Chapter 7 - Dreams

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Felicity's POV

When Felicity woke her head was throbbing, she was a bit cold and her arms were sore. She tried to think back, to remember what had happened. Diggle dropped me off at my house, I went inside, I set down my tablet and purse on the table then went to get Mint Chip. Suddenly she remembered!

"Slade." Felicity said quietly as she lifted her head and slowly opened her eyes. She carefully looked around her to see if she could figure out where she was. There were no windows in this room, she was sitting in a chair with her hands tied behind her back, it was damp and cold in here and from what she could tell there was only one door to the room. This reminds me an awful lot of Malcolm's cell block.

Felicity sat there for an unknown amount of time trying to not let her fear get the best of her. There was nothing to give her any indication oh how much time was passing and she was about to go crazy with the wait. The only things that changed at all were the lights, and they were just flickering a bit once in a while. She did know that she was being watched however as she saw the telltale little red light in the two corners of the room that she could see. Slade must be watching me. She thought sadly.

As she sat there in solitude Felicity could not help but wonder if the boys had even noticed that she was missing yet. She knew that Diggle was parked outside her apartment building, she knew that he wouldn't have left no matter what she'd said, but there was a good possibility that she had been taken out the back door. Diggle can't watch all sides of the building at the same time after all. Then her thoughts turned to Oliver. She knew he was probably back at the lair still working out. If he doesn't stop for some rest soon he's going to pass out from exhaustion. She was worried about what would happen when Oliver found out, how he would react. She knew if it was the other way around she would be worried sick about him. She simply hoped that he would be able to keep his anger under control when Oliver did find out that she was missing.

Slade's POV

Slade smiled to himself as he sat and watched Felicity as she woke up and looked around her. She really is rather beautiful. I'm still not sure what the Kid sees in her though. He had been watching Oliver for a while and had just recently come to realize that Felicity was the key to Oliver and his Team. He was pretty sure that they would do anything to bring their blonde IT girl back safely. I'm counting on it.

Slade stood and slowly made his way down the hall, it was time to talk to the blonde. As he approached the door he stopped for a moment to see if there were any sounds coming from inside the room where he was holding her. When he heard nothing he slowly opened the door and walked inside.

Mixed POV's

Felicity turned her gaze to the door when she heard heavy footsteps in the hall. She knew it was probably Slade and tried not to jump when the door swung open. She saw Slade's silhouette in the door. He's bigger than I imagined him Felicity thought. As he slowly made his way into the room she took in everything that made up Slade Wilson. He was tall and muscular with black hair. She saw the two swords that were strapped to his back and was worried that he would use them on her. Lastly she looked to his face and wondered what would have happened to cause him to have to wear the eye patch.

"Hello Felicity." Slade said as he walked towards where he had Felicity tied to the chair near the center of the room. "It's nice to see you awake. Did you enjoy you little nap? Did you dream of your precious Oliver?" He said, taunting her.

"Nap? You call that a nap? So you hacked into my computer system, broke into my apartment, made me spill a perfectly good gallon of Mint Chip on the floor, drugged me, and then brought me to some secret hole in the ground and you want to know how my nap was?" Felicity said in one full breath. She knew she would have to watch it as her brain to mouth filter didn't work very often, but just this once she didn't mind letting him have a piece of her mind. "What do you want, you maniac?" 

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