch out for him, but what could he need protecting from here?

"Good morning Mrs. Queen." Sara said as she saw Oliver's mom walking towards them. She had just been telling Diggle how the evening had gone, including Felicity's nightmare and Oliver's comforting of her, when Moira rounded the corner. "Is everything okay?" She asked, noting the look of slight confusion on Moira's face.

"I believe so." Moira said as she came to stand near the other two. "Why are you standing guard? Is the mansion not protected well enough?" She finally asked.

"The mansion is perfectly safe." Diggle explained with an encouraging smile. "We just know that Oliver rarely gets the rest that he needs and so we are making sure Felicity and he are not disturbed as long as they are resting."

Moira nodded her head in understanding. She had seen firsthand how tired Oliver could get, as well as how stubborn he could be in getting the needed rest. She knew that if his injuries were half as bad as Walter said then he would need all the rest he could get. She found she was suddenly extremely thankful for the Team that constantly looked out for Oliver.

It was as Diggle finished his explanation for his and Sara's presence outside Oliver's door that he saw Roy ascending the stairs with a bag that could only be the medical supplies that they had been waiting for. It's about time. I didn't even have enough left to re-bandage his back.

"Thought you would want this stuff ASAP so I went and picked it up." Roy offered in explanation as he handed the bag of medical supplies to Diggle. "Thankfully it was all there and waiting. I'll go back later and organize the rest of the supplies."

"Thanks Roy." Diggle thanked his younger Teammate with complete sincerity as he took the bag from the younger man. Diggle took a few short moments to decide whether or not he was going to knock on Oliver's door to see if he was awake, however, before he came to a decision the door opened and Felicity emerged. She still looked tired and as though she hadn't rested well, however, she did not look as tired as she had the night before and Diggle, Sara, and Roy were all thankful that she had been able to get a little bit of sleep.

"Good morning everyone." Felicity said a bit startled. She had expected to see either Diggle or Sara, or maybe even both, outside Oliver's door, but she had not expected to see Moira or Roy as well at this early hour. As she offered them all a small smile she noticed the bag of supplies in Diggle's hands and smiled knowing the bag must contain the medical supplies that she had rush ordered. "You can go in John. He's awake." She told her Teammate, knowing he needed to check on Oliver.

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