Chapter 2 - The Hacker

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Felicity heard the multiple gasps behind her as everyone heard Oliver's words through the comms.

"Oliver, whatever you do don't you dare break that glass until I have had time to hack the security system. Do you hear me?" Felicity told him over her earpiece. As soon as she heard the word lasers she started typing furiously on her computers.

"Felicity!" Oliver said, the demand in his voice evident to everyone. Moira was surprised at everything that she could hear Oliver say in that one name.

"Oliver, just shut up and give me a few minutes. I'm hacking the security system now to see if I can turn off the lasers so just let me work!" Felicity replied, getting a bit irritated. They knew better than to bother her when she was trying to hack a system.

Thea watched as Felicity brought up several different windows on her multiple monitors, typing away furiously on her keyboard.

"What are you doing Felicity?" Thea asked, genuinely curious about what Felicity could do here on her computers that Oliver couldn't do there where he was.

"I'm giving myself access to their security system so that I can disable the lasers that trigger the explosives on the roof of the bank." Felicity said calmly as she continued to type away. "If I can just get past this… Wait! What are you doing?"

Thea watched in awe as Felicity began typing even faster at her computers. She didn't know that it was physically possible for hands to move that quickly.

"Felicity, what's going on?" Oliver asked again, he was clearly getting impatient. He never was the most patient person. Moira thought as she recognized the tone of Oliver's voice.

"Just a little hitch. Someone is trying to keep me out. Don't worry, it's not going to work, I just have to find a way around him." Felicity said quickly as she continued to work away. "Oh, he's good."


Lance laughed as he heard Oliver's impatient tone yet again. He thought that it was funny that the Arrow was so incredibly impatient.

"Oliver!" Felicity replied, clearly getting irritated that he continued to bother her. Moira thought it interesting that they seemed to have very intense conversations simply by saying each other's names. 

"Oliver, man, let her do her work." Diggle said to his partner. He knew that if Oliver didn't leave her alone soon then they weren't going to get into this bank any time tonight.

"Is he always this impatient?" Laurel asked, getting a kick out of Oliver and Felicity arguing where everyone could hear them. Maybe they don't get along as well as everyone thinks that they do. Maybe I do still have a chance with Ollie.

"I'm almost there. This guy is good, but not as good as me." Felicity said as she continued to type at furiously. "He keeps trying to kick me out of the system, but it's not going to work. By the way, I'm making it look like some kid out of China is just being nosey so that they don't actually know you're there."

Lance couldn't help but laugh at that comment. He had been informed about the many times the Police computers had been hacked. He had even questioned Felicity on her hacking abilities. She really didn't like that word though he remembered. She viewed it as simply borrowing information. Lance couldn't help but be impressed by her abilities though now that he was seeing it firsthand. If this is how she keeps Sara and the Team safe then I won't ever say another word about it!

"Yes!" Felicity exclaimed excitedly as she pumped her fist in the air. Everyone in the lair jumped as they were not expecting her to do that as they heard Diggle give a small chuckle over the speaker.

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