Chapter 32 - Showdown

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The Team was on edge the entire five minutes it took to get to where they suspected Oliver, Sara, and Felicity were being held. It was only two blocks from the Foundry, two blocks! They should have been able to find them a long time ago, especially with them being so close. Diggle was beating himself up over the fact that they had been that close and he had not found them before now. could have prevented a lot of this from happening, if I had just had the intel. 

"It's not your fault Mr. Diggle." Lance said from the seat beside him in the car. "They were too good at covering their tracks. Not even Felicity could find them."

"I could have stopped this sooner, helped them, rescued them." Diggle said heatedly. "Instead we sat on our hands in the Lair and just watched as Slade tortured our Team."

"True, but there really was nothing more we could have done." Roy agreed with both men over the comms from his bike. "Even if we had gone out and searched every building I bet we wouldn't have found anything if Slade had not wanted us to."

"We have arrived." Nyssa said over her comms as she dismounted her bike in front of a large warehouse. She and Roy had grabbed two of the extra bikes that the Team had, knowing that car space would be limited once they rescued the rest of the Team. Before any of them had a chance to do much more than grab their gear and take a step the front door to the warehouse opened and three men came out.

"I guess we've lost the element of surprise." Lance said as he drew his gun.

"Everyone stay alert." Diggle ordered. "We don't know what we are walking in to."

"At least we know we have the right place." Roy stated, knowing that an empty warehouse wouldn't be guarded by men this big. He smiled as he nocked an arrow. "I recognize Dummy on the right. He's one of the ones that tried to kidnap me before Slade stepped in. He's mine!" He said with a growl as he loosed the arrow, hitting the man in the thigh and causing him to scream.

Immediately the two groups advanced towards each other. There was the sound of a battle, however brief, as the Team quickly defeated the men that had come out to meet them.

"Trying to escape are we?" Slade asked with a smirk as he stared at Sara who was standing in the middle of the room. He saw Oliver behind her and almost laughed at the look of fury on the kid's face, knowing that there was nothing Oliver could do right now. He knew that even if Oliver had been freed already there was no way he could do anything as he was obviously too weak to even hold himself upright right now, the chains were doing that for him. It took only a second more for him to realize that Felicity was still not in the room. "Where is your precious Felicity?" Slade growled at Oliver, ignoring the Assassin in front of him for the moment.

Oliver chose to ignore the question from Slade. It was obvious that Felicity was not in the room and he was not going to waste precious energy telling the man something he already knew. He noticed Sara take half a step towards Slade and hoped that she knew what she was doing - that she wouldn't get hurt too badly.

Sara knew that Slade was simply asking rhetorical questions, probably trying to kill time and distract them until he attacked. She hoped that Felicity had been successful in getting the cure and would be brave enough to bring it back to them. She took half a step towards Slade, trying to make sure he didn't get any closer to Oliver as she knew he would probably hurt him again.

Felicity listened to the commotion down the hall carefully. She had hoped that her message had gotten through and was now relieved as it seemed that it had. She thought she could hear Roy's voice carrying down the hall and she hoped they would be able to make their way to them, and fast. She looked down at the syringes in her hands and took a deep breath, knowing what it was that she had to do. She stood there for a few more moments, gathering her courage.

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