Chapter 15 - Gone

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"What's wrong Oliver?" Felicity asked as she stood from her chair to put a comforting hand on his arm. She could tell that something bad had just happened by the look of anger and worry on his face.

"Roy's gone." Oliver responded as he turned to Felicity. He saw his own concern mirrored in her eyes. "I'm going to go over to the mansion and find out what happened." He said before turning to grab his gear.

"I'm coming with you." Diggle said as he grabbed his coat as well. "I need to see where the security breach came from."

"I'm going to go find Laurel." Sara said as she grabbedher bo staff. "It's not safe for her to be out there alone right now."

"While you guys are gone I'm going to keep trying to trace this signal and see if I can't get a location." Felicity said as she sat back down to start work on her computers again, trying not to be distracted by the video feed of Lance hanging unconscious. "Please stay on the comms and keep me updated!"

"Of course Felicity." Oliver said as he laid a hand on her shoulder before turning to leave the lair. He sped towards the mansion on his Ducati, thinking about everything that had happened recently. He was worried that Slade was going to go after his family soon and that thought scared him more than anything ever had. He had spent the last couple of years doing everything that he could to keep his family, and his city, safe and he felt as though he was utterly failing at that right now.

Felicity sat in the lair working at her computers as she brought up the GPS signals for the Team. She tried to locate Roy's but it seemed as though his had either been destroyed, or they were being blocked by something. She then went to work on trying to figure out anything that would help them locate Detective Lance and bring him home again before he was hurt even more.

As soon as Thea got off the phone with Oliver she went back to pacing around the living room in the mansion. Her Mom and Walter were discussing who knew what with the security team. Sounds like someone is in some serious trouble. She thought as she heard the tone of voice her Mom was using. She was trying really hard, and failing miserably, to not worry about Roy. However, he had never just disappeared and ignored her when she tried to reach him. He was always available to her and the fact that she couldn't reach him at all had her extremely worried. Her heart skipped a beat as her phone vibrated in her hand to signal a text and she noticed it was from Roy.

Hey babe, had to run an errand. At my place. Meet me here? - Roy

"What is he doing out there?" She thought out loud as she quickly made her way to the garage to head out to Roy's house. She decided on her way out there that they could go by Verdant when they were done with whatever it was Roy was up to and see how Oliver and the Team were doing. As she pulled up outside Roy's house she was relieved at the fact that he was apparently safe. I'm going to kick his ass for not telling me he left though! She thought as she let herself in the front door.

Thea fully expected to see someone in the house when she went in. She just didn't expect it to be Slade.

Oliver skidded to a stop in front of the mansion. He quickly climbed off his bike and walked inside looking for his family.

Oliver walked quickly through the foyer as he looked for his family. He went into the living room where his Mom and Walter were yelling at the Security detail.

"Finally." Moira stated as she saw Oliver walk in the room in his full Arrow gear followed closely by Diggle. She had to remind herself not to call Oliver by name while anyone else was in earshot. 

"Are you guys okay?" Oliver asked, the concern clear in his voice.

"We are fine." Walter replied quickly as Moira dismissed the security detail. "However, young Mr. Harper is still missing."

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