Chapter 38 - Team Arrow

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Moira couldn't help but laugh as she left the kids to their movie. Well, they weren't really kids, but right now they were sure all acting like little kids. She went to the kitchen to speak to Raisa, before joining Walter and Detective Lance in the parlor. They could, however, still see and hear the activity in the den.

"That is not how you do that!" They all heard Oliver exclaim at something that had happened in the movie.

"It's just a movie Ollie." Laurel said, laughing at him. "It doesn't have to be perfect."

"It could at least be accurate though." Sara said in response. "The way those assassins just did that is totally unrealistic."

Moira laughed as she joined Walter on the couch. "They will never grow up will they?" She said to no one in particular.

"I'm afraid not." Walter said as he joined her in laughter. "At least they are all safe now." He said after a moment, becoming serious again. "I still can't believe everything that they've been through in the last several weeks." He said as he watched the group in the other room. "Especially Oliver."

"He has quite the Team too." Lance commented, having noticed the bond between them. "Oliver, Felicity, Sara, Mr. Diggle, and Roy are quite a force to be reckoned with. I've never seen a Team as close as they are." 

"Is it something born of shared experience?" Moira asked, knowing that the Team had spent a lot of time working together. 

"I'm not sure." Lance answered honestly. "I know that they have worked through a lot since they have become a Team, but I've never seen a Team bond like they have, not even in military units that have worked together for years. Oliver's Team can finish each other's sentences, have whole conversations without saying a word, they anticipate each other's moves, and know each other's strengths and weaknesses. Honestly they act more like a family than anything."

"They are the walking definition of teamwork aren't they?" Walter asked no one in particular.

"Well, they have spent over a year perfecting the art." Moira said with a smile.

"They each play a part within the Team too." Lance stated. At the questioning looks from Walter and Moira he went on to elaborate. "Okay, so for example, Oliver. He is the natural leader of the Team. The whole thing started with him when he got back from that island. He is the archer of the Team and is the one that everyone looks to for direction."

"I noticed that when Malcolm held us. They all look to him for direction, especially in challenging situations." Walter commented, remembering how they had all looked to and followed Oliver without question.

"Then there's Felicity, the IT expert and resident genius." Lance continued to explain, knowing that Walter and Moira may not know exactly what each Team member was capable of. "She can hack into any database on the face of the planet, and in record time too. She rarely goes out in the field, but yet is not afraid to do so if the situation demands it. She is brave beyond what you would imagine. She even took a bullet for Sara not long ago. She is the only person that will constantly stand up to Oliver, and she'll win. However, you apparently don't ever get between the two of them, that seems to end up badly. Her opinion is most valued on the Team and she is the glue that holds them together. I think if it wasn't for Felicity then they would all try to kill each other... frequently."

Moira and Walter laughed at the last comment from Lance as they could both see that happening.

"What about Mr. Diggle?" Moira asked after a moment. "I know he is ex Special Forces and was in Kandahar for a while but how exactly does he fit into the Team?" She was curious as to how the man that she had hired as Oliver's bodyguardended up as part of Oliver's Team.

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